Rough Draft
By Vareth
- 451 reads
“Do not take roads traveled by the public,” the man said out loud.
The range of his voice was calculated not to go any further to those he did not wish to hear. It was the first time I had seen him, but not the first time I had heard him.
Although within the last few years here, I can only count on one hand the times he had miscalculated the magnitude of his words.
His intellect shined a forbidden color, respected and brilliant was this natural magnet which could be observed in his presence. Ten of us stood quietly and patiently around him but the sum of his draw was never allowed more.
Pythagoras of Samos, Artist of Harmony and declared Liberator of Interconnected Relations of whom all understands in its entirety.
In secret the devoted would meet designated at several different locations but it was not every single day that all would commune. Strict were his rules, but the founder always gets to dictate his own expressions.
Ancient Greece was magnificent and highly sophisticated way before its time. A Golden Age vibrated the very ground where I now stood. Luckily, I was accepted as an initiate on my very first try. I had managed to gain residency at a place full of knowledge in which I did seek.
Isolation made study and comprehension much more efficient. Several more years passed by since him and I first met by a Divine fountain that was placed in the center of the courtyard. This fountain was sculpted with pride and still appeared untouched just as the first day I saw it years long ago.
Upon a beautiful and Heavenly landscape I listened from afar. Brought recently into the inner circle and was given opportunity to meet this wise man face to face.
Sadly, it was on one confrontational evening I was about to make the biggest mistake of my life.
Envious or not fully disciplined even after so much time, I would now regret what was about to happen next. Guilt of an uncontrolled outburst from my own voice would soon be recognized by all as an unforgivable act.
While Pythagoras was in mid speech I felt a parasite ascending up my spine. From the back of my throat to the tip of my tongue it was then expelled.
Universal knowledge led to power. Power manifested into control. Arrogance had now dragged me onto the Fool’s path which I had been previously taught to defend from. Evident it was that an evil now controlled me.
My voice was sharp and meant to be dangerous. Pythagoras felt the blow and not only I but the other nine witnessed him stagger.
“Forgotten Son of Apollo you do not own of what is mine!” Three finger were then raised up at him after my unexpected shout.
“Not all of your ways equal what I now know! Retrieved are the numbers from the greatest depths. Calculations you were to afraid to make. Knowledge you fearfully preached as immoral now found effortlessly without your consent,” shock and disgust rolled like a wave upon all of the others as I continued speaking.
The Divine fountain suddenly paused and the flow of water momentarily ceased. The blissful sound of moving water became replaced by large amounts of blood.
The interior became a chalice of death and would soon spill out. Pressure would build and the thickness made it clear that the drain would be useless until an artery could be severed.
“Banished in stone I foresee you, frozen solid your tears hardened as rock suffocating your eyes that will never be allowed to close!”
“Opposing pairs centered in point at which you yourself has described. Generations visiting you but they will laugh and mock you never hearing your millennium cries. An angled triad you stole, these inside corners will now become your tomb!”
“Ripped away your flesh and hammered a suit of stone, paralyzed your rocky skin will be mended to your exposed bone by your own running blood!”
I experienced a feeling of dread much like the others after my last words. They watched me as if my next move was to brandish a blade. Glancing up I saw the night sky, numerous stars were blinking in code a language I had not yet learned.
The Heavens were wishing me away. What have I done? I exhaled and took a step back shaking my head side to side. The fountain was now full and red but at least it had stopped tainting this very special place.
I immediately silenced myself by literally biting my own tongue. Words may have continued if I had not. Disgusted in myself I would now not be surprised if I had choked to death on my own blood. My own fountain of blood, self inflicted from the wound on my tongue.
I became dizzy and the World became tired. Nine doubled and my vision could now see eighteen. Putting my hand to my lips I needed to see if this was real. Disrupted were my thoughts of hoping this was a dream by the counterattack which would forever change my life.
Unused power apparently stored up to be used against me. I deserved no less. In a blur I saw the start of a motion of one of his hands, then his other arm raised up.
Pythagoras had the know how in what I was about to feel. Trained in other lands he would make me pay, an even trade. His fingers began to curl and my skin could sense the energy building up.
Incomprehensible was his response as each word he screamed in unison with the symbols he had cast felt like daggers piercing my chest and arms.
The nine nor I could understand anything he had just said back to me. Although in pain, I was still standing. Destruction was not in his nature. However, my fate had now been sealed nonetheless, punishment of my disrespect and opposite stature against this place of learning and Wisdom.
I was very cold in heart and knew what the next order of events would bring. I continued to breath heavily, stress and shame playing a factor and adding to my pain. Exiled, I left the School all alone.
Future Centurial condemnation was my curse from the man who so highly spoke of souls. Thus far I came to realize that in my false step away from the Light I had become a failure and could never obtain purification.
Wisdom takes time. Wandering alone for ages in each form after death that I took it was now time to make things right. The cleansing must be reached for I have endured too many deaths each uniquely branding a permanent scar upon my soul.
Today I had finally committed and took an oath to my old Teacher and once friend Pythagoras after my last sip of coffee this morning in the twenty-first century. My convictions needed repair, after all I have seen much since Ancient Times.
A new belief was brought to my attention, inherited as I walk the Earth in my current form at this present day and time. The curse bestowed upon me was not set in stone for eternity. Just as Pythagoras would not be left as a statue the same.
A smile came to my face when I had realized that. He had finally obtained the purification and before his exit, away from the physical plane he selflessly cleansed the black veil around my Spirit. It was now my time living in the last days of my life to reward his compassion and finish his work.
“With me now Pythagoras I bear the scrolls of your Rough Draft. Duplicated in each life I have lived since my title as Initiate, now written dozens of times from start to finish. Every letter printed makes a different chime as cheerful as the Universe stings each cord.”
“Memory of repetition is involuntary and the ink can finally now become permanent. Remorse for my selfish display of power, kindness and love to not only you - but all. Starting today in your honor I will now prepare to scribe your Final Draft.”
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Otherworldly and a sense of
Otherworldly and a sense of the epic.
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