
By pkroutray
- 791 reads
P K Routray
Well forecasted was the cyclone
but ill crafted was our preparation
to stand the Fani’s massacre and murder
at the capital and smart city Bhubaneswar.
The fury of nineteen ninety-nine super cyclone,
then Hood Hood, Phailini, its citizens had borne
Too complacent were they to judge its magnitude
“Yes they would sail through” was their attitude,
Or the cyclone would weaken or change its rout
on the accuracy of meteorological say they had doubt.
But Fani’s eye fell right on our city with all its ferocity
uprooting trees, electric poles towers in plenty.
With no power, no water no communication
hell was the life accustomed to the modern contraption
The status quo for a week made the life miserable
hot humid weather making the living woeful.
Under the physical torture, the prayers were forgotten
with pangs and pains, we found Hell’s real definition.
Our heaven had collapsed in the teeth of Fani the monster
perhaps to teach us to shun our greed from growing fatter.
training us to live with scanty power and water
Can we, with the change of earth’s meteorological parameter?
The science has advanced so also the modernization
tampering the creators' symphony cause thus destruction.
An aftermath reflection on Fani’s furry
pardoned our lapses in preparation in hurry
No preparation excepting abandoning city for a fortnight
could have avoided us from the hellish plight.
Hey Fani, Hoodhod phailin why do you come?
is it to prove man lacks and needs real wisdom.
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I heard about Fani on the
I heard about Fani on the news, but your poem is a voice from someone who survived it. This is a great poem, I hope very much things are better for you soon?
Thankyou for sharing this powerful writing
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