A GJ call
By pkroutray
- 329 reads
A GJ Call
(1970 Rengcolian batch)
P K Routray
An Exploratory Presentation
Our batch at final exit
in Nineteen seventy
from our Alma-mater
let us ponder
our past present and future
for our old age nusing at leisure.
Civil 18
Mechanical 77
Electrical 52
Metallurgy 34
Chemical 30
Total of 211
As in Memento our batch souvenier
illustrated are these thought-provoking figures.
We were two hundred fifty when we joined together
but some parted us, some joined us in subsequent years
Some dear friends love to be always with us
even though they left our batch on reasons various
and not appear in our memento list
but still, they belong to 70 batch. We are proud of it
of their love friendship since 1965
not battered by this long fifty years strife.
Our classmates
with their fates
trode on the path of own
while half a century has flown
their stories have changed their complexion
and the bunch I have thus broken
with pardon for the fun
libery taken of haydays gone
At Heavenly station
At Places not known
At net communication
At beckon of own companion
with blue moon participation
With Rengcol Days ‘jubilation,
At Heavenly station
Untimely to the truth ultimate
departed thirty-four of our dear classmates
Grieve we for them cherishing their company
eavh one of them in our heydays a kingpin.
On each endless elegies, our hearts sing
on their endearing deeds that memoirs can bring
He is the puppeteer we are the mere puppet
with sighs of sorrows, we have to accept.
but pray we for their happiness and peace
his live and care on them should not cease.
Anil kumar Anindya gupta
Bibhuti Patel Bidus tripathy
Bipulkanti nath Brijesh Kapoor
Rammohan sai Gokul nanda
Jitendra sasamal Kintala mohan rao
Mahendra Patnaik Padmanav Mishra
Pradeep madan Ramakrishna bisoyi
Ramwsh ambwani R k prabhakar
Sanjay Mishra Sashi rath
Shankar Baral Srinivas samant
Subas mishra Surendra sharma
Vinay kumar ajmera Rabi jena
Pradipta senapati Manmohan sahuu
Kedar nayak Dilip Purkayasta
Arun Das Sudhir Vasudeva.
Amal Saha Janmejoy patra
Satya Sinha Mohan devram.
At Places not known
We miss you all since all these years
come and join us springing our joyous tears.
Our hearts mourn to meet you all.
at least from you to get a communicating call.
Friends let us put our best effort to find our missing mates
they may be missing us, being together our G J will be great.
Dibakar sundhi Hhimansu sarkar
Madan dwivedi Lpkendra s=ingh
Subadh janah A padmanabh
Arun basu Bbanarsi singh
Bhulpk mohanty vikranadity sharma
Harinarayan Haridas
Kamala Biswas Kuldip sing
Muralli Manohar sing Prabir ray
R k raju sharade avasty
Surendra sharma Susi; baijal
A l Narayan Chinta veeraiah
R k kempalla P H Goswain
R B Mazumdar Ramesh SAmbawani
A k subramanium Barun mandal
Dibendu basu John k
K p bhagat Moranjan kumar
Pradip mukhopadhya Raghbendra hazra
C Rajsekhar shiva Chakravarty
Biswajit mitra Dipak karmakar
Geroge Thomas G h subramanium
kashinath ghosh keshava paravadia
pi George Rajendra roongta
Sarat mitra Binaya ajmer
utpal banarjee.
At net communication
Thank you, friends, for your live discussion
and forwardings of the wonderful presentation
to bring down our age and temper
as if chitchatting as teenagers
and forget we our monotony and grief
forget we that our stay on the earth is brief.
Appeal I for your physical participation
to share your warmth once so well-known.
Prafulla pani jnana Mishra
amotav Choudhury m N murthy
sistala eama rao Vadada Patnaik
Shanti chaterjee nirmal mohapatra
srivastab vasistha
Vijay meheta Ratin dey
sarat mitra ghosh bajra prasanna Pradhan
suresh mohapatra bijay mohapatra
At beckon of own companion
Shying Mates
Remember your days at college
roommates, labmates and all mates in the voyage
calling each other
from grandfather to consort’s younger brother
sharing nickers to vest
together in the same quest.
Join to anew the journey onward
a few days ahead to go forward
not in psycho disorder
but with joy and pleasure.
we welcome you with an open heart
join us casting aside the filth and dirt..
Manmohan nanda Pradipta Mishra
Sureswar Mishra Biswamnar das
Ramachandran Jagdish Patnaik
Ananda borgohain subrata kar
arun Acharya mayadhar pradhan
gopal Acharya sidhu goswamy
subash rout ghasyram rana
soubhagya nath prasanna Pradhan
Ranjan das Dilllp Ghosh.
Pyari Patra
with blue moon participation
Some friends promise, some come and vanish
their wholehearted presence we cherish.
Some with no time, nor interest
to see WhatsApp and internet
but are warm over phone
reverating their Rec tone
and parting many a communication
on occasional market place union
Rabi Patnaik Prafula pani
Pramod Raj Gopal patnaik.
Srivastvsta dwibedy, Miln palit.
With Rengcol Days ‘jubilation,
present burdens they forget
the past bondage of teenager days
in them often blaze.
Marshaled by Brhma, Lala, Kali, and his team
propelled by sour sixty turned sweet sixteen spouses’ scheme
often dine dance chat and jump in joy
the thoughts of impending blows are kept at bay
get rejuvenated
after all they are RENGCOLIAN branded.
Appealing conclusion
Lord we pray together fir each other
from heave or from mortal sphere
to repeat our bondage of our Alma-mater
along with fun friendship to last forever.
Pray all to join hands for GJ celebration
to make it in life a cherished occasion
(We 250 students joined REC Rourkela India in 1965 and passed in 1970 in different branches of Engineering. In 2020 we will celebrate the Golden Jubilee GJ. The names of many classmates have been mentioned out of love and affection. Beg apology for such a poem.)
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