The Girl From High Society
By mcscraic
- 302 reads
The Girl From High Society – By Paul McCann
Christine was born rich and lived a very comfortable life . Anything she wanted she could have, but there was still something missing from her life . She had needs that could not satisfied.
Once a week she made an escape from the high society lifestyle and assumed another identity that no one knew .Early every Tuesday morning Christine would dress up in servants clothes and make her way to the back gate of her mansion home to the streets of the big city .This escape with her secret identity fulfilled one of the needs she had , to live as one of the people .She called herself Molly and off she went looking for adventure .
In the big City nothing ever changes on the sidewalks with strange faces and their busy lifestyles . Somehow Molly felt free there.She was unknown and fitted well to the street life where there was no attachments to anything or anyone .
She sold flowers from her basket to passer’s by . It gave her an opportunity to look at life from a different perspective .Standing there with her roses, looking at the faces of those who passed by . Some stopped and spoke to her , some smiled .
Something was about to happen in her life unexpectedly . She would fall in love as people do . Fate had arrived like an invited guest upon the streets of the city . It was Valentines Day and Molly had sold three times the amount of roses , which on this occasion were expensive long stemmed roses .
After they were all gone she was getting ready to return to the palace with the money she had made .She was so happy about the day .
All the people she met that had bought roses for that someone special in their lives . She wished that maybe someday she would find that someone special to share her life with .
It was at that point when a young man approached with a guitar .He opened his guitar and produced a rose and gave it to her . Then he took his guitar and sang her a song .
“She stands on the corner and wishes you well , she’s got a basket of roses to sell, and when they’re all gone , I’ll say thank God she came and I’ll wait for her to come here again”.
Molly laughed and applauded and he stoPped singing and said ,
“Just a little song I wrote to compliment what a beautiful person you are .
I have never seen such beauty before . Until we meet again
.The young man left and Molly had been captured by the things he did .
No one had ever sung to her or told her things like that before . Part of her really needed to hear that .That following Tuesday once again the young man arrived with a guitar over his shoulder . He was riding a skateboard , clinching and clenching a rose in his teeth for her he dropped it at her feet.
Then he sang her another song .
“Hello beautiful lady with the fragrance of roses you bring , you make the world a better place by being here when I sing , Hello beautiful lady , thank you for everything .”
She looked into the young man’s eyes and saw something real that convinced her that he meant what he said .Each Tuesday Mick would always arrive with that single rose and another song . One Tuesday as Molly stood there selling roses a man grabbed her bag with the money and ran away . Molly screamed for help as the thief ran off . From out of nowhere Mick appeared and stopped the thief with a flying tackle around his ankles . A fight ensued and Mick got the better of the him .
A police car that was passing by stopped and some eye witnesses there gave an account of what had happened . After the thief was arrested and taken away by the police Molly went to say thank you to the young man .
She smiled and said
“What is your name?
“ Hello , my name is Mick and I believe this is yours .“
He took from his pocked a crumpled up red rose .They both started to laugh .
They had met and not for the first time , but this time was different as they had had fallen in love .
After that day they began to see each other as often as they could , on the outskirts of the city where Mick had a small apartment .
He had no idea of her true identity . The two of them were happy together and the love they had was unique . There were no demands or expectations and they were happy in each other’s arms .
She was of royal blood and he was a common man who had been abandoned by his parents and lived alone most of his life .
This most unexpected couple to ever have met , somehow found each other .
Mick never expected any favours from anyone and asked for no ones help which gave him the edge over others in all he did .
Molly and Mick expressed their emotions anywhere and anyhow they could .
She was so happy and confident about Mick that she decided to reveal her real identity . One Tuesday when he arrived with another song and a rose for her she said .
“ Mick , my name is actually Christine and I have something that I need to be honest about .“
Mick looked worried ,
“ Should I ring for an ambulance before I collapse ?”
A few moments later , she told him who she really was and stood there by his side waiting for a response .
Mick said ,
“Ok so when can I meet your Mum and Dad .“
That was exactly the response she needed to hear because she knew that nothing had changed between them and they could continue to be who they where . She held his hand and said ,
“I’m going home now to speak with my parents and around six o’clock I will send a driver to pick you up and bring you to the palace to meet my parents” .
Mick was cool about that and arrived that evening for dinner in a
Tuxedo he had hired for the occasion .
That evening as they sat in the main dining room of the palace ,
Dinner was presented on a very large table by many servants .
After the servants left , before everyone started to eat , Christine cleared her throat and said .
“Mum and Dad this is Mick .“
The Queen replied
“So Mick, is that short for Michael ?”
Christine replied ,
“Before you say anything else , let me finish . If you don’t give us your blessing we will run away . We will get married and we will live in another country . We love each other and are going to spend all our lives together one way or another .“
The Queen burst out laughing and continued uncontrollably almost loosing her breath .
Christine exclaimed
“ What is so funny about that Mother ?”
The Queen regained her composure and said .
“ Well darling , its just that your Father is also from a similar background . He was a working man when I first met him . He turned his hand to being a silversmith but that was many years ago .:
Mick burst out laughing and everyone followed, They all talked for hours and drank wine until the small hours of the morning . Mick was offered a room in the palace to stay overnight .
After the engagement was made public the young couple started to make appearances in many different places around the world . They had a wonderful way of winning over the people by handing out red roses everywhere they went .
They were married and lived happily ever after .
The End
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