By Lore
- 170 reads
Pain. Everything and everyone hurt. Regardless, Lore felt better than they had since their journey began. Char had guided Lore to one side and was looking at their shoulder.
“How are you smiling? Are you sure you’re ok?” She scanned Lore’s other wounds.
“Fine. I mean it hurt like hell at the time but it’s much better now.” They smiled suggestively and gave Char a cheeky wink.
“Well…” She was taken aback by Lore’s lack of response to the two centimetre hole in their shoulder. “I think I can see bone.”
“Oh you can.” Destiny’s voice had been a surprise to them both.
“Where’s Destiny?” Char asked, swivelling her head in all directions.
“Here.” Lore tapped their Breacher. “I downloaded her before her body lost power completely. Can’t have our navigators program degrading can we?” A holographic representation of Destiny appeared beside them.
“We’ve got the supplies on the ship. I’ll bring me over.” As soon as she had finished her sentence, she was gone.
“Thanks.” Lore went to reach for Char’s hand but remembered they couldn’t lift their arm. “Try again.”
“For what?” She said, taking Lore’s hand into her own.
“The save. Not every day I get to play the damsel in distress.”
“No. That’s usually my job.” Char winced as she disconnected the cannon from her arm. Lore wanted to ask about it but knew there would be time later.
“I can see why I liked you.” Char’s eyes still hadn’t recovered from earlier but were still beginning to water once more. Lore took their hand back and wrapped it around the back of Char’s head, bringing her down to their eye level. They leant forward. It wasn’t much to look at, a single kiss to the cheek but it meant more than can be expressed to both of them. “Sorry.” Lore retreated knocking a stunned Char off balance.
“It…it’s fine.” She smiled softly. “Just wish we could have done this somewhere more romantic… Or at least somewhere where you could breathe properly.” As the words left her, she froze. She thawed quickly and began a frantic search for a mask. Lore chuckled.
“Here.” Lore handed Char their mask. Char held it to their face, frantically detangling the straps.
The smog began to clear as Destiny set down in the courtyard. Char helped Lore up, followed by the clones carrying Curves and Destiny’s bodies. Destiny had configured a spare room to serve as a makeshift Medlab. It wasn’t long till the two bed room had a vacancy. Lore’s shoulder had healed in record time. They headed straight for the cargo bay where Destiny had been left. Not wanting them to strain their newly healed shoulder too soon, Char and a few of the lesser wounded members of the group lifted Char, following Lore’s directions. With their help, they successfully recycled Destiny’s body and she too was good as new. After briefly thanking everyone, she ran to Curves’ bedside.
“What’s going on with those two?” Char asked a room of disturbed looking clones.
“We don’t know.” Ace started.
“We don’t want to know.” Midpoint added.
“We don’t like to think about it.” Magpie finished. “Great minds.” He smiled and pointed to the others.
“Same minds…” Midpoint jovially slammed his hand against the back of Magpie’s head.
Lore patted Magpie’s shoulder, showing their understanding of his excitement. They shared a smile. Lore wrapped their arm around Char and nodded towards their quarters. Confused, Char followed them. Lore made their way to the bed and sat down. They removed their Medlab shirt. The skin below looked as though it had never seen the sun and was highlighted with numerous pink lines. Their naturally flat chest served to highlight the more raised scars. Lore moved closer to Char.
“What’s going on?” She asked.
“I’m sorry.” It seemed more like a reflex than an honest apology but it carried a similar weight. “You’re in a committed relationship and I’m sorry.” They walked over to their dresser, disappointed in themselves.
“I’m in a committed relationship with you. And to be honest, I’ve learnt more about you from you now than I did in the five years we were together.” Char paused as Lore put their usual shirt on. “Things make a lot more sense now.” Lore removed their trousers from the dresser and moved out of Char’s sight. They were quick. “Can I ask you something?”
“What’s with the scars. You never talked about them.” Char was lying through her teeth and Lore knew it.
“They just felt like the right thing to do at the time.” Lore slipped their shoulder through their shirt’s neck. They ran their finger down their collar bone. “This is from the one time I lost control of my anger.” Lore smiled. Before they could continue, Char gestured for them to come over. They met Char at the end of their bed. “With the Medlab replacing your quarters, you can sleep in here if you want.”
“Thanks.” She stood and kissed Lore.
Lore reached under their bed and removed a second pillow. They threw it on their bed before departing for the bridge. It wasn’t long before Lore had figured out how to manually pilot The Destiny without Destiny herself. With great trepidation, and a slight scratch to the hull, they landed in the hangar.
“Mauve, Sky!” Blue was the first to greet them. Although they had assumed that the fleet of ships had accompanying pilots, this was the first time they had seen any of them. After a brief hero’s welcome, Blue led their family, Lore and Char to a side room.
“WHY! WEREN’T! YOU! WITH! THEM?!” Sky punctuated their points with a powerful slap.
“I was planning our next steps. We need to get out of here.” Blue’s expression was alien to them. True Fear. “There’s an inquisitor on their way here. The group had been expecting to see Reid’s face but their hope faded as the hologram flickered to life. Blue.
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