Human Party Hosting
By Lore
- 150 reads
Heart attack over. Pwy’he was a much better actor than he let on. Lore reset his watch to the correct time as the first of the expected cars arrived. This was where things got a little more interesting. Pwy’he mainly kept himself to himself inside of school but had made a few close friends, all of which would be coming to his party. None of them however had ever met his family. Not wanting to break their cover, the only time Lore and Char were seen by his friends was at the beginning and end of the school day. Although Lore was a native to Earth, they had no idea how to interact with humans, especially of this time period.
“Happy birthday Piper.” Norman awkwardly presented his gift to Pwy’he, his dad floated behind him.
“Come on in.” Char ushered them into the house. “You too if you want Mr. Price.” Norman’s father nodded and followed the group in.
Both father and son looked at the humble home confused. Not knowing quite what to expect, they seemed somewhat disappointed by the normality before them. The house shared the exact same lay out as the other homes Lore had decorated so indoor seating was an issue. Char had foreseen this and had everything for the party set up in the back garden. It wasn’t a large space but there was enough room for a couple tables and enough chairs for all in presence and those yet to come.
“Are there many more people coming? How’s my makeup?” Alodrass normally would have stuck out like a sore thumb with her pastel green skin but with some well applied foundation, she looked almost completely human.
“There’s a gap just behind your ear but you’ll be fine.” Char reassured her as Pwy’he ran passed them to the door.
Before the next guest could knock, the door flew open. “Happy birthday.” She raised the present from her lap and thrust it towards Pwy’he. He took it with a smile before setting it to one side. Next to the door, for reasons now becoming clear, he had leant a sheet of left over wood from when Lore built Char’s garden shed. Laying the wood over the doors threshold, he created a ramp and so, Hannah could enter. Her mother helped her over the last hurdle before joining everyone in the kitchen.
“Thank you Piper.” Miss. Hooper was almost patronising with her tone.
“It’s alright. Hannah, Mum and Lore have set everything up in the garden if that’s alright.”
Hannah nodded and allowed Pwy’he to push her down the second pre-emptively placed ramp into the garden. Miss. Hooper had a question on her lips but didn’t know how to ask it without seeming rude.
“You’re free to stay if you want Miss. Hooper, we’ve got more than enough to feed everyone.” Char opened the fridge door to reveal a variety of party classics.
“If it’s alright with you then yes.”
The final guest arrived a few minutes later and unlike the others, unescorted by a parent. Ellie handed Pwy’he his gift without a word said between them. “My dad wanted me to ask you if I could use your phone at the end of the party to call him to pick me up.”
“That’ll be alright.” Lore smiled. “Just remind me closer to the time and I’ll get you sorted.”
Now that all the guests had arrived, the party could properly begin. Char began the dinner preparations while Lore, Alodrass and Brian entertained their guests. Brian emerged from the house in a typical magicians garb and a top hat which he removed and carefully placed upside down on a chalk cross Lore had drawn earlier. Smoke rose from the hat as it touched the floor and with a flash of light, Lore appeared under it. With the exception of Pwy’he, everyone was impressed.
“Who wants to see some magic?” Alodrass strutted out of the house in a matching magicians suit to Brian’s. Even the parents nodded. “Okay then, for our first trick…” She paused thinking for a moment about the best trick to start with. “Let’s do something with this.” She produced a handful of mud from her pocket. “I’m going to need a volunteer from the audience.” She looked at the handful. “Actually, two.” The children’s hands all shot up. “I’ll take the Birthday boy and you.” She pointed to Ellie. “Ok. All I need you to do is hold this mud and Ellie, I need you to be ready to catch.” Alodrass cupped her hands in demonstration. “Ok then, Piper, show everyone the mud.” Pwy’he held out the mud so the rest of the audience could see. “And with a tap from my magic wand and a quick blow…” She gently blew on the dirt and like the dying ashes of a fire, it began to glow. Silence as the glowing soil began to move. From the movement came a thin green line. The sprout shot up becoming a small tree in an instant. Alodrass guided the branches over Ellie’s hands and just in time as an apple began to form and dropped. “Take a bite.” She mimed eating the apple. Apprehensively, Ellie nibbled at the apple’s skin. After realising it was really an apple, she continued.
“It’s so sweet.” The crowd erupted in applause. Miss. Hooper dragged herself from the impressive feat before her to get herself and Hannah a drink.
“How are things in here? Need any help?” She began pouring two glasses of juice as she looked over to Char.
“I’m fine but thanks. You’re guests, it wouldn’t be right to ask you to chip in making your own dinner.” They chuckled.
“Your husband’s really good with the kids you know. How is he with Piper? They seem joined at the hip when I see them at school, but...”
“Great why do you ask?” Char narrowed her eyes in concern as she set aside her oven gloves.
“No reason, it’s just whenever Piper talks about you its mum but the moment Lore’s involved, first name basis.” She shrugged.
“It’s just the way Lore likes it.” She went back to the food. “Works for me too.” Char thought to herself as she pointed out of the window.
“Thank you, thank you. Now our time is only limited so for our last trick, The Levitating Lore.” Lore threw a paper plate in front of them. With a wave of their hand, they froze it in time. They repeated this a few times, creating a floating staircase which they promptly began to climb. As with every trick, the audience minus Pwy’he were amazed. Unbeknownst to Lore, Sky was behind them at the bottom of their stairs. With a single touch, chaos ensued. The first plate fell straight down. The second spiralled out of control and the final one, which still had Lore on top, ceased to exist with a fiery flourish. Now standing on nothing, gravity took hold. Although unprepared, Lore landed on their feet and styled out the fall. Char shook her head as she brought out the first of the food trays.
“Dinner’s ready.” She smiled. It was short lived as the skies began to darken. A tear opened and from it, four figures fell. First to Return.
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