Huge Subtle Changes
By Lore
- 124 reads
“There you go.” Char removed the pad from his shoulder. “That should keep you going for the next few weeks.” She reached into her desk drawer. “I’ve had these in stasis since you were one. You’ll need to put one on every two to three weeks until we run out.”
“Thanks… mum?” They seemed unsure of whether what was happening was indeed happening.
“You’re welcome. I just want you to be happy.” She welled up as she finished packing the pads. “I’m sorry.” Piper patted her shoulder.
“All sorted?” Lore had been lurking at the door. Piper ran to them and wrapped himself around their waist.
“Varkral on side?” Char joined them. “This is unusual. Nice but unusual.” The warmth was uncomfortable but none of them minded.
“He’s joining the others. We best get on ourselves.” They tried to untangle themselves but struggled.
Their prayers were answered as a rift tore open behind them. Unlike the lilac purple of Lore’s, this rift burnt with a fiery red passion. Pulling. Although unseen, Lore could feel something wrap around their centre. Char and Piper were unaffected as they watched their third family member violently yanked towards the glowing maw. As if by instinct, both Lore and Piper reached for each other, manipulating their energies to extend their grasp. Char soon followed suit, extending a golden arm to meet Lore’s. It wasn’t enough. Char and Piper attempted to pull Lore in but apart, their strength was insufficient. Lore raised their arms suddenly, pulling Char and Piper towards them. Now within range of their actual arms, Lore once again reached out. They had lost some ground with this gamble but they had hope that it would pan out in their favour. Skin on skin, rings on rings and Time was whole once more. The unseen force pulling them in lost interest quickly and the rift began to close leaving an ashen residue on the floor above which it floated.
“What the actual hell?” Piper caught their breath as they separated.
“Is everyone alright?” Lore patted themselves down. Apart from missing a section of their arm’s outer plating, they were intact.
“I’m good.” Char piped up. “What was that?”
“Haven’t the foggiest. Whatever it was though wanted us something fierce.” Lore knelt and began scanning the small pile of ash. “How bizarre. The portal was from one of the other decaying universes.” They went to taste the ash but thought against it. They had no frame of comparison. “Well, if they wanted me to come so badly, I suppose it’s the least I could do.” Lore stood and nodded. No words were exchanged yet both Char and Piper knew exactly what was going to happen next.
Lore tossed a ball of light towards the wall. It stopped just shy and exploded in a brilliant shower of lilac and purple. They got a brief glimpse of their destination before stepping into it. City streets stretched in all directions. Tall buildings loomed overhead. Both Lore and Char got a strange sinking feeling as they took in their surroundings. So far, nothing too extreme, no huge changes. They came to a break in the buildings and found a corner that lead towards a more open area. It didn’t take long but the pay-off was incredibly useful. They had no idea where they were.
“Are you sure we’re in a different universe? This one looks and feels just like ours.” Char hopped on the spot. “Exactly like ours.”
“Breacher says we’re not in our universe anymore so…” Lore scanned their surroundings. There was a train station nearby but they couldn’t quite make out the full sign. Another nod and they were off.
Despite feeling exactly like their universe, Lore hoped that such a place couldn’t exist where they were from. It wasn’t just the tall buildings and the claustrophobic feeling they inspired but there was something in the air, the very fabric of the city they detested; they just couldn’t put their finger on it. The people milling around them didn’t help warm Lore to wherever they were. A sweeping slope adorned with waterfalls directed them to the train station’s entrance.
“Welcome to Sheffield…” Lore looked to their left. They looked to their right. Sure enough they were in Sheffield.
“What a dump.” Piper spoke their mind. Neither Lore nor Char disagreed.
“So, a universe not that different from our own is decaying and it’s all happening in Sheffield. Fantastic.” They moved towards the nearby seating but didn’t sit. “And of course the benches are caked in bird poo.”
“Any idea where the portal was connected to?”
“Somewhere near here. Had to be, only reference point we had for this universe. Whatever’s going on here, it’s happening in Sheffield.”
“Gods have mercy.” Char shook her head. She stopped suddenly. “Hang on, we first met a few minutes down the road.” She pointed towards a cluster of nearby tower buildings. “Somewhere over there.”
Lore took a deep breath in and removed their socks and shoes. Their bare feet on the floor they ran on the spot. “I think you’re right.”
“Of course I’m right, I was planning on flying but then I found an old Breacher. Parking’s a nightmare.”
There was an awkward lull in the conversation as Lore struggled to return their shoes to their feet without sitting.
“Excuse me, Mix, could you come with us.” Lore’s left shoe was half on as they balanced on their right foot. “You can finish.”
Lore gave the talker a quick once over as they continued to put their shoe on. From this glance they got nearly nothing apart from the fact that their speaker was well dressed, armed and likely owned a dog. A waste of a glance.
“Thank you. Now come with us.” He unfolded his arms and raised his sleeve slightly. A Breacher like device was hidden beneath his cuff but it looked nothing like Lore’s. While the basic concept was similar, the one he was revealing had bulk to it. Unlike the sleek, black rubber bangle on Lore’s wrist, his looked more like a traditional watch, steel links making up the band and a square face. “This way.” He pointed towards the train station but before Lore could move, a silver square had been fired from his Breacher. The square expanded. Together, they stepped through and found themselves in the a hallway of greys and whites. Linoleum underfoot bringing back memories. The journey wasn’t long which surprised Lore and ended with them walking down a long, thin corridor. At the end, a single door.
“You not joining us?” Lore joked with their captor who had remained silent. “Fine by me.” Lore and their family walked together until the name above the door could be read. Piper stopped first. Then Char. And finally Lore when they were close enough to knock. “Crait.” The Looking Glass.
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