Tooting Beck Yeti
By valiswaverider
- 226 reads
There is a yeti in the toilet
Of tooting beck train station
He is seldom seen
But often heard at night
He Swings from the rafters in the great Hall of the train station
howling at the moon and leapfrogging
Over passing trains which cover him in sutt
During the day he hides in the third stall along
You can see his hairy feet poking out, if you are brave enough to go in for closer inspection
He eats the toadstools and stray dogs which venture into a field some miles from the station he is often sighted but since he only comes out at pub closing time no one puts much credence to it
He’s pen pals with the Loch Ness monster
And in the summer he visits on the overnight mail train
He’s thinking of relocating to Scotland as the constant rain unmates his fur.
Plus he likes to make eyes at a blonde Bigfoot on sabbatical exchange from the University of Louisiana
She talked in parables
About her love of quantum states
“Nuclear fusion will cause no confusion
If you get over the simple delusion that everything is in fixed states that’s not how particles interrelate”
Being of course a high energy particle physicist such thoughts naturally come to her.
The Yeti used to enjoy the quiet charms of academia himself. Spending many a happy hour often extended into days and weeks in the Abbey at Lindisfarne studying the ancient texts these days though academia no longer inthralled him.
It was too much like a James Bond movie always asking for passwords and codes as if you are meeting at the train station in Istanbul rather in to gather some accumulated wisdom.
The Internet was quite annoying for a start his fingers were far too big for the keyboard and there wasn’t a “just blinking do what I want will you button”.
However he longed for her companionship with every fibre of his being . He had once been engaged to a young werewolf but as the night transformed into day it turned out she was just two different people.
Of course knowledge has grown immensely and existentially
But mystery is still exist in the world
“First the world is superstition through erudition superposition” Seems to be the process in all cultures
Trouble is given their shyness
An Animate problem for their species
it seems unlikely that they will get together
But there is hope as yet
They love to dance and given the hairiness they are often mistaken for male Highlanders
Thus precluding their discovery
And do love the merriment of the Kaylee
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