Time Travel To The Time Of Good Old King Henry VIII by Alfred N.Muggins
Alfred Muggins, the intrepid adventurer, and his wife, develop a fascination for Good Old Henry VIII, and find themselves travelling back in time to join his Golden Court in the prime of his magnificent reign, observing and participating in his most exciting history!
- 248 reads
(The Ongoing?) (and rather exaggerated) Chronicles Of Mr Alfred Muggins : Mr Muggins Finds Inspiration From The Adventures Of Good Old King Henry
Alfred Muggins was sat in bed with his wife, both having slept late. She had been looking at facebook for a while, scrolling and scrolling, while he refused to be tempted into wakefulness. He knew he needed more sleep, as they had been watching historical dramas again, about that famous English King who had so many wives, and had become so cruel.
A Comparison Of The Dissolution Of The Monasteries and The Dissolution Of Europe : by Mr Alfred N.Muggins
Good Old King Henry’s Reformation and the dissolution of the monasteries was a bit like Brexit, thought Alfred Muggins (The Great) idly! It was a big...
Alfred Muggins Ponders The Royal Wives (Again)
Mr Muggins and his wife were in their (royal – he liked to think of it!) bed. It was not a four poster bed unfortunately, like Henry and his wives,...
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Mr Alfred Muggins' Thoughts On The Reformation
He had been virtually accused of racism in the summer for defending the statues on social media, but there was no foundation to it! What would they have accused him of if they had realised he was a fan of Henry VIII? At least he wasn't going to get his head chopped off.....
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- 444 reads
Mr Alfred N.Muggins : Time Travel to the Time of Good Old King Henry
Alfred and his wife enter the Court of King Henry after meeting him on the side of the road and being invited to attend Court. Alfred wonders if the...
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The Six Wives of Mr Alfred Muggins (an idle fantasy)
Real Wife (Mrs Muggins) Alexa – imagining the woman behind that lovely Amazon woman’s voice! In actual fact his image of her changed with the seasons...
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Time Travel To The Court Of Old Henry VIII : Back To The Past (The Return Of Youth)!
Alfred Muggins and his wife Mrs Muggins had both gone back together, inadvertently, and without rational intention, to the time of Henry VIII, and...
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Time Travel To The Court Of Old Henry VIII : Henry's Infatuation and the Religious Earthquake! By Mr A.N.Muggins (Sir Alfred Muggins, soon to be Lord Muggins!) Part 1
Alfred found he was getting on quite well with Henry. He was quite a cool guy actually, and he found that at this time there was a side of the King...
Time Travel To The Court Of Old Henry VIII : Henry’s Infatuation and the Religious Earthquake! By Mr A.N.Muggins (Sir Alfred Muggins, soon to be Lord Muggins!) Part 2
Alfred watched over the next few years as Henry’s romance with Anne turned from a harmless flirtation into the biggest issue in European power...
Time Travel To The Time Of Good Old Henry VIII : Queens of Present and Future, and the End of The Wars Of The Roses by Mr A.N.Muggins
Alfred thought Catherine of Aragon was a real Queen! He loved the way she pronounced her words with a Spanish accent. She behaved like a Queen at all...
Time Travel To The Time Of Good Old King Henry : Auld England Was Green! (Land Of Greensleeves) by A.N.Muggins
And Auld England was still truly green in those days of Olde. Outlaws of Robin Hood’s ilk probably still roamed the woods and evaded the justice of...
Time Travel to the Time of Good Old King Henry : Meeting Henry by Mr Alfred N.Muggins
Alfred and his wife found themselves suddenly on the side of a muddy road, in a forest! They did not know where, but they knew they were wearing...
Time Travel To The Time Of Good Old King Henry VIII : Kids, Ministers and Servants! By Mr A.N.Muggins
One thing Alfred Muggins liked about the time of Henry VIII in the 16 th century was that they had their kids under control. The kids were actually...