By valiswaverider
- 299 reads
This is a poem about my experience as an adult with a learning difference
Disability ? / ability?
Dis / Dys it’s a prefix which denotes lack
A 5 and an S look similar if badly transcribed. The source of the error can hard to see is it the transcription or something inside me.
A constant struggle to hide in a world of ableism
The able do not see the ism , cause there preconceived idea is that everyone is like them.
Quad erat demonstratrum
ableism is hidden just as my disability is hidden it does nt show on the surface
I am not neurotypical nor are the people I work with our expressions are different
like those born into a foreign culture we see the world differently
This happened in the womb during our formation at a genetic level our brains processed differently
faster in some regards slower in others
Just different not better or worse
the pathways create new Neuro connections
give us new and different expression
I am on this spectrum of existence grouped with us neurodiverse bunch of whom I am proud to be associated with some of us are non verbal
But what I have learned from my none verb kin is expression does nt have to be limited to language it expressed emotionally , creativity in many tender and human ways
It’s exciting to look at the world though new eyes
Art and the art of living can nt be contained by such limited definitions as able / disable cause where others see lack I see humanity reaching exploring finding new ways of being
In community
In nature
With use of technology
All in creative and diverse ways
Expressing are total selves in totally unique ways
Finding away in a maze not of our making
Making a life
Expressing our spirit
With our wired different brains
I hated my label at school
Labelled thick
But now I embrace it
Viva la difference
Because those who think differently
Add new ways of seeing to the wonderful world in which we live
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I totally agree with those
I totally agree with those last two lines. To be different doesn't mean you're not normal...for what is normal but a word. Some of the greatest artist have had some form of struggle, yet have achieved greatness.
It's good to see that you're proud of who you are, and so you should be.
Sorry if I'm rambling, it's just I needed to acknowledge your piece of writing.
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