Diamond at doorstep

By pkroutray
- 550 reads
Diamond at doorstep
“Hey Madam Manorama, Pal Laxmidhar!
Pray, we for your diamond jubilee only, a step further
while congratulating you on your GJ wedding day
we lying in prostrate pray
“Let the Lord shower His blessings on your way
in harmony bonded you stay
with health happiness peace and bliss aplenty
and long life to illustrate to the erring society
the harmonious conjugal living
that present-day society is missing.”
Shoulder to shoulder
boh together,
hand in hand
both of you could stand
to thwart the onslaught of life
as an idolized husband and wife
for a journey of five decades
any accolade to appreciate fades
in the face of its harmony and glaze
we all wish for eternity, it to continue to blaze.
Accolades from seniors, juniors, and peers
society as a whole to your ancestors’ cheers
add glitters to your GJ celebration
in mortal human life a sought-after occasion.
Your journey must be arduous on path, thorny,
made you it, sweet by your conjugal harmony
At my golden Jubilee composition
on your GJ wedding celebration
awestruck were my friends, abroad
in one voice, you both, they do applaud.
On your togetherness over fifty years,
an unbelievable achievement to them, it appears.
Each and every deed of yours surprised them
as to us so to them, each is a conjugal gem.”
Faithfully obeyed they, their parental choice,
on their nuptial bond, they had no voice
as if it is made in heaven and to the earth passed on
and they performed their roles by His benign direction.
Both were born far apart, brought up afar
that did not matter as for each other, made they are
repeating the roles birth after birth for human emulation
so that melodiously runs the symphony of His creation.
Laxmidhar had just crossed his days, teen,
Manorama was a teenager around nineteen.
A perfect match in them their parents had seen
Scrutiny of their horoscopes also gave it, a chit lean..
At Cuttack born brought up taught and fed,
a city life, Manorama as a spinster all along had led,
also was educated at the best women's institute
but it provided her companions who hoot
the rural rustic tradition
as a backward fashion.
But despite such a background
she accepted her role, rustic and county bound
adopting a rural-based old tradition.
At early dawn before the rise of the sun
waking up taking a bath and booming the house
despite hubby Laxmishar’s grouse.
In-laws remedied her if she was wrong
to keep her face always under a veil, long,
Io maintain waist--bent walking posture,
to kiss the foot-dust of superiors, never to falter,
to cook in earthen pots in the oven, earthen,
with its daily upkeep by herself in person
inclusive of cleaning of ash
and fresh cow dung wash
fallen dry leaves as fuel inhaling oxides carbon
pulling out water from a well, common,
cooking for numbers, uncertain
as all on a sudden may come, a distant relation
last she being the dining member
had to be satisfied with whatever was left over.
Handling smoke and, preparing Beatles for guests galore
messaging legs, of elders after dinner, and many more
are not touched upon here as volumes, it requires
Manorama at Teens did it, though us, the list, tires
gossip mongers’ criticism involving her
with maturity, she ignored at the age, tender.
Cunningly she managed to avoid physically etched decorations
that decorated the arms and bodies of her inlaws’ relations.
The satiric name, KATAKI BOHU, implying, she is too modern
was ignored by Manorama and she might have forgotten.
Only a line from volumes large was touched upon
rising to the occasion, every heart Manorama won
at her tender age of teens with a contrasting background
Hats off to teenager Manorama. Her deeds then keep us spellbound.
Laxmidhar then was torn by the multi-pronged attack of love
love for self, spouse and kith and kin he had to shove.
For self to get Manorama early for time beyond measure
he has to pray to the lord to come as his benefactor.
Madam Manorama on your GJ wedding day
On your hubby in whispers much I have to say
being his roommate and a classmate
as his peer, him, I can criticize and appreciate
Add I, gospel, logical, and is proven, true
to the spite of spouses including you
their hubbies' untold or latent traits
are better known to their teenage classmates
compared to you, spouses,
frighten the hubbies, their grouses
further being the roommate classmate for years, long
at teenage to the same at Alma-mater, when pals belong.
On one promise from you his bachelorhood I will expose
if to our spouses you will never disclose
as to the ease and luxury of your life
being the high railway official wife
in a bungalow or in a salon on the wheel
lest as on comparing envious, our spouses will feel
Listen now you must to Laxmidhar’s untold story
Thank you must your departed parents while basking in your glory
“we remember all your well-wishers on this auspicious day
with gratitude, in adoration love and affection much we say.”
Lazmidhar was an adolescent, exceptional
suave, sincere, not a city monger for pleasure visual
the fury of the age of adolescence forces one teenage boy
on a cycle own or rented in isolation or group for adolescent joy
mainly focusing their binoculars on fair sexes even beyond their age
fabricate grape vines involving self to increase friend's knowledge
to take false credit waxing his own ego
in the process, precious study hours are let go.
but Laxmidhar used to tune his flute to a new song
to hanker after movies and girls he did never long.
the flute must be in tears when he deserted it
For his artistry, no room perhaps your love could permit.
Hey Manorama and Laxmidhar listen together
suggest I you both, to remember your initial day pleasure
recollecting deeds words thoughts feelings then
in an isolated room repeating them again and again
May I stop here not elongating it further/
Your wedding day many remember
“ Car, palanquin- ride, petromax illumination
from Raghunathpur Marriage party procession
despite the rain at Cuttack Professorpada reception”
captivated all, Thus says many on recollection.
Five decades back on this day
within a twinkle of an eye, it has gone all we say
but you have grown a family tree with value
to sing your glory for generations ahead valuing you.
we pray for them from the hearts' abyss
for their health happiness and bliss.
P K Routray
In the service of the Lord
( My roommate and classmate wef 1965 to 1970 got wedded to Manorama on 8th July 1973. It is composed in their honor for celebrating their Golden Jubilee)
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