Dragon Gate

By marandina
- 3926 reads
Dragon Gate
They came during the spring
near banks of oriental ochre,
an amalgam of golden scales,
amassed; mighty Yellow River.
A brazen sun called to them,
turn back
it bellowed in haste
but torrents swallowed sound
as clouds whispered intrigue.
They fought a devilish current
goading travails downstream,
some relented, swam away
leaving a valiant intrepid few.
Gods heard quiet murmuring
of nature’s elemental totems
and saw a waterfall looming,
journey’s end, brave koi carp.
This is not your lot,
they said
casting arcane, divine spells,
liminal climb now higher still,
sanctity sated by piscine trials.
Over a hundred years passed
as fish turned around and left
until a last surviving traveller
finally made it to the summit.
Applause in Heaven rained
like snow from constellations,
such resolution rewarded by
a transformed golden dragon
Dragon Gate.
*Poem based on an ancient folklore tale from China of a koi fish that makes it to the top of a waterfall and is rewarded by the Gods and made into a Golden Dragon. The waterfall became known as Dragon Gate.
Image free to use at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_dragon#/media/File:Chinese_dragon_...
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What a fascinating tale that
What a fascinating tale that I had no idea of Paul, perceptively detailed, and the poem is woven perfectly.
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Great interpretation of a
Great interpretation of a wonderful sounding folktale - thank you!
I hope you've seen the reading event announcement?
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a fish could become a dragon
a fish could become a dragon--could happen. You made it happen.
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A fish that captures the
A fish that captures the imagination with its beauty, and a tale of to encourage long perseverance, and a hope that there is some sort of supernatural, though viewed generally as presumed rather capricious.
I hadn't heard the tale, but looked it up. Rhiannon
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Enjoyable read. Thanks for
Enjoyable read. Thanks for posting.
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This is Today's Pick of the Day July 19th 2023
Congratulations, this is our Pick of the Day, today.
Please share/retweet/threadify/whatever it is you do in the way of social media, dear ABC-ers.
Well done, Paul.
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That made me think of carp in
That made me think of carp in a different way - am used to seeing them huge and slow in small ponds, politely not bumping into each other or unsuccessfully trying to hide from the hideousness of humans. Had no idea they were dreaming of becoming golden dragons!
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I love writing based on
I love writing based on folklore and I love the way you've written this.
However, I ate some carp in a restaurant in Romania a few days ago and I feel really bad about it now.
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Poem of the Week
This is our wonderful Poem of the Week. Congratulations!
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a compliment of eloquence the best I can.....
thats some cool sh** <Marandina>.... I sincerely mean that, really cool, mastery, smooth, captivating, gripping, a breath & vision, with triumph & reward = I smiled & read it 3x...... You know I'm a fan of your works.... but this 1 needs to be printed out and hung on your wall fame........
Dam... thats some cool sh** (gotta say it again)*, gotta read again = (4)
Cheers !
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A very good poem blending
A very good poem blending together a pot-pourri of creativity. Well done!
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