Within The Harmony
By Richard L. Provencher
Sun, 10 Sep 2023
- 619 reads
From an oversized lily
pad a bullfrog
croaks his freedom
aside a small lake amid
a flood of
moonlight creating a path
of reflection.
The forest is in-between
jungle mayhem
and undying peace.
The water appears slim as it
occupies a narrow space
calm enough to soothe
any animal at pause.
A sleekness continues
to reign
until thoughts depart.
Listen once more to that
victory call from
one beast in a land of feast
upon this sunless forest-
Peace at last.
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I could here the deep croak
Permalink Submitted by skinner_jennifer on
I could here the deep croak of the Bullfrog as I read.
Nice one Richard.
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They say you have to kiss a lot of froggies before you find a princess, wonder if it's worth it, who wants to kiss a princess anyway. Eating flies, that's what a frog likes &&
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