A Quantum Of Solace

By Ewan
- 608 reads
A cubit? A cubed-bit?
A queue-d bit? The q-bit
has no match,
hatch a plan, match a man
to a woman, to not-a-man
enough of the binary bits
of zero or one…
We are yet zero and one -
and the infinity of
values in between -
our number is 0∞ and 1∞
[How do you/he/she/they count infinity?]
The wonder of entanglements:
each and every q-bit affects the other
each (hu)man’s death diminishes me,
each q-bit increases, decreases,
multiplies, divides, adds and subtracts
everything – everywhere – all at once.
Love to the power of infinity?
Love is still love;
therein lies a quantum of solace.
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"...everything – everywhere –
"...everything – everywhere – all at once." Isn't there a movie with that title? [Notwithstanding, I haven't seen it.]
Ah the beguiling mystery of the concept of infinity and...erm...so on.
Another highly original, cerebral poem.
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0∞ doesn't make sense, and the last verse puzzles me I think love would have to be infinite to start with. Anyway nice words like quantem of solace., cubit, a cubed-bit a queue-d bit The q-bit? rubikcs cube? "How do you/he/she/they count infinity?" puzzles me also.
I'vre read about quantom compurters at this stage vague speculation. Next step will be light computers, faster than electrity.
Good clean fun! Cheers Ewan.
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