Street Justice - Part 1
By colin.b
- 249 reads
This is a chapter from my third novel that I'm currently writing. I have to post this story in seperate parts (all are now available to read on ABC Tales apart from fina part as the site won't allow me to post again just now). This story continues the journey of the main character from my latest novel titled Who's Aldo? I would love to get people's thoughts on the story.
If you enjoy this story and would like to check out Who's Aldo? it's best to order directly from my publisher Tippermuir Books. As most bookshops are sold out and it's cheaper and quicker from them £9.99 plus free P/P. It states payment is from PAYPAL but when you proceed to the checkout you can pay by debit card etc.
Link to book from my publisher - Who’s Aldo? – Tippermuir Books Ltd.
The audibbook was recently released and is available from auidble.
Also the kindle version is avaiable from Amazon for £3.99
Ma brief moment ae pure bliss is aw ae a sudden nae maire, likes. Yince ah hear three rapid blasts oan the doorbell, that is. Wae each yin maire fuckin annoyin than the last. Almost at an instant ma eyes wander tae take a swift glance at the tickin cloack oan the kitchen wah. Which announces that it’s only jist turned 8.30am. Only a certain type ae muppet takes a man awey fae his mornin paper. Normally such chancers arrive in the form ae door salespeople. The Forest fuckin Gumps ae Wall Street. Or mibbie it’s ma newly appointed driver, eh? ah almost furgoat his arrival wis in the post. But the maire ah hink tae masel ah decide it cannae be him cos he’s no due until half nine. Tae calm Roxy’s worried heid no tae mention fur ma ain peace ae mind. Ah hud decided tae take ma personal security maire seriously. A smart play oan ma part, likes. Especially when yae consider ma up close and personal encounter wae that firm fae Liverpool. And two maire shoves oan the buzzer hus me steady oan ma feet. Drippin in labels, gittin ready tae settle this tiebreaker. Ah take a brisk walk through the narrow halley. Where the sunlight is floodin through by the time ah swing the front door wide open. Ah’m left speechless fur a few seconds cos there’s nae sign ae ma eager pitbull. Nor, fur that matter, dae ah see some gormless bastard tryin tae empty ma poackets by attemptin tae punt me a new internet provider. Insteed, ah’m shockingly left facin doon detective superintendent, Arthur Thompson. He’s in his mid-sixties, roughly 5’9, wae broad shoulders and a flattened nose. Who sports a chillin thousand yard stare. The numero uno as far as the filth goes considerin he’s the principal ae the organised crime and counter terrorism unit. As protocol comes intae play he’s dressed in his tailored business suit. Despite the pair ae us bein oan opposite sides ae law we’ve developed a mutual respect fur yin another. Ah glimpse oor tae his left and right. Fur nae other reason than tae confirm there’s nae constables preparin tae jump oot the bush tae cuff me. And it's no longer before ah realise that ma concerns are unfounded. It's jist me and him, right enough.
‘’Awright, Arthur" ah say "So what dae ah owe this pleasure? Since yur flyin solo ah’m guessin this isnae an official caw?’’.
He shakes his heid slowly fae side tae side, lookin surprisinly doonbeat. His eyes aw puffy and rid.
‘’Nah, Aldo’’ he concedes back tae me ‘’This is strictly oaff the record. Kin ah come inside fur a chat?’’
‘’That serious, eh?’’ ah remark. Before gesturin fur him tae follae me inside where ah lead him intae the kitchen. He dually follaes ma example by sittin doon at the table.
His shoulders are slumped wae heid starin at the flair. Perr Arthur’s snifflin. Tryin his best tae push back the tears while takin a few breaths tae compose himself. Kindae feel bad fur the guy, eh? Even if wur playin oan opposin teams. Whatever’s rattled his cage must be suttin important cos he’s normally a fuckin Marine. Sensin a cautious approach is necessary tae bring him oot his shell ah guess tae brek the ice that ah should offer him some famous ‘Ali’ hospitality.
‘’You fancy a coffee?’’ ah ask him.
He leaves me hangin and says nuttin. Ah’m aboot tae abandon ma softy, softy approach and jist straight oot ask him the score. Until, that is, he eventually lifts his heid up tae reveal his peepers are brimmin wae water.
‘’Dae yae huv suttin stronger, Aldo?’’ he mutters and ah kin detect the sadness in his voice.
‘’Eh..Aye, ah do, as it happens’’
Ah quickly git tae work fetchin a boattle ae Whiskey fae the kitchen cupboard along wae two tall glesses. Ma erse is back doon oan its original spoat as ah pour the golden liquid intae the tumblers. No ma normal tipple but Roxy’s auld man left half a boattle the last time her parents visited. And since nae information aboot this cloak and dagger visit is forthcomin ah decide tae push fur answers.
‘’What’s the matter?’’ ah question him as ah slide his drink acroass the smooth surface.
Right awey he takes a quick swig and slams the gless doon before finally confessin.
‘’Did you read aboot the young female undercover officer who was battered and raped in Bingham?’’
Ah rub the corner ae ma eye wae ma middle finger as ah ponder his question
‘’Aye, ah jist read aboot that in the Record this mornin. Enough tae gee yae the fuckin boke. Wis the lassie yin ae your lot?’’
Instantly, he bursts intae tears and ah swipe him some tissues fae the boax oan the bunker. Ah hand him some and he dries his eyes. Blowin his nose loudly but seems maire assured as he stares at me.
‘‘She’s ma niece, Aldo. But in the eyes ae me and ma wife she’s oor little girl. Ma brother died when she was still in nappies. Her mum, bless her. Hud a mental brekdoon efter his death and committed suicide. So, of course, we took in Emma, and she only joined the force cos she wanted tae be like me.’’
Ah’m left speechless, honestly how the fuck dae yae respond tae that soartae bombshell eh? Words dinnae seem enough at this point. Ah mean, ah dinnae hink a faimily hus hud a worse run ae luck since The Kennedys. Ah reckon actions speak louder than words, though. So ah reach oor tae rest ma hand awkwardly oan his shoulder fur a bit ae comfort
‘’Listen, Arthur. Ah’m sorry’’
He sits straight up in his seat and glares at me ‘’Does the name Robert Brodie mean anyhing to you?’’
Ah’ve learnt many hings through ma many sparrin sessions wae the polis. ‘If ah seasoned pro asks yae a serious question when they already ken the answer. Honesty is always the best policy.
‘’That fuckin sumbag’’ ah growl. ‘’Wis he the yin who abused her?’’
He sighs and nods, ‘’Emma wis investigatin that fuckin animal fur dealin heroin. She’d been settin up a buy wae him fur months. Somehow, he figured it wis a sting and her communication wae her team wis cut oaff. By the time the backup realised suttin wis wrong it was too late. They foond her beaten black and blue in his rat-infested apartment and the piece of filth had raped her’’
‘’He’s alweys been fuckin vermin. So why are you tellin me aw ae this?’’
He pours himself another drink and shoots it back. Momentarily, he pauses until he gains enough dutch courage tae speak his mind.
‘’Naeboady knows what rocks this pond life is hidin under and if they do they're not talkin and ah mean noboady. Ma people huv turned oor the entire fuckin city. But his rep oan the streets means everyboady is keepin tight lipped. Ah wis hopin someboady wae your clout could smoke him oot fur me?’’
Ah lit oot a half smile before ah point at Arthur ‘’Ah agree in spirit but there’s a word fur that?’’
He shakes his nut gently and leans forward, elbows oan the table ‘’Nah, yae misunderstand me, Aldo. Ah diinae want you tae point me in the right direction. Ah genuinely dinnae hink the crims or ma people wid shed any tears if this Brodie bastard turned up in a shallow grave’’
Ah ponder his reply as ah’m no quite sure if ah heard him correctly. It seems far too blatant tae be a setup. Ah’ve kent Arthur a longtime and if he wis bein obvious then he widnae be that fuckin obvious. Whether this is a genuine proposition or no ah relent by keepin ma cairds close tae ma chist.
‘’Ah dinnae ken what yur talkin aboot, Arthur’’.
He wastes little time in gittin tae his feet and starts unbuttonin his suit. Withoot hesitation he lifts his white shirt tae show his boady isnae strapped wae a wire. Before too long he begins unbucklin his troosers, tae. This is when ah wave awey his performance tae prove his innocence.
‘’Awrite, Arthur, sit doon, take it easy, eh?’’ a command he quickly follaes tae the letter.
Yince we’re facin oaff wae yin another again. Ah git tae work solivin this Rubik cube by squirtin some tomate sauce oan ma empty plate and ah spell oot ‘KILL?’ oan the porceline. He takes a quick glance at ma arts and crafts display.
‘’Yeah, Aldo, exactly’’ he confesses. ‘’Ah wid, really, really, like this bastard tae suffer as much as possible, though’
Ah pour masel another drink while considerin his proposition. And jist before the rim touches ma lips ah smile tae masel ‘’Okay, ah’ll take care ae it’’
He gits up, ready tae leave. But no before ah remind him that nae gid deed comes withoot a price tae pey.
‘’Listen, Arthur’’ ah tell him. ‘’Ah’m no gonnae insult yur intelligence cos yae ken how this world works better than anyboady. But if ah take oot the trash then you’ll owe me big. Are we clear oan this?
‘’Dinnae sweat it, Aldo" he says "You take care of this and you’ll alweys huv a friend in me’’
An hour later ah’m sittin in the front passenger’s seat ae ma new babysitters’ brand spankin new Range Rover. Oan oor wey tae ‘The Marksman’ oan Duke Street where ah will paint a great big fuckin bullseye oan that dreg Brodie’s back. While weavin oor wey through Leith’s busy streets ah’m struck wae the realisation that the décor ae the area changes randomly, eh? Split between the new Leith that’s rammed wae poncy trendy wine bars and fuckin interlopers. Naturally, it’s aw trams and Michelin Stars in this neck ae the wids. Gentrification the brain boaxes call it but oor choice ae destination is yin ae the few remainin relics ae the areas auld abandoned past. As fur ma minder he goes by the moniker ‘Chernobyl’ as apparently when his fuse runs shoart it’s like a nuclear reaction hittin critical mass. Markie broat him intae the foald yince he bore witness tae his raw potential while they were room mates in Saughton. But ah’ll no believe the hype until ah’ve observed fur masel his handy work. The capital’s filled wae wannabee’s who are itchin tae make a name fur thumselves or yins who hide behind their families’ rep thanks tae the power ae incest. Even still, this lad’s made a gid first impression oan me cos he’s respectful and seems elated at his push up the pyramid. Chernobyl’s roughly 25, tall, muscly, and a gid lookin fella. Ah’m busy tryin tae git maire comfortable in the leather seat. While he fannies aboot wae the radio until eventually he finds a decent tune courtesy ae Heart FM which arrives through the lyrics ae ‘Tupac’. Cunt’s bobbin his heid and hummin along tae the vocals in between fillin up his swear jar thanks tae the legendary nippy pricks who descend oan the city’s roads. In the spirit ae a harmonic employer and employee relationship ah decide tae shoot the shit wae him fur a bit since we’re reachin the finish line.
‘’So, mate. How’s Markie been treatin yae?’’
‘’Aye, nae complaints, gaffer’’ he mutters, keepin his eyes fixed oan the road.
‘’That’s gid, eh? He wis tellin me yae wur behind the wah fur a bit. How did yae end up dain a stretch?’’
‘’Oh, that" he says "These mutant wee cunts wur gien this auld dear grief at this cash machine in Drylaw. Anwey, ah stepped in and ended up wae a two-year sentence fur ma troubles’’ he explains as he grips the steerin wheel even tighter.
Ah look at him maire than a little confused until ah finally regain control ae ma faculties ‘’How the fuck does that happen, eh? Surely the filth should huv presented yae wae a fuckin medal. No a custodial sentence?’’
‘’Well’’ he fires back, takin a swig fae his can ae Coke which is positioned in his cup holder. ‘’Yin ae those runts ended up wae their heid rammed through the screen’’
Ah glance at him, proudly and smilin. Before geein him an approvin tap oan his juice induced airm.
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Fabulous writing and good to
Fabulous writing and good to see something new from you!
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