Home Read Write Forums Blogs Tremble in the Wind. By abbacusWed, 31 May 2006 927 reads Oh yes, tremble in the wind palm tree at Damai Lagoon. The man with the long pole is coming to cut off your bits the very fruits of your being before they fall in the pool. Oh yes, tremble in the wind for the long pole is coming. Certificate UPoemnatureMiscellaneous Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments
Tremble in the Wind. By abbacusWed, 31 May 2006 927 reads Oh yes, tremble in the wind palm tree at Damai Lagoon. The man with the long pole is coming to cut off your bits the very fruits of your being before they fall in the pool. Oh yes, tremble in the wind for the long pole is coming. Certificate UPoemnatureMiscellaneous Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments