My Former Friend!
By achristop
- 663 reads
When first we met....I was merely ten,
Romantic thoughts engulfed me then,
Seductive words, how good your charm,
I heard it from my father's arm!
As I grew and merged from lad to teen,
Without you I was seldom seen,
Whatever came...whatever the weather,
We'd spend the!
I left my family..travelled far,
Around the world...a wanderin' star!
And even a thousand miles at sea,
You were there, on hand, to comfort me!
I swallowed the anchor...came ashore,
My reluctant feet on solid floor,
I had two sons,
Gave up the sea, the ships, the guns!
Through all the years- you stayed beside,
My constant crutch...your pride!
I walked the road with head held high,
With no regret...or soulful sigh!
As years unfolded, I learned to accept,
I hungered for my soul you crept,
And often, when my loved ones cried,
I'd be with you...together...side by side!
You became my strength-my answered prayer,
As my feet dwelt more on a lonely stair,
My loved ones fought, to turn my head,
From my need for you and our lonely bed!
Our love affair...a public thing,
My darling wife took off her ring,
And with a bitter, final peck,
Placed it, strung, around your neck!
With sons I fought!!..Even stole their cash!!
To protect your honour...things.... I'd smash,
Then with sudden cataclysmic force,
Truths were told of planned divorce!!
How could I leave you, how could we part?
You were part of me, my soul, my heart!
I needed you to give life's meaning!
Then CASUALTY called, and medic screening!
Doctors worked their level best,
Part truths were told at their behest,
My affair with you had come to light!
And suddenly we were put to flight!
I lied!!...prevaricated...all in vain,
My blood carried your indelible stain!
They would help...WRENCH us apart!!!
If I could find it in my heart!
Downcast, I listened with bated breath,
As they told of time!! two months, then death!
I needed help...and you weren't there!!
THEY offered sustenance and care!!
I had to leave you...we had to part!
My loving ally...GO!...DEPART!!!!
How could I face the long dark road,
hear the jeers? Bear the goad??
Ten long days and ten long nights!
Rainbow colours....flashing lights!!
Bloodied cheeks bore witness too,
Of my fight to break away from you!!!
Then suddenly the tremors passed!
A little light!....The die was cast!
Ten days of hell, before they died!!!
Pamela..... nursing!... by my side!!
The long dry road stretched far ahead!
I needed you my faithful friend!
Much more I wanted to see "The End"!
Seven long months I walked alone,
Precious time in a "Breather" zone,
The lovely Lucy...So fair of face,
"I know, my love, you'll win the race"!
And so, my love for you has died,
I think of all the times I've cried,
The pain I've caused, the hurt...the ache,
The lonely, longing nights...awake!!
I thought of how I couldn't cope,
Attempts to fashion a hangman's rope!!
Of those I'd left, three to their fate,
My love for turned to hate!!
Once barren life, now FILLED WITH JOY!!!
A prodigal son....forgiving boy!!!
Rebuilt from scratch, built from the dust,
Never again in you I'd trust!!!
The tale is told...the story's done!
Anniversary of the break???..Turned 21!!
A score of years has passed and flown,
Full of treasures...once unknown!!!
If...reading this will help another,
Break the bonds that tie and smother!!
Then who am I to abandon those,
Who....just like me! The wrong path chose!!!
Take heart if you're starting out THIS way!
Remember the adage "Day by Day"!!!
Kick the "loved one" into touch,
And throw away the Addict's crutch!!!
Toss the bottle in the trash!!!
Gleefully hurl it!!!! Let it smash!!!
And think!! With heart, there is a way!!
I know!!! I divorced...TWO BOTTLES A DAY!!!!
(A true-life experience, that many sadly share!!!)
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