Sailing Orders or Dreams?
By achristop
- 897 reads
Perhaps we can have a "fair wind" to Malta!! Will now change
from the modern more like the days of
Napoleon/Horatio!!! We have sailed with a fair wind from
Famagusta, the sun is beating down on the "Holystoned" decks,
so much so that the shipwright has need to patrol the Poop and
gun decks with handfuls of Oakum and re-caulk the
seams that are opening! Just after daybreak this morning we
had an alarm with "All hands on deck" after a "Sail-ho" from
the masthead! The lookout in the crow's nest spotted what we
thought was a French Frigate 5 points on the starboard
bow...we immediately came about, hoisted Royals and
To'gallants and gave chase..she had a fair wind and was
running took a long while for us to "come about" so
we lost ground on her, seems she was faster than us
anyway...even with every ounce of sail rigged, including a
'jury-rigged' spinnaker, we were unable to overhaul!!!...and
so we came back on course for Grand Harbour! It gave the
Gunners some practice anyway, they managed to 'run-out' both
sets of Carronades in less than a minute! the Bosun was
'standing to' with the slow-match, all in vain I'm afraid! We
have need of fresh water, our dwindling supply barrels are
getting ranker by the day! So anti-scurvy Lime juice is not
now available until we reach Grand Harbour! Today saw a
'Muster for punishment" with the crew cleared of lower decks
to witness a punishment flogging for AB Buster Brown....the
punishment of 50 lashes imposed for insubordination! The
defaulter was lashed to the grating afore the mast, and was
carried below to the surgeon upon completion, having lost
consciousness during his ordeal!! The punishment was given
for insubordination..namely he did on 16th June 1804 use
threatening and aggressive behaviour towards a senior officer,
namely Sub Lieutenant Smith, contrary to King's Regulations
and Admiralty Instruction Number 102...inasmuch that he
complained about "Weevils" in the ship's bread ration!!
Utter nonsense, as we all know too well! by God's hand and a
fair wind we shall raise the island of Malta on Sunday! There
are at present no changes in the condition of the two wounded
Lascars below decks in the Sick Bay...the surgeon has done his
beastly duty and they are both now amputees, and currently in
fever! Anyone going below to the Sick Bay is reminded to not
macassar the hair whilst visiting! the sailmaker has rigged a
new rig for the 'Main' this will be rigged, hoisted and
'clewed-up' later this afternoon at 7 bells! There will be an
issue of grog to the first man to spot a Frenchie!! God Save
the King, England and St George! Thank you Ma'am
Gonna need to shorten sail before the middle
is forming and the wind has backed to the northeast....we
could be in for a blow men! (and ladies of course) so, we
will double the watch at midnight! suggest those of you off
watch...get some kip! you will be needed chop-chop if the
Officer of the Deck decides to shorten and ride it out!
Well! what a night that was....I am able to put quill to
parchment again after the "Talkalot" has done it's battle with
the worst the Mediterranean can throw at it! Through the
night, the wind backed and increased to a force 9 gale from
the Northeast, we reefed the to'gallants and took 2 clews in
the sprits'l...the rest was furled and stowed...I think maybe
some complaining landlubbers should try going aloft in a force
9 gale, the ratlines slippery with salt, spray stinging hard
enough to blind you, the ship heeling at 34 degrees to
Larboard then swinging like a pendulum to 40 degs on the
opposite heel! In bare feet.. my case, not even for
the King's shilling! A pressed man, with a wife and children
in Falmouth port, God knows when I shall see them again!! I
was caught by that blackguard Andrew Moreton and his
press-gang, when having a glass of ale in the "Pirate"
pub!!!!!.... During the height of the "blow" the main decks
and gun decks were awash, the scuppers couldn't take it away
fast enough!!.. gunners had a hard time lashing their charges
to save them from being "Loose"!! Any hand sentenced to a
spell of "Kissing the Gunner's daughter" will be on reprieve
until the armament can be sponged out, dried and buffed! We
have a split in one of the main yards, due in measure, to the
snapping of a guy line that slipped a belaying pin! the yard
swung free and crashed into the fore'sl yard, splitting the
latter along its length!! as soon as this terrible weather
abates, we will unship it and replace...we may have to replace
the yoke too, because it will have chafed! We shall not make
Malta until Monday with the wind against us...we need a blow
from the south/southwest! One of the seaman has a crushed hand
from trying to furl sail in the night, the surgeon is
inspecting the damage as I speak! Plenty of grog to relieve
the man's pain, more will be given if it needs to be offed!
We still have 2 men at the helm, she answers like a drunken
Whore!!! difficult trying to keep her steady on her course!
Spent the dark hours doing some scrimshaw work on a
whalerman's gift of a tooth...I am trying to remember the
foreshore at Falmouth, I am going to carve it on the tooth,
as a present for my wife, if I ever see her again! At least
with this weather, we shall sight no Frenchies! Although the
First Lieutenant has been pacing the poop, spyglass under arm,
occasionally peering into the spray driven gloom, to see if he
(Johnnie Frenchman) is about! The Admiral, God Bless Her, has
not been seen since yesterday, no doubt a touch of
mal-de-mer!! Either that, or she has had some of our
rat-infested food supplies!... The First Lieutenant has just
piped the Marines aloft!! Training for our next skirmish no
doubt! they look very smart in their crimson uniform and with
polished muskets! we have several musket holes in the mains'l
after our last encounter! These guys do tend to attract musket
fire when aloft in the ratlines when we're grappled
alongside!! My turn in the "Nest" now, I have the last
dog-watch as lookout!! not looking forward to going aloft in
this weather!! God Save the King, England and St George!
Thankyou Ma'am
We Made it!!!! After I had finished the dog-watch in the nest,
I came down from aloft, went to the fore seamen's mess,curled
up,cold wet and hungry in my hammock, only to be shaken awake
by messmate Lofty Mann.....the lookout on the morning watch,
very keen eyed, had been keeping an extra good
lookout...and...had spotted a sail, a small difference in
colour between sea and sky!!!! .... whatever the ship was, it
was hull-down on the farthest horizon, and very difficult to
make out! Extra grog ration for the able seaman Johnnie Amis
who spotted her!!! The ship cleared for action, the gun-ports
were ordered to remain closed, but gun's crews were looking
lively sanding the decks (in case a lot of blood made it very
slippery ) and closed for action! "All sail" was ordered,
"Look lively lads" from the Officer of the Deck!! The hands
scrambled aloft at lightning speed, spreading out along the
yards, unfurling all tops'ls, royals and to'gallants....also
the flying royals were to be set! We were going for the chase!
at least we would see what ship she was! As we came about onto
the starboard tack, the order to raise a spinnaker was given,
and we crammed on all sail in an effort to close the gap! The
"Bone between her teeth" grew, as the ship gathered speed, we
streamed the ship's log and registered 19 knots!! As the
smudge on the horizon hardened to an image, she looked to be
carrying the rig of a Frenchie!!!..She hadn't seen us as yet
and kept her course! Slowly we were overhauling
her...suddenly....she made a 20 degree turn to port, to gain
the the same time we saw a fluttering of something
running aloft to the "truck"...She was a Frenchman, the
Tricolor burst into life at the masthead!...We were now
"running free" and overhauling fast! The Redcoats (marines)
were ordered into the lower yards, muskets at the ready! At
about a nautical mile distance, the Admiral came on deck to
take control of the coming battle! "Cleared for Action
Ma'am!!".... "Very Well" was the cry! "She's coming about
sir!" from the lookout! ....Sure enough, our quarry had come
about and was running down towards us, also clearing for
action! "Standby Starboard Battery" We'll give her a full
broadside as soon as we bear lads" gun ports were opened, slow
matches were passed along the gun decks, powder monkeys were
at their posts, the Surgeon was clearing his benches ready for
the onslaught!..."We'll aim for her Main men!" from the
Officer of the Deck! As we closed at a rate of 20 knots...the
French marines could be seen clearly in the rigging of the
enemy! Gun ports open, guns run out she approached! "Standby
to come about" from the OOD! Hands scrambled for the riggin
lines to bring us about, which would give us an instance of
time for a broadside, but leave us a small target for the
enemy, as we turned away!!! "Standby men!....wait for the
roll!".......A "BOOOM" echoed across the water between explosive and white smoke billowed
from 16 cannon on the Frenchie...her aim was wild because of
our tactic to turn away, just before she fired....however 2
balls went screaming through our Mizzen, leaving gaping holes,
another took a large section of taffrail, and turned it into a
lethal shower of splinters....."Stand by....Steady men...on
the up.....FIRE
The whole ship shuddered, the deafening explosion of a full
Broadside of 16 cannon echoed across the water....almost
immediately a cheer went up from the marines in the
shrouds.... "She's hit!" ... we had taken away most of her
poop, some of her steering gear, and from what we could
see...a huge amount of canvas from the lower fores'l, along
with a tangle of yards and rigging....all hanging over her
starboard side! "Well found men!" came hoarsely from the
Admiral... "Good shootin' Talkalot!" from the Officer of the
Deck!...As we turned away, her broadside had swept across our
stern, the only real damage was the taffrail and
mizzen!.."Stand by to come about! Starboard your helm!!" The
ship heeled over to Larboard...hands scrambled along the yards
aloft....guy ropes screamed through running blocks as we
changed course to run back down her Port side....She was
"L'Aquitaine", a frigate of some 200 tons, sporting 32 cannon
and a lot of gold leaf along the stern Admiral's quarters! she
also had Carronades set aft...something we found out too late,
as the 4 of them discharged in a deafening BOOOM! Three seamen
manning the graplings were sliced down like new mown
hay....screams came from further forward as more fell....the
bloody Frenchie was using grape-shot and it scythed through
the main and gun decks, blood ran in rivers along the
scuppers, the groans of dying men echoed all around!..."Steady
as she goes! we leapt ahead with the change of tack, and
approached her from astern warily, thinking of the
carronades!! "Come close under her quarter helmsman!" shouted
the Admiral, screaming to be heard above the din! "Aye aye
Ma'am!" "That way she'll not get a chance!" we ran in
towards her stern quarter...."Stand by to come about! Port
your helm! "Steady....on the roll men!"
" she rises....FIRE!!.......the ship
shuddered again as the deafening boom of all 16 guns of the
Starboard broadside discharged as one!!! What gunners the
Talkalot has!! Through the thick smoke and cries of the
wounded and dying, a cheer from the marines aloft..."She's
hit.....she's mortally wounded!"...the thick curtain of smoke
hid from our view the devastation caused to the Frenchman by
our gunnery!! As the vision cleared, we could see, she was
lying low in the water, we had raked her from stem to stern,
she was holed below the waterline, and, her main mast lay in a
tangled heap alongside her, in the water, causing her immense
"Drag" and causing her to list badly to Starboard! "Stand by
Grappling irons!!" Seamen ran to obey and unship the
grapples...."Stand by in the fighting tops!"...The marines
aloft shouldered their muskets...taking aim at any targets
showing themselves on the Frenchman's decks...the two ships
slowly came together until there were just a few feet between
us...."Have at 'em men!" cried the Admiral from the helm!
....As the 2 ships ground together with a rendering of
timbers...grappling irons soared across the gap, and were made
fast to belaying pins along our gunwhales " Go Talkalots...For
the King, England and St George!" "Everyman can stand proud
this day!"........
The grapples flew across the space between us and the accursed
enemy!..The crew didn't need to be coaxed or badgered...they
swarmed up the ratlines and into the rigging of the French
ship, the constant 'Crack' of musket fire could be heard above
the shouts of bravado from the Frenchman.... and "Have at 'em
lads" from Talkalot!!! The cries and moans of the wounded
mattered little at the moment...all that mattered was to hack
and hew, slice and parry, stab and gain every
inch of ground.. .over the enemy's gunwhales we swarmed, the
decks slippery with blood and visceral remains, our crew were
struggling to make headway, we fought in pairs, back to
back.....the eyes of the enemy blazed with anger and hatred
for the accused "Anglais".. .I could see Lieutenant Jarvis
fighting his way along the after deck towards the quarterdeck
and poop....capturing the French Captain or Admiral would
bring the fighting to a swift end!!...if only we could find
him quickly!...I almost tripped and fell, as I stumbled over a
body...that of "Lofty" Mann...his 6ft 3" frame decapitated
now....alongside him, the torso of a French
marine....disembowled!...The stench of blood, cordite, sweat
and fear permeated the whole area...along with the smell of
death! I thought of Falmouth and my Rosie, would I ever see
her again, would I be the same "whole" man if I did survive
this hell! Suddenly!!..."Watch it Darby!!" I turned just in
time to avoid my right arm being taken of by a French cutlass,
alas not quickly enough to avoid a deep cut to my elbow! I
screamed...not only in pain, but in fear...but as suddenly as
the attack has materialised, it was gone...I looked into the
grinning face of Buster Brown, him of the 50 lashes
punishment! "Bailing you out again... you ****!" I grinned
and nodded my thanks...too quickly he was gone, back into the
hellish melee....Redcoats were now swarming in behind us, as
the marines, their job aloft done, came over the Gunwhales,
over the bulwarks and onto the main decks reinforcing our
pitiful remnants!... .A triumphant shout from astern " We've
got the bas***d!" Lt Jarvis and Leading seaman Cosgrove were
aft, by the helm, a cutlass and a knife held at the throat of
a "Gold Leafed" officer we could only presume was the French
Captain! A hurried volley of babbled words issued forth from
the captive's mouth....we looked around us....sullenly, the
French crew were ceasing the fight....a ragged
cheer...followed by a tumultuous bellowing came from the
throats of the Talkalot crew "She's ours lads!!!".. The French
dropped their weapons...gradually they were herded toward a
companionway aft, leading to the ammunition magazines and
stores areas we guessed!....we took stock of our
surroundings!! The decks were littered with corpses, both
French, and sadly, English! The crew were subdued now as we
took in the scene....."Well done lads!" from Lt
Jarvis...."There will be prize money for all...she's rich
pickings I'll wager!" "At what tremendous cost" I
thought......" We'll clear the decks of the dead....put a
Prize crew aboard, and take her in tow!"..."We can rig a Jury
rig on a new stepped main mast!".."She'll fetch a pretty penny
in Malta or I'm a Bloody Dutchman!"
...As I looked aft along the bloodied decks, where the
surgeons team were looking among the fallen, for hands that
were still alive, a forlorn and pitiful task!...I saw the
French crew taken below to be incarcerated for the rest of the
voyage...probably in the lower dry-stores area! The Shipwright
was also busy, walking the decks with a crew of "Burial
detail"...these men were picking up the dead, and remains of
the fallen, putting them into canvas sail bags, ready for
burial at sea! There was little I could now do on the French
ship...I crossed her decks, jumped the gunwhales and returned
to Talkalot!....There also, the burial detail was going about
it's morbid task! We had lost 17 good men, among them my
messmate and close friend, "Lofty" Mann... I would write a
letter to his girl back in Portsmouth when we arrived in
Valetta!.....not knowing where we were bound after this, I
could only rely on the slow mailing process of the Navy, to
take the news of his death to his next of kin!! We had also
lost the 2 Lascars previously wounded, they had died from
Gangrene infection, after the Surgeon's team had finished
their work! Decks were being scrubbed and holystoned clean of
the spilt blood from the battle...On "L'Aquitaine" work was
proceeding with unlashing a spare mainmast from the stowage
space abaft the wreckage of the old mast....lines had been
rigged to help lift it into position, the old mast-footing had
been removed, and was tossed free over the side to join the
tangled mass of her destroyed rigging.... meanwhile, a tow had
been passed between the vessel and ourselves, as we prepared
for the long slow haul in front of us!... Lt Jarvis and his
men, were taking charge of the "Prize", and would man her
until we arrived Malta! Hopefully she would soon be able to
make headway under her own sail! The Admiral (God Bless Her)
kept her distance during these tragic few hours, not wanting
to witness the devastation, both maritime, and human, that had
been the price paid for the altercation with the Frenchman!
She would soon be pacing the decks again, as before, with her
Glass under her arm, the epitome of calm and efficiency! And
so the day passed; talk revolved around the coming visit to
Malta's Grand Harbour, Valetta, or Salina Creek...whichever we
were ordered to anchor was also of the "prize" and
how much prize monies would be forthcoming! We knew the vast
share would go to the Admiral... with large amounts also
going to the Capt and Officers... .we would see very little
for the blood that was shed by "our" ranks!! The news from
"L'Aquitane" (which our Captain had renamed "Waterwitch") was
that her manifest showed she was carrying bullion for the King
of Spain, and a dowry for the daughter of a Spanish Nobleman,
to whom one Pierre Lutrec was to be married! The aforesaid
would never get to spend that on smuggled goods from the
faraway Carribean!! ....Blocks and tackles squeaked, ropes
passing through running blocks aloft, cracked with the strain
of the lift of the mast sections....calls from aft on
Talkalot, accompanied the chatter of hands stripping the
damaged Mizzen and replacing it with new sail, looking
bleached white in it's new dressing! Slowly, ever so slowly,
things returned to normal....the sun was setting in a riot of
colour, red, purple and orange, above a deep blue sea,
gradually turning an indigo blue astern of us....when the sun
rose on the morrow....there would be the burial service for
those of Christian faith, both English and French, accorded
full military honours! Then, a fair wind was required to
Malta, and the forbidden pleasures there to be partaken of!!!.
...As the first bell of the "First" watch was sounded, and
peace settled over the ship, broken only by the Helmsman's
calls of our course, and, the groaning of timbers, alive with
the movement of our passage.....I thought of Rosie waiting in
Falmouth....and the precious day when I would once again
stroll hand in hand along the foreshore of Falmouth port....I
thought of my unfinished Scrimshaw work I was going to present
to her as my returning gift.... I sighed with frustration,
and the longing of homesickness.....bowed my head under the
hatch-cover of the companionway, and made my way below!...My
elbow needed the Surgeon's attention...sulphur powder and a
tuck with needle and yarn would suffice!!!...My thoughts also
were of messmates, friends I would never see again! ......
The dead!!!!.......
So...the dawn has broken with a clear blue sky..not a cloud in
sight....the sea is a deep blue and we are both under full
sail again now, the tow being no longer required.....the
"Waterwitch" is a sight to behold, with her patched rigging
and scarfed mast...but, looking astern at her prow, gracefully
breaking the blue water into white...she is a thing of great
beauty and elegance...I gaze at her...following in our wake
and think how lucky I am to be here today!....She is proudly
flying the White Ensign...her Tricolor being hastily
despatched over the side yesterday!!!....Our burial service,
at break of dawn, was a sad time for all, however, we have to
look forward!...tomorrow we will, with a good wind, be
anchoring in Valetta! There we can get fresh water for our
water barrels, some fresh green vegetables, some salt
tack...and if we're very lucky, a "Dhaiso" may be landing some
fish!.... I look forward to getting some shore time, a wander
along the beach, a paddle in the surf, a swim!...these are
things I miss! I am a strong swimmer, and, when at home in
Falmouth...I can be found on many days, beachcombing and
swimming in the surf on Gylyngavase beach! I miss my
Rosie!!... we swim together there!......there is a shout from
for'ard....the seaman in the "chains" painting our prow and
figurehead, which is aptly named "Mermite", yells about fish
leaping in front of the ship.... I cast my eyes astern to the
"Waterwitch"...I can see Bottle nosed dolphins playing around
her bow wave, curling away from her stem! They are so fast,
sleek and really beautiful creatures!...It is said they have
great intelligence! By the way they play around the ship's
bow, I am reminded of children! Yesterday, after the battle,
when I was on deck after having my wound treated, we were
visited by the bad omen of the sea! An albatross flew in and
for a while, took time out to rest on the after rope locker!
A beautiful bird, but according to mariners, a seagoing
prophet of doom! After a short rest, it just ran the length of
the poop deck and launched itself into the air and was gone,
skimming the water until out of sight!.... I walk for'ard to
the bow....step out onto the sprit, and gaze through the
netting at the dolphins playing in front of the ship....They
are so fast, and seem to relish the "play"....I wonder if they
see the ship as some big mother dolphin? I look aloft, the
sails are straining in the breeze, we are carrying a full set
of sail, including stuns'ls, flying royals...the ship is fair
leaping along! It's a day to make you feel lucky to be alive!
I don't envy the French crew battened down below on the
"Waterwitch"!!! They have little air, it will be hot, humid
and rank with the smell of mildew and damp!! They have
remained unwashed, they have been fed, but there was little
food left on board her when she was captured, and we have a
large deficit of rations ourselves! But the Admiral has
insisted we share our weevil ridden breads with them..."Bon
appetit mes amis"!!...I will go below in a few minutes and put
quill to parchment, breaking the sad news of "Lofty" Mann's
death to his girl in Southsea! They have the usage of some
rooms there, at an inn called the "Black Dog" where she is a
serving wench! It will be a sad duty to perform....I wonder
what will become of her now, she is with child and cannot fend
for herself much after the 7th month I am told!....the future
will not be the one she was hoping they would share! But,
tomorrow is another day, we will be scanning the horizon from
dawn, looking for landfall...perhaps Salina Bay....the Officer
of the Deck is taking a sighting now on the quarterdeck...if
the angle is right, and the wind is fair.....we shall here the
cry of "Land Ho!!" from the "nest" early on the morrow!!!....I
go below now to perform my dreaded duty with the quill!... My
presence is required aloft during the "Middle" watch I will get some rest now!!
The middle watch passed without incident, I was able from my
vantage point high in the cross trees, to pick out the
different star constellations, Orion's belt, The Plough etc,
it was like looking into a spangled mirror to look down at the
silvery, glassy, moon reflecting sea! There was no breath of
wind during the whole of my watch and the ship wallowed
listlessly "In the doldrums"....when 8 bells sounded to signal
the change of the watch, I was relieved aloft by Fritz
Moseley, I thankfully clambered to the deck and made my way
below to my hammock.....I awoke to hear the cry "Land Ho!"
..."Where Away?"......"5 points on the Starboard Bow"....I
quickly donned my rig and went on see all and sundry
seeking the best vantage points to confirm the sighting! Sure
enough, the Officer of the Deck Sub Lt Harman, with glass to
his eye, confirmed that there was indeed a smudge of land off
our bow! "Come right to 150 degrees!"..... "Aye sir!" "150 it
is Sir...Coxswain at the wheel sir!"... "Very Good" A slight
breeze enabled us to make the course correction, albeit very
slowly....after an hour we seemed no nearer the smudge on the was stifling hot!...the wooden decks were hot to
the soles of our bare feet...if you were not using caution,
pitch would stick and burn the soles of the unlucky person
pacing without thought! Then at about 4 bells in the forenoon
watch we witnessed a ruffling of the sea, puffs of erratic
breeze touched our faces....then the breeze became steadier,
we could hear the canvas aloft, start to strain, looking out
across the glassy sea, we could see darker patches... where
fitful breezes puffed their way towards us! By 6 bells...we
had wind and it was from the most favourable was
from SSE...from our Starboard quarter...."All Hands on deck!!"
Everything was now being "Sheeted home"...lanyards were
tightened...running ropes were hauled tight and belayed....the
sail billowed, then held the wind....everything creaking and
groaning as if the ship was coming alive with
gratitude....soon there was a veritable Zephyr
blowing...driving us towards our landfall....The next 2 hours
was thrilling in the extreme for me!!....the ship surged
ahead, foaming white water thrust aside from her cutting
prow....the cooling wind brought instant relief from the
sticky heat! ....3 bells in the Afternoon watch...we were well
down under the lee of the headland at Salina Bay...just a
short run to Grand Harbour!...the boat's crew were on deck
making the whaler ready for launch...this would ferry the
Admiral and Captain ashore, to make out their report in person
to the Flag Officer...Commander-in-Chief Mediterranean..Sir
Cloudsley Shovell...Astern of us by a cable length (1000yds)
the "Waterwitch" as she was now named, was also a beautiful
sight to behold! Her sail was bleached whiter than ours, and
hid the disfiguring marks of the past battle!!..."Signal from
ashore sir!" Flags fluttered in the breeze from the masthead
of the shore signal
tower!....."What....Kept....You.....So.....Long?"....." Make
the reply
Yeoman!!!". the signal soared aloft....a semaphore message from a
small cutter, that was seen to leave the distant jetty, was
read by the Yeoman!!! "Flag Lt's barge approaching sir....we
are to take up No3 and No4 buoys forthwith!" ...."Make to the
cutter....WMP Yeoman!" (With Much Pleasure)...."Very Good
Sir!" Our next job was to furl all sail...the hands leapt
aloft, singing as they went, a shanty about leaving
Liverpool!. ...our 2 boats were launched...I looked astern,
and the "Waterwitch, with true Naval precision had her boats
out at precisely the same time...all four quick release
shackles were hit at the same time and the boats headed to the
fore to take the tow from each focs'le....the ropes paid out
through the fairleads were quickly picked up and the 2 boats
at our bow now strained to pull us into position! The "Buoy
Jumpers" were ready as we neared our
moorings...steady....steady..."Ship oars Starboard!" the boat
on my side came softly to the buoy....the jumper leapt onto
the buoy...fed the cable through the eye and was back in the
boat in a few seconds....the boats then pulled swiftly to the
ship's bow......the cable passed from the jumper to the
Leading Seaman on the bow, and was fed to the capstan....the
shanty started again as the windlass was wound...the pawlings
clinking as the cable came inboard ...."Make fast!" ...."Aye
Aye Sir!" ....."Made fast Sir!"....."Very from
berthing stations!" ........PHEEEEEEUW.....The bosun's call
piped across the ship...."Hands fall out!"......We had arrived
PHEEEEUW! (Bosun's Pipe Call) "Captain speaking"....."Leave
will be granted from 1600 to the Starboard watch and the first
part of Port! Liberty men will muster abaft the Gangway at
1559!...That is all!".... So here we are! Malta....I look to
the shore and am partly dazzled by the sun bouncing off the
sand coloured buildings, the sea is a beautiful
blue....brightly coloured Dhaisos wend their way across the
harbour.....these are the local merchants boats, plying their
trade, they would be upon us in a few minutes offering us all
sorts of good things! Beautiful wooden carvings of the sacred
Mother, wooden tools and utensils, carved stools and things,
ropework, fabrics in all colours....just some of the things
older hands had explained to me were commonplace in Malta! The
Maltese are a very proud island race, if they make you their
friend, then it is a frienship that lasts a lifetime
apparently! The Admiral (God Bless Her) is hoping to get a new
Steward whilst here in Malta, we hope for the Admiral's sake
that he/she is a friend that will stay in the ship...and not
be like some of us....Pressed Men!!! Already I can see that
the "Waterwitch", tied up at the buoy astern of us, is
swarming with men from ashore, carpenters, sailmakers,
caulkers, riggers...the whole of Malta has surely turned out
to get her repaired and fit to join the Fleet as quickly as
possible! The Admiral and the Captain have been ordered
ashore, well "asked" actually, I presume this is to receive
our sailing orders...our next venture....Napoleon will not
wait, whilst we enjoy the carnal delights the island and it's
"Ladies" offer!!! I Join the throng of seamen ready to go
ashore at 1600...we go ashore in a local boatman's craft,
sculled expertly with the one paddle!....we arrive at a wooden
jetty, I look for rotting timbers, there are none!! We climb
the short wooden ladder to the top, the piers are thronging
with people, it is very hot....but as far as the eye can see,
the women of the town are wearing black! I think how odd this
is, we wear white duck-suit to reflect the heat, these
islanders wear black to absorb it! A hardy race sure enough!!!
We have not sauntered far before I am accosted by a lady, old
enough to be my mother, meanings are made for 1/6d I can
peruse the goods offered and take my fill, if the need arises
(pardon the pun!)...I politely refuse...and am accosted right
away by a trinket seller....I a hundred years time
this will still be happening on this island!!!! ....we head
for the township...some of the womenfolk cross themselves
piously as we pass! Perhaps they have heard of the battle!
Vendors ply their trades by the side of the street...I see
someone selling live chickens...our stores officer will
probably spend some valuable cash here! Live pigs in whicker
cages...birds of all plumages....eggs of varying sorts...fruit
of which I am unfamiliar with thick diamond shaped honey
coloured skins, and thick sharp pointed leaves coming out of
the tops! I am not aware of anyone close-by...but suddenly I
feel a pull on my jacket sleeve, a small boy is offering me a
"clay pipe" filled with some sort of scented concoction...I
don't know what it is....however, Cosgrove, my erstwhile
mentor says "Beware!!, it is going to be an opiate for
sure!"... I am shocked!! although I know of Opium and it's
derivatives, I feel a sense of dismay that a small child is
being used to traffic in this narcotic substance!!...The sun
is beginning to set, I have been ashore now for 2 hours! Hours
filled with sightseeing of the religious icons so prevalent on
the island! A raucous, bawdy singing and carousing is coming
from further up the street, I walk towards the sounds of
revelry....a Taverna with an English name "Smokey Joe's"
!!!!...surely I am reading this wrongly eyes are
deceiving me? I step inside the door and down 2 steps into a
smoke filled den of iniquity, all manner of behaviour is to be
witnessed, the local wine is served from the barrel, and I
partake of a glass, it is warm and red and sharp, above my
head to the right, is a ship's lifeboat strung from the
rafters, with a rope ladder swinging from its Port
side!..Within this craft, several of our crew...and some of
the local "Ladies" are enjoying what can only be described as
"pleasures of a carnal nature!!!"....I look away,
embarrassed....fortunately, it was a providential glancing
away, because out of the corner of my eye, I notice 3 local
men, their black eyes filled with hatred, one of whom had just
slipped a dirk from his hand to his next door neighbour's!!
The hair rises on my scalp....I am only too aware what their
intention is!...I can see the hatred in the eyes of all three,
eyes fixed upon the lewd spectacle above!!.....We will need to
be very careful to get out of here in one piece!!!
I looked around for some way to distract the 3 "would be" to get their undivided attention, steer them
away from the crew members "engaged aloft"? ...My eyes lit on
the candles in bottles on the tables, perhaps I could work
something with those! But how?....not being armed had it's
disadvantages!!!.....on the bar top, stood a large, iron bound
barrel, judgement said it was probably three quarters
full....I had an idea!. ...I strolled casually to one of the
candlelit tables, picked up the bottle with candle, spat on my
finger and thumb, extinguishing the flame, removed the I sauntered smiling towards the bar, no-one took
any notice of me, all eyes being on the spectacle above...I
looked briefly at Cosgrove, Higgins and Stevens.....the latter
being from the Liverpool dockside....I made my meanings clear
with eye movements....a nod from "Cossy" a fearful look from
Higgins ....a knowing smile from Stevens. I approached
the trio...the nearest to me was the one with the blade....I
turned my back on them.... placed the candle-bottle on the
bar....then with the words "Party's over lads!" I spun, with
all my strength pushed the barrel off the bar counter....spun
back, broke the bottle base on the lip of the bar...and in the
split second it took for the would be aggressors to realise
what was happening, and move to avoid the falling barrel,
which exploded in a welter of liquid and broken timber at
their feet....I had the knife hand of the nearest in a
vice-like grip...the broken bottle at his throat!.
..."Cossie" had arm-locked the throat of the middle one of the
trio...whilst Higgins and Stevens held the third!!! The noise
in the bar ceased abruptly....feet pounded across the wooden
floor, the lads from realising what peril they
were in, sobered quickly and launched themselves from the
ship's boat hanging from the rafters! The "Ladies" screamed
with shock, and maybe, with some disappointment!. ..."Did you
have a problem John-John?" I asked of the knife-man....."Nah!
Nah!" came the strangled reply from the middle of the three,
Cosgrove's arm across his windpipe choking his voice! "Good!"
I replied looking around the bar..."Time to go lads, I think!"
"We don't want to outstay our welcome!" ...the muttering crew
stomped through the door into the street, I heard Stevens
whisper to the third of the trio "Have fun trying to be a
father my friend!"...with that he brought his knee up into the
man's groin with a resounding crack....the man screamed and
collapsed in an agonised heap on the floor....Stevie then
turned to the middle man that Cossie still had in a
strangle-hold..."How about you my friend?" "Nahhhn! Nahhhn!"
was the strangled reply!. ..the one I had "restrained" stared
deep in my eyes. eyes that smouldered with anger.....he spat
at my feet! I smiled....looked at Stevie, and said "Feel
free!"... We left two disabled...the third gibbering on the
floor in the remnants of the ale-barrel.....we left abruptly,
running down the alley, suddenly we heard whistles and running
footsteps....the local "peelers" no doubt......"Ease up men!"
I cried, ...we halted and began to saunter down the alley
admiring the flower boxes...stopping to admire and sniff the
scented boxes. ...the local police force came running by,
blowing wooden whistles!....past the innocuous "foreign
seamen"...I was wagering all on the fact that no-one would
identify us, because the trio we had incapacitated, were well
known trouble makers, troubling the locals as much as everone
else! It turned out to be the we made our way back
through the town, three uniformed "Police" on horses clopped
down the alley towards the area we had just left!....returning
a few minutes later with the trio roped individually to the
pommels of the horses by ropes, and being dragged along
behind, in a stumbling gait!...I stopped one of the
"policemen" ..."What have they done?" I asked... "They have
assaulted some women in the Taverna!" came the reply.....The
"Ladies" had expressed their disappointment also, by the
sounds of it!.....It was later also revealed to our ship's
Sailmaker by a local, who happened to be the local Coffin
Maker....the three individuals concerned were in the pay of
the French, any movements of English ships came under their
scrutiny...the information being passed on to the French
Legionaires Post on the hill! An action packed day to be sure!
(historically, the bane of foreign shores!)....and still two
more days here! What would tomorrow bring? we
sauntered back to the ships, I cast a wondering eye on the
lights of the town, candle-lit windows, larger beacons,
Whale-oil filled lamps on the corners...Malta was a beautiful
place!....when I returned to the ship later...."Buster" Brown
( who had been to Malta 3 times!) informed me that the Taverna
we visited was a renowned house of some repute....the area was
known locally as "The Gut!".
I have been looking forward ever since arriving in Malta, to
having a nice swim! Today, after the Forenoon watch,
scrubbing and cleaning, I shall go ashore with the Libertymen,
and have a long, relaxing, swim....nothing more has been heard
about our little fracas in the "Gut"!....although, I did hear
that the Admiral (God Bless Her) was inquiring of the
Quartermaster, whether we had had an enjoyable evening (the
crew that is)...The Quartermaster affirmed that we had...we
were enjoying Malta very much!.... It is now 1330, I am now
going amidships to await the call for "Libertymen"! The sun is
hot, the water in the harbour is very inviting, although we
have been warned not to swim in this area because of the
proximity of a "waste" outlet, from some of the things we can
see in the water, cabbage, vegetable peelings....and sundry
personal items...I feel I will forego swimming here and await
the Liberty-boat and find a quiet spot ashore! We pile into
the Dhaiso that's acting as our liberty-boat and the Ferryman
sculls us (Single-oared) to the wooden Jetty!....I climb the
ladder and walk onto the pier side...The town looks very
decorative, with it's flower boxes in every doorway....the
sandstone buildings reflect the sunlight, and are blindingly
bright! I walk for about half a mile...across rocks and
boulders of all descriptions, coloured stone of pink, grey,
black and red hues, some small...some much bigger than a
man...I turn a corner of the stone walling, and there in front
of me is a small cove, with, what looks like...deep water!
Heaven!.... I look about me, there is no-one in my proximity
at all...I look to seaward...nothing! I quickly doff my canvas
shirt and trousers, kick off my deck shoes and hose, walk to
the water edge in my underwear!...The water is not cold, not
warm either, rather tepid!.....I walk slowly out until I am
chest deep....a little ashamed of my white skin, dive forward
into the cool blue water!.....I adopt the crawl, a stroke I
favour muchly, I slowly warm up my rusty swimming
muscles...overarm after overarm, kicking of the feet,
breathing on each back lift of my arm to the right...head
down, overarm, backward sweep, lift....breathe...and so
on...It was heavenly! I had so missed this....after a mile, I
decided to return the way I had come...this time doing a dive
to look beneath me, coloured fish darted away from my
approach...then....swim for 50 yards...then dive again. ..25
yards underwater..up again..I was enjoying this so much!! A
small grouper swam slowly away from me....I kicked, trying to
catch up with it! As I darted forward, the grouper darted
faster.....wanting to laugh to myself, I broke surface.. .and
with total shock, looked into the face of a beautiful Maltese
girl of about 18 or 19 years of age ....huge, very dark
eyes, flowing wet black hair well beyond her shoulders, wide
mouth, filled with perfectly white teeth.....a mouth that was laughing, at my shocked _expression! God! where
had she come from? She spoke to me in Maltese (I think) I made
meanings that I did not understand....she made clear by her
gestures that she thought I was a very good swimmer, I smiled
my thanks...she would surely have blushed if not for her dark
skin...turned quickly and dived under water...I swam after her
trying to keep up....suddenly I thought of Rosie, patiently
awaiting my return in Falmouth, the flush of guilt swept over
me, in a huge wave...I stopped following the girl, and broke
surface....she broke surface also...about 50 yards further
on!!!!...she too was a powerful swimmer!!!!. .I turned and
swam languidly to my right, heading towards my clothes left on
the shore....the girl was now about 70 yards away, still
heading away from me....why did I feel pangs of regret? I
mustn't feel this way!!!...I had Rosie!!! Nevertheless, my
body told me otherwise!!! I must maintain my course towards
the beach!!! As I lifted my head for a quick look around, she
was no longer in sight! I felt strong disappointment, which I
quickly stifled! What was wrong with me?? Too long at sea?? No
other woman had raised my interest at all in many years! Why
now? ...I reached the shore...climbed up the incline to my
clothes! I was getting dressed, confused thoughts running
through my mind!! I heard a low whistle..... startled, I
looked up!....on the cliff above me, the girl stood, dressed
in a yellow skirt and white top....she waved, blew me a kiss
and disappeared!!! Hells teeth!! I felt like a schoolboy after
first holding hands!!! Why??......
I rushed my dressing!......scrambled over the rocks, slipping
into rock pools on the wet seaweed, over the larger boulders,
round the edge of the cliff soon as I got firm
footing, I ran as fast as my legs would carry me to the place
I could see, where the cliff path started!. ..It was a steep
incline...but I jogged as fast as I could to the top and to
the spot where I had last seen the girl!! Nothing!
Nobody!....nothing in sight for hundreds of yards! Where had
she gone?....I stood in despair, looking all around me,
knowing I would never see her again! I was hit by a sudden
wave of guilt!! What was I doing!!! My lovely Rosie was
waiting in Falmouth for me! Why did I need the solace of
another's arms! But...she was so beautiful!! I thought of her
face, her hair, her eyes, her mouth, the swell of her
breasts...God! what was wrong with me? I could feel my body
responding to the thoughts! I turned, walked slowly down the
cliff path!....we sailed tomorrow...I would never even know
her name!!!. ....I make my way slowly back along the sea mind in a whirl! If I loved Rosie, why should I
feel like this?..I know it's been long months since we left
England, but never before had I felt like this! Instant
attraction!! After a few glasse of red wine in a taverna
called "Guiseppie's" I made my way unsteadily back to the
pier!...I called to a Dhaiso plying for trade, and was ferried
back to the ship! Upon climbing the Jacob's ladder onto the
Quarterdeck. I witnessed the Admiral (God Bless Her) pacing
restlessly to and fro on the Poop!.....someone else was as
keen as I was to get under way by thunder!!...Hands were still
returning from shore 2 hours later, the sun was setting across
the harbour....PHEEEEUUW! " The bosun's call sounded
throughout the ship!..".Hands muster at the waist!...Clear
lower decks!" the familiar cries of the bosun's mates were
shouted along the decks....we formed a makeshift muster below
the break of the Poop....The admiral was still pacing the deck
above our heads! "Any more to come from ashore Buffer?" ..."No
Ma'am! All watches present and correct! Lower deck cleared
Ma'am!" ..."Very Well!"....(What was in the offing I wondered)
"Now hear this! We have reported ourselves as being here
until tomorrow at 1330! But...we sail TONIGHT on the
tide!...we will darken ship! No lights! Boats will be away at
2100!! Muffled oars if you please! By the time the
Legionnaires awake from their slumbers, expecting to see us
here, we will be long gone!" ..."No point in giving our enemy
pre -warning of our departure, or our destination...enabling
them to get a message to the French Fleet!" "'s quiet
as she goes men when we leave, buoy jumpers take care not to
make a noise!....muffled oars....we will sing until 2100 as
usual, shanties from you lads will help cement the deceipt!"
.."Any questions??"......."Aye Ma'am!" from Fritz Moseley (who
else) " Where are we bound??"...."Safe to tell you now
shore-leave has ended!....we are bound for the Nile
delta.....In a few days we will join 3 squadrons of
"Ships-of-the-line" led by an Admiral of whom much has been
said!....Horatio Nelson in HMS Beleraphon!"....."We are to
blockade the Nile....the French fleet are believed to be
bottled up there"!!!....There was a stunned
silence!.....Tonight!!....We sailed TONIGHT!!!! I would never
see my "mermaid" again now!! The strains of " Heave away,
Haul away" drifted up through th open skylight!! The lads were
playing their part well for now, until they ran out of songs
that is!!.....My thoughts returned to the girl I had met on
the beach!...I wondered what her name was? Was she betrothed?
Malta being a strongly Catholic country, no doubt she would be
forbidden from mixing with the likes of me!! A poor seafarer,
a different race, a different culture, a different language, a
different religion...BUT THE SAME DESIRES!!!!!!! Ah well!
The slicing of a Frenchman's belly would have to suffice!!!!
I went below to the Fore-ends, climbed into my hammock, and
shut my eyes! All I could see was that beautiful face, the
lustrous hair, the lovely eyes!...I dozed and fretfully and
restlessly moved about, thoughts of the girl in my mind
continuously!!!.... would I ever meet her again?...and
Rosie?... I thought I loved my Rosie, and yet....I felt the
longing return!....God! I ached to hold that girl in my
arms!!! But....Why? too long at sea? I had never planned to
go to sea at all, and, if it hadn't been for Andrew Moreton's
press gang, I wouldn't be here now!!! I had to realise that I
did want the girl stranger , lustily I admit, I was torn with
the differing emotions! What the hell! I tossed and turned,
unable to clear my mind of the thought of betrayal, yet
wishing I could betray, if only for 10 minutes! ....So I spent
a fitful couple of hours....The Nile Delta and War loomed
large on the horizon! What would happen to me? Would I be
brave enough? Cossie had saved me more than once....Buster
Brown the last time...would I display the courage needed to
tackle the enemy at close quarters?? All these thoughts, and
thoughts of the beautiful Maltese girl, swirled and eddied
about in my mind! I could hear the comings and goings of
getting under way above my head, and through the thick oak
plankings at my side!....whispered commands no doubt...I heard
a heavy bump!!...God!.. I had to get on deck, away from these
thoughts, get my mind on something else! I went on
lights showed...the splash of muffled oars came from the
Starboard side, as the boat carrying the buoy jumper
returned...."All hands aloft!" came the whispered command from
the Poop, "set Mains'l, tops'ls and lower fores'l!"..."Quietly
lads! Quietly!!!" In near complete silence, we slipped, and
the very light breeze started to fill the sail....our buoy
jumper boat, had taken a tow and was pulling our head round to
catch the wind....slowly, ever so slowly, her head came round
and the sail began to fill with the light airs..."By the mark
10 sir!" words passed from seaman to seaman, whispered back
from the man in the chains casting the depth (Swinging the
lead!)..."By the mark 8 Sir!"..."Very well!..Warn me at 6
fathoms!" ..."Aye Sir!".....the slight breeze was just helping
us make a little headway, it was top of the tide, the water
without tidal movement thank God!.....By the mark 7
Sir!".....the depth was getting shallower!!!!...." Captain
sir?" whispered urgently from the fore..."By the mark 6 Sir
and the mark 5 sir!!!"...Hold your course
Helsman!!" ..".Aye sir!"....."By the mark 5 sir!"...."By the
mark 5 sir!"...."By the mark 6 Sir!"....amid a sigh of relief
all round..."By the mark 8 Sir!" We had cleared the bar of the
entrance to the harbour!! No lights...not a word spoken, just
the occasional crack of a filling sail...and the slosh of the
water at the bow....I even heard a night bird call from
somewhere ashore! I thought again of the beautiful girl, just
like a bird, a bird that had graced my life with her
enchanting plumage and gone in the next breath!!....slowly we
cleared the harbour and rounded to the Point...this is where(
because of Neutrality by the Maltese) the French Garrison of
Legionnaires resided...There would be sentries no
doubt....."Quietly now lads!" from the captains voice, we
could tell that his calm tone belied nervousness! A light
suddenly showed on our Starboard bow...high on the hill
someone was about, a lighted lantern perhaps??? Maybe the
mysterious girl....going about her toilet before going to bed?
Aggh! I struggled to occupy my mind on our stealthy
exit....after an hour we were standing off about 10 miles...I
heard the order come from the Admiral's Flag
Lieutenant..."Clear Lower Decks Bosun!!"..."Aye Aye
sir!"...the bosun's mates ran to pass the orders 'tween decks
and along the stumbled on deck...some in night
attire, some half asleep.....all wondering, as I did..."What
now"....gradually the crew were mustered! The admiral (God
Bless Her!) strode to the Taffrail...."Men I have to admit to
a deception! I could not risk our destination getting into the
wrong hands!...What I told you last eve, was a lie!!!...But a
lie of necessity!!" "When I met with Admiral Sir Cloudsley
Shovell, he informed me that we have good intelligence from an
agent in Sicily, to our North, That a French Man-o'-war and a
Spanish Man-o'-war have been loading supplies, victuals!
Powder! Shot! Grapeshot! Musket and Ball....loaded to the very
gunwhales with extra supplies for the beseiged French fleet,
hemmed in by Lord Nelson and Lord Jellicoe!" ..."I needn't
tell you, that if these weapons were to reach the French
fleet, then the past 3 weeks of blockade will have been for
nought!"..."Our job is to intercept and destroy these
ships!"...."Good luck men! God save the King!"....."That is
all!...turn aft!.....Dis...miss!!"... There was a stunned
We were going to have to be very wary I felt....we could not
be caught in Sicilian waters!...we had to wait for the two
ships to come out of the harbour, before trying to intercept
and attack them! I understood why we should need to destroy
these 2 ships!..I could not, for the life of me understand why
we would also challenge a Spanish ship, our quarrel with Spain
was at an end!...Why was a Spanish ship helping the French??
Would we cause a major problem for our Government if we
attacked the Spaniard also!.....these thoughts, and thoughts
of the beautiful Maltese girl ran through my head
continuously!!!.... The night was starry, a crisp night, the
sort when the moon was three quarters full...but looked as
though one could reach out and touch it!...we were running
"Full and Bye" in the bit of a breeze that was available!
.....the slosh of water as it creamed away from the stem, was
the only sound, except for the occasional muttering at the
helm, from the helmsman answering course alterations, our oil
lamps guttered, making the navigational red and green lights
look bright one moment, dimmer the next! Our masthead light
reflected the face of the lookout on watch in the "nest"...All
quiet!... I was able to let my thoughts run riot...I had
never really had much experience of close quarter, hand to
hand fighting!...I worried whether I would have the courage to
do battle with the enemy, in close contact? I thought perhaps
I might experience pangs of remorse after our last battle, but
no!..I hadn't thought any more about the enemy!...only our
dead! Our fallen comrades who wouldn't be going back to
England or in one other case, Falmouth with me!... I thought
then of Rosie! I felt I loved Rosie, we had done so much
together, we were so very close, we understood every mood,
every nuance....but I was having doubts...or were they just
longings of the libido??...a libido that hadn't been exercised
for many a long month? I didn't know, but I could not assuage
the feelings of guilt and betrayal, that the feelings of
longing instilled in me!!!...."Deck there!" came a cry from
aloft,"Small craft 2 points to Larboard! looks like a small
fishing vessel Sir!" In the bright moonlight, our man aloft
had spotted the shadow ahead in the reflected beam along the
water!..."Where away? What distance?" "Red 20 Sir!...distance
about 2 miles!" "Well spotted Cosgrove!" ..."All hands on
deck! Take in sail!" ..The muttering crew members came
streaming from below, I took my place alongside them, ran to
the shrouds, leapt into the ratlines, and climbed the "Main"
to the elbow, then out onto the yard, my bare feet slippery
along the footropes!....with well practised speed we took in
and furled the main, along with the to'gallants and
royals....leaving just enough to maintain headway..."Avast
furling!" ....we stopped our finger numbing job of packing the
heavy, wet, salt encrusted look below...the decks
were alive with marines, in their red-coats...taking up
station in the scuppers, below the gunwhales, out of
sight!.... A small boat with no lights, was a mystery in
these waters, was it on some clandestine mission?...or, more
likely, some fisherman that had, due to misfortune, run out of
oil for the lamps!....."Stand by to come about into the wind!"
This would mean throwing the tiller over, bringing the ship's
head around, and into the wind, which would have the result of
back-filling the sail that was still being carried, and acting
like a brake, stopping us dead in the water! we swung
her head around, we could see, in the moonbeam along the
water, the shape of a Naval cutter, a 16 man clinker built
ship's boat, what was it doing here? An English boat? we
lowered our boat from the davits..."Slip!" came the cry and
the boat dropped into the black sea...the crew of 5 started to
pull towards the other craft.... As it neared, a seaman could
be plainly heard retching!..."Full o' dead Sir!" the report
echoed across the water, "Very well", bring it alongside! Look
snappy about it!" "Aye Aye Sir!" came the reply!...we waited
with bated breath as we heard the passing of a line between
the two craft, and the resumption of the splashing of
oars....What ship could "they" have come from? One of the
Fleet at the Nile delta?....As the boat neared us, the Admiral
(God Bless Her) came on deck, asking what the situation was,
enemy or friend? " Don't know at present
Ma'am!"..."Bosun!...get some lamps over here!! Quickly
man!!"...."Full of dead did I hear?" asked the Admiral..."Aye
Ma'am!..that's the preliminary report!".."We shall soon
know!"...the whaler approached the ship's side, making heavy
weather of the tow, with only 5 men to pull a 16 man craft,
the Bosun and several hands rushed to the lee rail with the
lamps, and we all peered below to the spectacle that was an
abomination to behold!! The "crew" of the cutter, in full
canvas suits save for one officer in full uniform, were spread
around the thwarts, they were bloated beyond recognition, what
flesh remained, burnt to a crisp by the sun....they were
lashed to the thwarts with rope...hands tied behind their
backs....the gullls having long ago deprived them of
sight...they looked for all the world, like the mariners of
old in the rhyme "The Ancient Mariner" destined to drift
forever in an ocean of ghosts!.....Our anger arose as suddenly
a notice was espied, tied around the neck of the officer in
the sternsheets! The notice read "Cochon Anglaise!"....I
didn't understand what the notice meant, until Buster Brown
enlightened me!!!.....this crew, our Countymen...had been
murdered by the French, then set adrift!!!!......
Murdered! The bloody French had murdered them, tied them to
the thwarts, and set them adrift!! We couldn't believe it!
Barbarity! in the extreme!! It made the thoughts of the
coming encounter much better to bear! The grisly task of what
to do with our countrymen fell to the Sailmaker and the off
duty Signals Yeoman.... each crewman was wrapped in a canvas
shroud and laid out on the deck, when the Officer, who had
been in the sternsheets was being laid out, a note was found
in his possession, telling of a major battle that had taken
place off the Egyptian coast! A place called Tewfik Bay had
been the scene of a major altercation between 3 French
Men'o'War and the English Schooner "Paladin"!! The brave
Paladin had taken on the 3 of them single-handedly....and by
the looks of the crew of this cutter, had succumbed to
overwhelming numbers! The hurriedly written note was a
secreted notification of what had taken place! Obviously
placed in the Officer's pocket prior to his murder!.....God!
How I hated the French! How I hated the war!! Why did I have
to go to the inn for a drink that night? I could still be in
Falmouth with Rosie! Another pang of guilt...followed by a
quick thought of the girl in Malta! Ah
well!.......Suddenly.... "Clear Lower Decks!" Hands rushed
from below to form a ship's company holy congregation for the
burial service! "Take in sail!"....Hands on watch skipped
across the decks and vaulted onto the bulwark rails, and into
the shrouds! "Take in all sail barring the fore and
mizzen!"....."Look lively lads!" Being off watch..I was
mustering with the other off-duty crew abaft the mainmast,
around the open section, where our companionway was lowered!
This is where each of our fallen comrades, who will forever be
nameless, will slip into the deep!. ........"Let us
pray......."Our father.....".I looked at the canvas covered
bundles, they felt no more pain, they had to worry no more
about war!....The hymn "For those in peril on the sea" rang
around the decks, although in a muted chorus...."We commit
their bodies to the deep, in the sure........."...."Through
Jesus Christ our Lord..Amen" ...AMEN! "On caps!"...."Turn
Aft...Dismiss!"....the crew fell out after the last bundle had
slid from the planking out over the side and into the blue
deep!....."All hands aloft!...Make sail!..... Unfurl Flying
Royals, raise a Spinnaker! We have work to do men! Look lively
now!"....It took nearly half an hour to get the ship under
full sail again!....full sail indeed! We had every stitch of
canvas allotted rigged! The ship heeled to Starboard taking on
a 25 degree list as the wind filled every available scrap of
sail! We gained speed, the bosun's mate at the stern, was
streaming the ship's log to take a measurement of our speed!
It was tremendous... .the Starboard rails were now awash, as
we lay over, and on each lift, we shed the load, and as she
dropped, we shipped it over the side, to crash across the
decks ready to trap the unwary!! I was loving it! I could see
other members of the crew loving it too!....Spray was flying
over the foc'sle head and stinging our faces as far back as
the waist! Looking astern, we could see the broad fan of our
wake...." 18 Knots Sir! shouted the Bosun's mate.." Very
well!" "Keep your eyes about you up there!" Shouted
instructions from the Officer of the Deck.... Lieutenant
Commander Garrard.....(or "DG" to us in the wardroom!) to the
lookout in the "Truck" I looked aloft and Johnnie Amis was the
lookout and had climbed further up the main until he could get
no higher...and had lashed himself to the upper yard stay!
Well! He should espy a Johnnie Frenchman from there!....We
were looking also for a Spaniard I thought to myself, I was
wondering if the intelligence received from the agent in
Sicily was up-to-date...had they sailed already? ...had they
passed us as ships in the night? ....I thought of tomorrow,
and what would it bring?? I felt uneasy!.. There would be
combat afore long!!!..... .
Two days and two nights of solitude on the open sea! No sign
of anyone! Let alone an enemy! We had "Surfed" along at a rate
of knots almost unheard of in "Talkalot" She had literally
"Skimmed" the waves, in her quest for speed.... we carried
every possible scrap of sail..all to no avail! Lt Griffin had
the watch at 3 bells in the afternoon watch, the crew were
relaxed and going about "Make and mend" duties, repairing
ship's gear and personal kit repairs.... There was a musical
interlude going on aft on the gratings!...A squeeze-box had
appeared and a Spitoon, the latter being beaten in time with a
belaying-pin in each hand of Charlie Watts, (Able
Seaman)....The more melodious accordian being played by Bob
Brooks! ..... 'Tis not the leaving of Liverpool" rang around
the aftercastle...Again!!! We could do with some home port
shore leave for the musicians to visit some local ale houses
to learn some more risque endeavours!!! ...They had now
switched to "Heave away, Haul away!". ...Cabin boy Perkins
was on the Lanyard Locker doing a jig. ..the rest of the
crew, off watch, were standing in a semi-circle clapping
time...the hot sun and the midday grog had us all
relaxed......Suddenly!!!!...."Sail Ho!!!"... A cry from the
masthead lookout, (Billy Bond) !!!...."Where away?...Bearing!!
God damn your hide Bond!!...what bearing??" shouted "Derry"
Griffin! (Reporting of a sail should be accompanied by a
bearing of the sighting to enable the Officer of the Deck to
bring a spyglass to bear!)....."Green 30 Sir!!" Replied
Billy.."Hull down off the Starboard bow Sir!...Just visible
Sir!"....the decks fell silent, was this the Frenchman and his
ally, but it was only one ship? Perhaps they had separated?? "
Damnation!!!" muttered Lt Griffin..."Hell and
Damnation!!...I'm coming aloft Bond! Can you make her out
yet?"..."No Sir!! She's hull-down, can only see a mite of
canvas!"...."I'm coming aloft!!" with a sprightly step and an
athletic leap, Lt Griffin was into the shrouds and climbing
fast...."She's a Man 'o War Sir!" "I can tell by her
Chequers!"....Gun Ports on Warships were highlighted in black
and white or buff and black, easily discernible to a trained
eye!!.....There was a crash of a cabin door from aft on the
poop, the Admiral (God Bless Her) was on deck!...."What in
tarnation is amiss Griffin??" ....."Sail hull- down at Green
30 degrees Ma'am!"...."Could be our friends!"....."Humph! Well
get it confirmed man! Get it confirmed!" with this the Admiral
marched aft to the Taffrail to await the identification!...We
could tell by her response, she was as keyed and eager for the
fray as we were! ......A long silence, whilst "Derry"
climbed to the "Truck"....we watched as he raised the glass to
his eye!....precious seconds...The Admiral pacing the
after-deck impatiently....."Well? Come on man! What is it??".
HER RIGGING!!!" A buzz of excitement ran around the decks!
Whispered comments described what would befall the interlopers
if hands could be layed upon their hides!!!....."Clear for
action Mr Griffin!!"...."Aye Ma'am!!"....."Look lively below
there!...Clear the lower deck! Gunners! Stand-by to run out!!"
.....I went to the entrance to the Gun-decks and watched the
powder monkeys running with powder and shot, buckets of
sand,buckets of water, passing out headbands....(The silk
headbands would keep the sweat out of the eyes when the going
got hectic!)...Slow matches were lit and passed out..the way
we were coming down on her, it would be our Starboard
broadside that would have to hit home first!....."She's
definitely French sir, a frigate of some 300 tons, carrying
armament of 32 x 60pounders I'll wager!" "Very
Well!"......."Sail Ho Sir! Hull down...Green 40 degrees!" All
eyes spun abeam.....If this was the Spaniard, she was in the
van, at least half a days march on the Frenchie!! What was she
doing there? She should be astern of the Frenchman! Or was the
Frenchman giving her cover of her stern? What for? Did she
carry a precious cargo?? Armaments only??? Or something more
valuable? On the Port tack we were coming down on the Frenchie
fast! Was she cramming on more sail? Trying to lessen the gap
between her and her ally??.....I had a trembling in the
vitals....nervousness always played a part in the preparation
for action....I thought of the Maltese girl!!! Dammit! Why
her? Why not Rosie?? Hell fire..I'm about to go into the
bloodiest fighting that could be imagined...and I think not of
Rosie, but of the unamed beauty ashore in Malta!!! What would
the next few hours bring? Would I have the courage once again?
Would I die? Cut down by a French or Spanish cutlass, or worse
still by the devilish "Grape" (all manner of rusty nails,
metal scrap, in fact anything that would maim or kill,
disembowel or decapitate!)......"Load and run -out if you
please Mr Garrard! Starboard battery!"...."Marines to the
shrouds!"....."Have the Grapples ready Mr Griffin!" ...."Aye
Ma'am!!"......"Steady as she goes Coxswain!"....."Aye-Aye
Ma'am!!.... Coxswain Pertwee at the wheel!!"..
With the wind on our Port or Larboard quarter, we were heeling
to our Starboard shipping water over the Starboard gunwhales!!
"Hands aloft! Take in sail!" "We'll fight them using main,
fore and mizzen!"...."Starboard your helm Pertwee...come right
5 points!" ..."Aye Ma'am!" We were nearly running free, and
would now come down on the Frenchman's Starboard side!....
Why the Starboard battery run-out?. .."All hands not
involved on gun decks..get aloft and stand-by to Gybe as we
approach her!" "Mr Garrard! Load half with shot and half with
Grape if you please! We'll play them at their own game!"
...."Keep a keen eye Bond! I want to know exactly what the
Spaniard is about to do and when!!".... "AYE AYE MA'AM!!!!!
Knowing looks passed between Lt Cdr Garrard and I....The
Admiral (God Bless Her) was going to run down the Frenchman's
Starboard side to all intents and purpose!... Then , in a
tricky manouvre, would Gybe the ship, swinging onto the
opposite tack leaving us turning to Port, and running across
her stern!. ...What a risky thing to do! "The Spaniard is
coming about Ma'am! She's swinging onto a Starboard
tack!...."Looks like she's going to join in Ma'am!....."Very
well! Keep me posted Bond!".....The word had been passed to
load half the guns with Grape-shot and half with Shot....the
Fore side of the armament with the shot..the after 8 guns with
grape...."Mr Griffin! Stand by to gybe when I give the word!
We're coming about under her stern...I want 8 rounds of shot
into her stern and steering gear!...then we'll come right to
pass down her Port side and on the upward roll....Let 'em have
it across the decks with the Grape!!!" ....."AYE AYE Ma'am!"
Phew! I let out a breath! What a feat if it came
off!.....Suddenly, a Crack of sound followed a red and black
explosion at the Frenchman's stern!!...she had stern armament!
carronades I would wager!...probably 4 of them on the
aftercastle gun deck! .....The sound of ripping cloth filled
the air as the balls whistled overhead and dropped harmlessly
on our Starboard quarter....We were now about 2 cables
distance.... from "Mermite" at our the enemy's
stern...."Stand by to gybe!..... GYBE!! Port your wheel
coxswain!" ...."Aye aye Ma'am!" ....the ship's head paid off
and swung quickly across the after end of the French ship...."
Spaniard's crowding on sail Ma'am! About 8 miles distant!
Course Red 60!" ...."Very well! ...Midships Pertwee!! Hold her
steady! As we come under her stern Mr Griffin!!!!!" "Aye
Ma'am!" ....."Stand by on the gun-deck!!" As the ship
continued to swing, more slowly now, a further fusillade of
shot passed overhead and splashed down to the spot we would
have been if we hadn't Gybed! ...."Stand by guns!!....Stand
by!! (The frenchies stern filled our vision now a short cables
length away)...."Steady men!!....Let her dip!.....As she rises
now!!.....stand by! As she rises Mr Griffin!!! as the ship
lifted from her roll, "Derry" Griffin took
over....."FIRE!...The 8 cannon roared as one, the ship shook
from stem to stern and seemed to be shot back on her
haunches!. ..My ears were ringing from the eyes
full of powder smoke! I couldn't hear anything of commands
from the poop...As the smoke cleared there was an almighty
cheer from below on the gundecks....I could then begin to make
out the Frenchman's stern!! It was wrecked!...her ornate gilt
work was afire, her Admirals quarters shattered into
matchwood...but most importantly her rudder was hanging
uselessly at an angle, off the pintles at the top end! Her
steering gear was locked!!! ....she was replying with the
carronades again, unable to bring her cannon to bear!! I heard
the shrieks and screams of men being cut down by the shot, a
yard on the fores'l mast, came crashing to the deck, along
with a jumble of rigging! I saw two seamen crushed to death
under it's huge weight! Groans of injured men came to me
through my temporary deafness....I glanced up again...The
Frenchman was totally out of control now ...."Starboard your
helm Mr Pertwee!!" ..."Aye Ma'am!" the ship's head came
around to Starboard, I realised we were going to run down her
Port side...(This would be the side where the guns had not
been run out yet! Because our approach was from the other
direction! Her Starboard battery would be ready!! But NOT HER
PORT!" ....."Stand by Mr Griffin!" ...."Aye Aye Ma'am!"
...."Fire at will!!...Take 'em down! This is for the
"Paladin!!!!" ...." AYE AYE MA'AM!!! Yesss SIR!"....."Stand
by lads!" I could hear Derry's voice loud and clear above the
din of the Marine's musket fire in the shrouds!....."Stand
by!....Stand by! As she rises!.....FIRE!!!!....The deadly,
vicious and lethal dose of "Grape" sang across the French
decks, cutting down scores of men in it's path!...The screams
from the enemy ship were horrendous! Pitiful cries in another
language, that, if one could have understood, would have been
cries for a Mother or loved one!! "Good enough Mr Garrard!
We'll return later to finish the Job!".... Now for the
Spaniard!...She was about 2 miles distant and closing fast
with full sail still rigged!!! We were running under a quarter
furled rig! How would the Admiral play this one? A wet nose at
my right wrist made me look down. ....the Admiral's pet dog
Dillon had gotten out of quarters and was standing by me
shaking with fear! I knelt to the dog's level, took his tan
and white head in my hands, and soothed him with a few gentle
words! God!! He was shaking! He was as scared as I was!!
...." Mr Garrard, Mr Griffin!...A word if you please!...This
is how we'll do it!!"........
"Right men!!"..."The Spaniard must be made to think we are
going to join with him Starboard to Port or Port to
Starboard!...With the wind coming from our Port quarter, we
will run down on her at about half a cable's separation
distance..I reckon the closing speed to be 28 knots!"..."We
keep her on our Starboard Bow until the very last moment
before she comes about, and goes onto whichever tack she will
choose! My guess is that she will opt for the chance to put
herself between us and the Frenchman, thereby giving the two
of them chance to bring their guns to bear on us, badly
damaged as the Frenchie is, it's her stern that's destroyed,
and not her main armament!!"...."So!... I think she will tack
to Port...As soon as we see her yards taken in, and her head
swing, we will Gybe to Starboard...thence cutting off her
route to the Frenchman...and placing us in a position to rake
her from stem to stern as she comes about! It will be a close
thing! We will take casualties no doubt! complete 16 gun
broadside to rake her...then we tack to Port and show her our
rear...where I want the 4 carronades loaded with "Fireball
shot"!! (This was shot placed into the muzzle, then a wad of
pitched hemp tamped down on top and set ablaze!)....We want,
ideally to take out her main or her fore....disabled we can
pick them off at our leisure!!" Marines in the Shrouds can be
stood down! We won't be giving them an opportunity to get to
close with us!!.....On our Starboard bow the Spaniard was only
a short distance ahead!..."Keep it calm Mr Griffin...Mr
Garrard!....Stand by to Gybe!" ..."Aye Ma'am!".....Suddenly a
shout from aloft" She's coming about Ma'am!" "She's taking in
her Port yards...letting out Starboard!"...."Her heads
swinging to Port!"....."STANDBY TO GYBE MR
GARRARD!"......"GYBE!!!"....Our Portside yards were released
with a cracking of ropes and sail...Starboard lines were
hauled in at lightning speed...the wheel was flung in a blur
of speed to the right...the ship's head came hurtling around
at frightnening speed!....."'Midships your helm
Coxswain!"..."Aye Aye Ma'am!"...."Midships Ma'am! Course
090!"...Very well!!"......"Stand by Mr Griffin!!...."....The
Spaniard taken completely unawares, though we would have had
our Starboard battery ready..with guns run out to
Starboard......she was coming about more slowly than us and
her Starboard bow filled our vision. gradually her Starboard
side came in view of the guns! Nothing so far from the enemy,
but a few balls passing to Port from the Frenchman!
......"Stand by Mr Griffin!....On the up! As she rises! I want
the full broadside!" ...Over to you Mr Griffin!"....."AYE AYE
MA'AM!"....."ON THE RISE MEN!!! STAND BY!"...There was a crash
of cannon from the Spaniard...she couldn't yet bring her guns
to bear fully....but 2 balls crashed through the stern
quarter, taking some of the Admiral's day cabin, some of the
mizzen ripped away, our ensign staff
disintegrated!......"Stand by!....Give 'em hell my lads!"
...."FIRE!".....A deafening series of explosions!! ears
rang, I was deaf and choking on smoke!...."Come about
Helmsman...Starboard your helm! Show her our tail!"....The
smoke was clearing....I could hear cries, from where I didn't
know!...I looked aft to see if anyone had been cut down there,
I espied Dillon, sitting with head raised, at the Admiral's
left knee, eyes raised in fear and doubt.....what loyalty!!...
But he was safe!!!...In all the bedlam of the upper decks!! I
watched as the ship payed off and showed her stern to the
enemy who was now replying with her Starboard battery...we
were a smaller target now though, and several balls landed
harmlessly alongside each beam!!....Suddenly!!!!....A huge
crash, timber splinters and steel hummed through the air! We
were hit forrard in the foc'sle head....flames leapt towards
the sky and the canvas! Screams of wounded men!!..."Stand by
the carronades Mr Griffin!"...."Mr Garrard!...get that rigging
cut clear...and casualties to the Surgeon's knife if you
please!"....."Aye Aye Ma'am!" rang from both men!....I had
pity in my heart for the crew that were injured! They would
need all their courage tonight!!....."FIRE!!!".....The smaller
cracks of the carronade discharge filled the air...the acrid
taste of burning pitch and burnt powder stung my eyes and
throat! I retched uncontollably, my stomach heaving!! I
thought of Falmouth and Rosie!! ....The Admiral (God Bless
Her) was as calm as the Sargasso on the poop...her right hand
on the rail...her left tickling Dillon's ear!!...."She's afire
midships ma'am!"....Excellent work Mr Griffin!...Mr Garrard!
Well done!"...."Keep our stern to her until we're out of
range...and we will come back under her Quarter to finish the
Job!"..."Bosun!!! Have an issue of Grog for each man...A
double measure for the wounded!!"...."Aye Aye Ma'am!"..."We
have half an hour to bring her around!...Take a
rest....RELOAD!! Port Battery too!" ...."We'll be back my
We cleared our gash over the side...axes cutting away the torn
and defunct Mizzen, with all it's rig...the Admiral's quarters
were a shambles!...the leaded scuttles, she was so proud of,
are in ruins with the shattered glass being swept as I speak!
I went aft to the Admiral's quarters to find out if Dillon,
our ship's dog, was ok after our little soiree with the
Spaniard? The Admiral said she was fine...but would be
confined below decks for the coming fray! ....I turned on my
heel and spoke to Mr Garrard...."How are the wounded
David?"....."3 amputations being carried out as we speak...the
1 with stomach wound won't see morning!"....."Who's he?" I
asked....."Junior seaman Hodges Chris! Was caught by the
explosion aft!".....I knew of Hodges, a bit of a character
below decks....a born comedian from Liverpool! Hodges had
Volunteered!!!!. ...I left and went below to the Surgeon's
sick bay....I walked among the wounded giving words of
encouagement to those that would live...those that wouldn't,
were out of their heads on grog now anyway!! I spoke to the
Surgeon's mate who nodded to the few that wouldn't make it
through the night, but were still aware of their surroundings,
I passed among them, giving them hope for the new day
tomorrow! Telling them that the battle was done! We had won
thanks to their efforts!!. ...I was glad to get to the
relatively clean air of the upper decks!...I looked around
me....over to our Starboard side, about 5 cables distant, was
the Frenchman!......She was lying low in the water!!!! No
cause for concern from that quarter!....The Spaniard was
underway...heading for her ally....perhaps hoping to help
her!....The Admiral's ploy seemed to be working...they thought
we had had enough of the fight and were leaving them to their
fate! They should be so lucky!!..." Mr Griffin!...We will run
out for another couple of miles...then reverse our course! I
want all sail!...with the wind then coming from aft, we can
run-free, hopefully we can take them both on our Starboard
side!". ..."Aye Ma'am!...Full Broadside Ma'am?"..."Yes Mr
Griffin!"...."Mr Garrard! Stand by to come
about......Starboard 20!" ...."Starboard 20 it is
Ma'am!"...."20 of Starboard wheel on Ma'am!"......"MAKE
SAIL!!!!" ...As the ship's head came around, the crew aloft
were busy running out all sail possible, jumping along the
foot wires on the yards, unfurling the furled sail...."Come
right to course 060 Mr Garrard!" "Aye ma'am!"....."Course 060
Ma'am"....."Very well!"......"Stand by to run out Starboard Mr
Griffin if you please!"..."Aye Ma'am!".....The clamour on the
gun decks could be plainly heard, as the ropes holding the
Cannon were hauled in running the guns out through the gun
ports!...The Admiral leapt onto the gunwhale nearby and into
the ratlines, climbing like a mountain goat!....she stopped
before the elbow and put the spyglass to her eye....."By
thunder!...The Frenchman has boats in the water Mr Garrard! We
caused her more anguish than we thought!" "About a cable
apart I think men!"....."Mr Griffin!!! Load with Fireball in
the after 4 cannon!!"..."Mr Garrard! Bring her back 5 degrees
to Port!"...."I'm going to run down on an oblique course Mr
Garrard!...the idea is to make the Spaniard turn off the wind,
to engage us, but taking her towards her ally!"...."Then when
they are being engaged, hopefully they will be too busy to
realise our plan!"...."Course 055 Ma'am!"....Very well!!....Mr
Garrard!! Hoist battle ensigns!".....The huge battle ensigns,
fluttered immediately aloft, the yeoman must have been waiting
for the order, and were once again flying forward over our
heads!!......A small set of explosion rang across the water
from the Spaniard...using their after
carronades!!.....SWOOOSH!! the ripping sound of the balls
whistling overhead filled the air!....I counted fall of shot!
4! 3 to the Starboard, one just ahead!!...."Stand by Mr
Griffin!"...The Spaniard, true to our guess, had come around
to enable her gunners to engage us on her port side...but also
enabling her to drift toward the Frenchman!! ....Nothing from
the French vessel as far as gu...... !BOOOOM!!! A ripple of
cannon fire from the Frenchie's Port side!!! I thought I
counted 8 rounds......CRACK!!!...the fores'l yard had taken a
hit! Another fell on the focs'l proper....2 more ball sent up
huge plumes of water on our Port side!! I could see flames
coming from the focs'l above where my quarters were! I prayed
the ball had not travelled too deep!!!..."Stand by Mr
Griffin...Over to you now!!" ..."Aye aye Ma'am!" ...."Steady
lads! Steady! Just before her decks show!" There was a huge
barrage of fire from the Spaniard, I felt "Talkalot" shudder
as several ball found their target aft on the Starboard side!
Screams of wounded men again filled the air!..."Fire!!" The
ship shook as we fired our broadside! There was an almost
immediate cheer from the marines aloft! "Her mainmast is hit!"
....I looked over to Starboard, and through the smoke, could
just make out the Spaniard, her main top slowly falling, like
a leaf in the wind!! The after 4 guns had made their mark too!
Fire was now spread across the Spanish decks...we could see
figures running to douse the flames!...."Standby to come
about!...Port 20 Mr Garrard!"...."Aye Ma'am!"...The ship's
head came left away from the Spanish ship..."Show them our
tail Mr Garrard!"...."Stand by with the sting in the tail Mr
Griffin!"..."Very well Ma'am!"......"As she bears men!...Stand
by...stand by ....FIRE!"....The four carronades aft exploded
as one...throwing "Fireball" at the enemy, finding their mark
squarely 'midships!! ..The Spanish ship was well afire
now!!...too late the crew were running aloft to bring her
around before she drifted down onto the Frenchman!! From our
safe vantage point 3 cables to the rear of the Spaniard we
could watch in awe, the spectacle of the irreversable events
set in motion! "Stand off Mr Garrard! We'll watch the fun!"
..."AYE AYE MA'AM!!!!!....."Take in sail! Hands
"Mr Garrard!-take her off another 3 cables length if you
please!!..."Aye Ma'am!""Set the Fores'l and main t'gallant Mr
Garrard! Snappy if you please!" ...."Aye Ma'am!"....the decks
were suddenly alive with hands scurrying about the sail
duty!...."Make it snappy men!" "Lively now!" .....The crew
aloft went hurriedly about the task of setting the fores'l
with a will! of the easier sails to set!!!....the ship
came round with the wind on her Port quarter and began to make
headway at about 5 knots!.....We had been watching the
Frenchman getting lower and lower in the water...we had
wondered about the boats? Why had she lowered her boats???
....they were now under the lee of the dismasted
Spaniard...some of her crew could be seen clambering up nets
dropped over the sides! On the Spaniard's decks, crew could be
seen chopping away the fallen rigging and top of the
main....the stump of the main mast stood like a finger
pointing at the sky!......It would take a long while to re-rig
her to her original state! ....I looked toward the poop and
against the sun could see the outline of the Admiral as she
paced the decks....she was a little agitated about
something!...I hoped Dillon was OK and had not been too shaken
by the engagement! .....would we be able to finish the job
and claim the Spaniard as a Prize? ....the Frenchie was a
goner...we could see that she was getting lower and lower in
the water!!....I wondered if we managed to get a tow aboard
her, with her crew incapacitated, whether we
wo......ld.......BOOOOOOM!!!!! ....There was a huge
explosion, enough to deafen the hardiest of ears!....timber
flew hundreds of feet into the air, along with sail, mast
detritis, rope and other sundry unimaginable pieces of
flotsam....I did not want to dwell on what they could be!!
Hell's Teeth!!! What had ........Another huge explosion
slammed against my eardrums, followed quickly by an orange
fireball as big as a ship, which mushroomed skywards!...I
crossed my chest in the immortal Trinity sign of the cross!
Poor devils!!! The remnants of the French ship's crew were no
more! Blasted to kingdom come by the ignition of what must
have been a huge magazine of powder! No wonder they had taken
to the boats!!! They knew what was going to happen if the
fire got out of hand!....I felt I wanted to go to the Admiral
and ask if she would lower our boats to help with any
survivors!...Then my thoughts returned to the "Ghost" crew of
the Cutter from the "Paladin"...and those thoughts were
hurriedly put to one side!! But...after all....they were
fellow seamen!!!......"Deck there!.....The Spaniard is trying
to head away!"..."Very well Mr Pertwee...I can see her!"...I
looked quickly to Starboard and sure enough, the remaining
ship was desperately trying to cram on sail....and...fight a
fire which had hold of her amidships!!!...."Admiral
Ma'am....should we attempt to head her off?"...."No! Mr Allen!
She too is finished I do believe!" ....The "Boss" obviously
knew more than we did about the cargoes of both
least one of the vessels would not be boosting Napoleon's
armaments or magazines!!......I could see the flames on the
Spanish ship were now blowing across the decks from Starboard
to Port....she needed to come about and allow the fire to
encroach more to the stern, away from her magazines, and cargo
spaces!....trying to come about was impossible, she would be
luffed, the wind being in the wrong quarter!!!....Poor
beggars!!!....we watched with bated breath as the gallant crew
fought the both elements, wind and fire! ugly
combination, especially at sea!!!....We observed from a
distance, for about 25 minutes..when without any further
warning, a magazine forrard exploded in an amazing array of
pyrotechnics!!! Flames, debris, and surely, pieces of human,
soared skywards....ascending to about a hundred feet into the
air!....this was quickly followed by two more in rapid
succession!!! A HUGE fireball seared the eyeballs.....the
echoing BOOM coming across the smoke filled sea in sonic
waves!!! .....Poor sods! Poor, poor sods! took
several seconds for the smoke to clear, when it did, of the
both ships there was no sign, save for the flotsam of timber,
canvas, rope and general wreckage....."Search for survivors
Ma'am?"....."NO Mr Griffin !!!...There will be none that
will want to be alive in that inferno!"......I looked
forlornly at the scene!....This was war! This was
slaughter!....this was Madness!!! ....I thought it might be a
better idea for the Statesmen of the world to settle matters
by some sort of Duel or game of Cribbage....anything rather
than this obscenity!!! ........"Mr Garrard!"..."Aye
Ma'am!"...."Make all sail if you please...come to course 220
degrees.....We will tender our respects to the Governor at
Malta....and hopefully get a message off to the Fleet at the
Nile Delta!"...."Aye Aye Ma'am!"...."All hands on
deck!!!!...set sail!!!!".......My heart was
racing!!!!....MALTA!!!!! ...The thoughts sang through my pulse was soaring!!! MALTA!!! And the lovely
That night I could not sleep...thoughts ran through my head in
a continuous ribbon behind my eyelids!....I saw again the
inferno that had taken so many men to "Davy's locker", I
thought also of the men in the cutter from the "Paladin"!...I
thought of the pieces of human soaring skywards ...I thought
too of the lovely Maltese girl! ....I tossed and turned in my
"Mick"....the night seemed endless!...I arose at 3 bells into
the middle watch, and went on deck!..It was a windless night,
starry sky, full moon lighting our path like a golden
road....I walked for'ard to the bow, stretched out onto the
spit and sat, my eyes following the river of golden
moonlight!....Puffs of wind occassionally sent canvas
a'flapping, but the sea remained like a mirror, such a
beautiful night! ..."Watch your head helmsman!"...I heard Lt
Griffin call softly to the helm, "Course 220 Sir.... south by
southwest!".....The ship was silent save for the gurgle of
water passing from stem to stern .....She was such a beauty!
Would I see her on this visit?...Should I go to the cove
again? Would she look for me if she knew of our imminent
arrival? God knows!! These thoughts ran through my head, I
looked at the moon, then down at the burnished sea, Oh how I
wished she was here with me now!...In my arms! I imagined my
head buried in her flowing black hair, I imagined the perfume
of her skin, I had noticed the downy smoothness of her limbs,
her olive complexion, her smiling eyes of jet, filled with a
sensuous invitation!!! ......As I sat, my jumbled thoughts
were solely of her....I felt the familiar, but long buried,
stirring in the loins! God! What was the matter with me? What
of Rosie?? ....."Penny for them Darby!"...I turned at the
sudden interruption in my reverie...David G had approached
from astern without my hearing him coming..."Nothing
DG!...Just admiring the view!" I lied,"Why are you abroad at
this hour?"...."I've the morning watch Darbs!...It's 4 of the
clock!" ....GOD!!! Had I been here daydreaming all that
time?...I felt like an adolescent again, suffering the first
pangs of desire, not knowing in which direction to alleviate
them!!..."Well!...I'm below to my bed!" "Goodnight DG!"...."
'night you old dog!" I eventually, after turning upon my
apparent desire, fell be woken by the bell
ringing 3 bells!...6.30 am...I vaulted from my "mick" and
climbed into my salt encrusted clothes, went to the washing
horse, and rinsed myself under the bucket and lanyard system
of having a bath!! As I threw the bucket down into the water
to retrieve some seawater for my wash, I realised we were
under way again, on the Starboard tack with the wind from our
Port quarter, I had slept through the change of watch, and the
picking up of the wind!....By 4 bells of the morning watch,
just after the Forenoon watch took station, the wind had
increased to a Southwesterly force 5/6, a bright sunlight made
the water a deep blue, capped by white crests on the wave
tops....we were fair surfing along at about 10 knots, I would
estimate!....Lt Zac Buchannan had the Forenoon watch on I watched he detailed seamen to cleaning stations,
holystoning the oaken decks ....just abaft the mainmast, the
sailmaker was about his business, repairing our shot away
canvas, whilst the Shipwright was stepping a new mizzen and
jackstaff! The Admiral's quarters were being stripped of
furniture, or what was left of it, to enable repairs to be
made to her Day Cabin!...I strode across the deck to the
helm...."What course Jones?"...."Course 220 Sir South by
west!"...."Very good!"...."Where are we Zac?" I
asked....."About 280 miles North East of Malta"...."We shall
be there the day after tomorrow, given a fair wind!"....The
day after tomorrow!!! 48 hours! Would I be on watch?...let's
see!....I would have Afternoon and Middle today, Forenoon,
First dog and First tomorrow, Morning and last dog on
Thursday!!! ....I would be on watch until midday, and would
have to be back aboard for 6 pm....but I could have 5/6 hours
ashore....plenty of time to take a swim at the cove, if I was
to find her, I could arrange for time off, by switching
watches with DG or "Sparky"......couldn't I? Would they do
me this favour?...could I find her?....who was
she?.....SUDDENLY!!! a huge pang of guilt ran through my
very soul .....Rosie!! My Rosie!! What was I thinking?
.....My thoughts were interrupted by the Admiral calling Zac
to the waist...I couldn't hear what was being said.....Zac
returned to his post, and I heard him call for the "Buffer" to
be sent to him.....when the buffer arrived, Zac explained that
the Governor and aides would be visiting the ship on our
arrival Malta...and everything was to be in tip-top condition
by that effort to be spared!..God! I
thought...that's all we need!!!
The next 2 days passed without incident!....the sun was
glorious...the sea was an inviting blue, porpoises and
dolphins played around the bow of the ship we cleaned ship,
flaked down rope and dunnage...every bit of brasswork was
highly polished! New fitted quarters for the Admiral had first
priority on the paint! ....but it soon took shape and was
sparkling in fresh gilt paintwork and oaken timber
repair!....New lanyards had been fitted, replacing some of the
old and weathered cordage, sail was replaced too, some looking
bleached white in the day's sunshine! We all looked fit....The
Admiral had stopped the ship yesterday, and we all( well those
that could) managed to have a short swim over the
side....continuously on the lookout for sharks!....It is now 3
bells into the Forenoon watch as we approach Grand Harbour,
and the pilot cutter has given us the signal, not to berth
alongside, but to take up Buoy no 3....this is quite a
distance from the shore!!! My time would be short!......The
buoy jumpers were "piped" for at 1140.....we took in and
furled all sail but the fore and mizzen.....these too were
taken in, as the boat containing the "Jumpers" was lowered,
the boat proceeded to the fore....our berthing cable was
passed through the fairleads and the crew had the order "make
way together!"....As I watched, I felt quite dejected, my time
would be gone if we didn't get sorted soon!! "Signal
Sir!"....."Ahem.....Signal From ashore
Sir!!"....."Sir???".....I came to with a start....God! What
was wrong with me?...."Very well Johnson!"...the crew member
had been talking to me, and must have grave doubts about my
abilities by now!! ....I leapt to the Poop to fetch the
spyglass, vaulted onto the gunwhale, and into the
shrouds......I could see a fluttering of bunting from the
temporary signal station on the point by the
citadel!......Romeo....Echo....Sierra....(I called the flags
in the signal to the Yeoman below)....Pennant one
zero!!.....The yeoman, very skilled at his job, immediately
called the decipher to me..." Governor's party leaving to
visit us!...ETA 10 minutes Sir!"...."Reply Sir?"....."If you
please Yeoman!...make to the signal tower....From the
Admiral..."RPC LUNCH"......"Request the pleasure of your
company for lunch!..Aye Aye Sir!"...the Yeoman hurried to the
flag locker to bend on the required flags to hoist the
signal..."Execute Sir?"....."Execute Yeoman! ....if you
please!".....the bunting fluttered aloft...I kept the glass on
the signal tower....almost immediately flags fluttered to the
masthead again on shore...."Whiskey Mike Papa Sir!"..."With
much pleasure!!!"...( I'll bet it wouldn't be too much of a
pleasure!!!)..."Thankyou Yeoman!".."Carry on!"..."Aye
Sir!"....I tumbled below, after alerting all and sundry of the
imminent visit, climbed into my best rig-of-the-day, including
sword...titivated my dress, and went on deck to see, a couple
of cables distant, the Governor's boat pulling towards
us....."Standby to receive Port side to Bosun!" ..."Aye Aye
Sir!"....The companionway was quickly being lowered....I
lifted the spy glass...the boat was in pristine order!!! Very
shipshape!!!! With a seaman at attention in the bow with boat
hook horizontally held across his chest! Very Smart!!.....I
looked from the bow towards the canopy covered stern, A porty
gentleman sat in the arm on the transom, I
could tell immediately this was the Governor...I moved the
glass down the uniform, looking for mistakes.....I was raising
the glass to check the signal tower, when my eye caught a
movement behind the canopy, alongside the Governor!!!...the
wind was flapping the canopy side...I couldn't quite make out
what it......!!!! ......It was the Maltese girl from the
beach!!!! ...She was daintily brushing the Governor's dress
suit with a handkerchief!!!!.....The Girl from the beach!!!
What was she doing on that boat????.....I couldn't believe
it!....She looked stunningly beautiful in a sea blue, full
flowing gown of a dress, trimmed with white, her black hair
fell below her shoulders, and had been freshly attuned!! I
was stunned!!!!...So much so that I failed to hear the Bosun
asking me if he should muster the Side-Party! "Yes!..If you
will Bosun!"......"Look lively! They're almost upon us!"
We manned the side in all due reverence!! PHEEUW!!!
"Attention on the upper decks! Face to Port!"....the Bosun's
mate piped the visiting dignitaries aboard...I was stunned!!!
....The whole ship stopped and stood to attention, the
Governor entered through the Portside entry gate in the
Bulwark first, tipped his cap to my salute and shook hands,
firstly with DG....His Lieutenant, quickly walked in advance
passing on information...when he got to me he said in a quiet
mumble.." His Governorship Sir Cloudseley Shovell, and his
adopted daughter Petra Morvano!" ...swiftly passing to the
next in line (Zac)!....I didn't know where to look as the
party approached ....she looked stunningly beautiful!!
...lifting her eyes coyly to meet each Officer's smiling
handshake!....The Governor was upon me..."Good day Sir
Cloudseley!..what a pleasure! I trust you will find things to
your satisfaction?"..."The Admiral has requested you be shown
to her quarters immediately!...Lunch will be served in her Sea
Cabin at 1300!" ....."Good, Very good!" "I shall look
forward.....! " my mind shut out his words as the lovely girl
suddenly espied the next in line, her startled _expression was
quickly masked!!!... She took my hand as I offered it to her,
it was warm, she raised her eyes to mine, and a mischevious
glint came into them as she spoke!.." Gootdai
Lootenan'....Pleeze to meet you!!"...her eyes spoke
volumes!!.....My face reddened, everyone must be able to
see!!...."Good day to you your Ladyship!"....her hand was warm
in mine as I bowed slightly in deference....I felt her index
finger suddenly trace a quick path, twice, along my palm
....then her hand was gone!...I looked into her eyes, almost
black pools, they danced with a new sparkle!...they gave an
invitation as old as Eve!!! ......."May I escort you to the
Admiral's quarters Sir Cloudseley...Ma'am?"....I stared
pointedly at Zac, who was supposed to escort them, he looked
bewildered, lost, and somehow ineffectual!!! ..."Later!!" I
hissed, as we walked along the upper deck!...The Governor was
twittering some banal small talk about his 10 minute boat
trip....I had eyes only for the beautiful Petra! P-e-t-r-a!
what a lovely, and somehow fitting name! I knew not how she
had come to me, but fortune was smiling upon me surely! ...As
we approached the entrance to the after accomodation area, the
Duty Guard saluted, and opened the door for the
Governor...this allowed me a quick glance to my right, the
eyes were smiling into mine!..." Lootenen! are swimmink
tomorrow?" she whispered (sotto voce)....I gulped...."Aye
Ma'am!".....she smiled at me and stepped through the door
after her "Papa"....My face burned, but, my heart sang wildly!
I wanted to dance!! ....As they disappeared along the
corridor towards the Admiral's Day quarters, I had to return
on deck!!!....I must find DG, or Zac...NOW!!!....I found DG
sitting on the after grating, smoking his clay pipe, staring
astern at the part of the quay ashore where the "Waterwitch"
was finishing her Refit and being painted with the final
touches before being commissioned into His Majesty's Navy
permanently!!!...."Isn't she beautiful Darbs?" "Isn't she
something to behold?" ....."Aye! She is that David!" ....We
were on the same course, but approaching from different
bearings, I thought!!!...DG was appraising the mind
was on something else!!! ....."DG? Would you help an old
shipmate fulfill a basic requirement of our vist to
Malta?"...."You know that I am on duty for the First Dog Watch
tonight?"....."I would like to swap tomorrow's Afternoon watch
with you! I will do your Middle watch tonight!".....He thought
long and hard about the proposal!...."And why may I ask would
I do that?"...."Because dear friend...I have pressing needs
ashore...I have to buy "Rabbits" for all at home, if, and when
we get back home!"....ROSIE!!!....God! What a treacherous
beast I was!!!...."Ok Darby!....But I shall require a little
Grog as well in the deal!"...."Oh! Will you
now!!...."Ok!!....2 days tots??"....."DEAL!!!"....I was
in....I could have the whole day ashore tomorrow!!! I could
spend the whole day!!! Shopping???? I fear not!!!!
I couldn't sleep very well that night! ..In my rambling, half
awake, half asleep tupor, I could see her face, my visions of
her were so vivid....she was so beautiful!!...I fell asleep at
nigh dawn!...I awoke to the sound of heavy footsteps on the
companionway ladder....."Beautiful morning again
Sir!"...Johnson, my erstwhile dresser come steward, had missed
me on deck!...Knowing I had done the Middle watch until 4 am,
he thought perhaps he should give me a shake to let me know we
were 3 bells into the Forenoon watch!! Startled, I jumped from
my hammock , pulled on some rig, and went on deck to my
ablutions! ...He was right! It was a beautiful
morning!!..could it be a totally beautiful day also!....At
1030, I mustered abaft the mainmast to go ashore...the
water-taxi "Dhaiso" was late coming off shore to pick us up, I
stomped the decks agitatedly!! Impatience was one of my prime
vices!! ....Eventually, the gaily painted, blue and red boat
came alongside, the Maltese owner....smiling
profusely....beckoned us to board his boat...We did so, it
looked as if the other occupant of the rowing thwart, was a
sibling of his!...we pushed off! and they gave way together,
the boat gained speed, and, amid much squeaking of leather on
wood, we were rowed to the wooden piers ashore!!....We came
alongside..I climbed onto the Quayside, and stood looking
around me!..I had dressed in my smartest shore rig of white
duck suit trousers, with a woolen top coat! It was stifling
hot!...I made my way quickly to the foreshore, stepped onto
the shingle beach, and headed towards the area of the cove
where I had last met "Petra"....P_E_T_R_A! It was such a
lovely name!!! ....I clambered over the rocks, big ones
first, then they progressively got smaller, until I rounded
the corner, the cove was in front of me....the cave at the
head of the cove, was the only sandy area available, the tide
being high!....I sat and looked all round! No sign of anyone
at all! Disappointed, I sat upon a rock, glumly thinking of my
previous encounter here!...Did I hear her right at the
entrance to the Admiral's quarters? She certainly wasn't yet anyway!....She had mentioned "Afternoon" hadn't
she? I was doubting myself now!...I sat for over an
hour...then decided the tide was dropping, I would climb down
to the beach in the cove(Now showing several feet of sand) and
take a swim anyways!....I stripped to all but my lower
underclothes, stepped into the was tepid...I walked
a short distance out into the sea...Dived head first through
the small breakers, swam under water for about 50 yards,
surfaced...and, gulping in air, looked around me ...Nothing!!
...I could hear splashing occasionally....after some time I
realise that a pod of dolphins was playfully splashing about
100 yards further out!...I watched intrigued as they gamboled
about...coming up for air...jumping high out of the
land on their sides with huge splashes!! I counted 7 of
them...I dived under water, trying to emulate their actions,
to no avail...I didn't have the speed!!! I swam slowly along
the beach, using the overarm crawl stroke, breathing on the
right (to seawards) each time...I turned at the far end by the
Rocky out crop...turned onto my back and floated, idly looking
at the high cirrhus cloud formations high above
me....disappointment filled my very soul!! I felt so
dejected...I turned over and dived below the surface, swam for
50 yards and surfaced, spouting like a dolphin!!..I looked
around! Nobody!! I headed again for the rocky outcrop, doing
the slow crawl...reached the rocks, dived below to turn...and
headed back towards the far side of the beach...I had swum
about 20 yards, when I suddenly felt my legs entangle
something, I quickly raised my feet, thinking of other
predators of the deep that could be lurking...I was suddenly
pulled under!!! I swallowed some sea water as I was ducked
under for the second time...What on earth!!!...I opened my
eyes underwater..the salt immediately stung my eyes...but in
front of my face was the vision of a mermaid....I was stunned!
She had come from nowhere! She must have come underwater from
somewhere!..I surfaced to spit out the brine...nothing....I
dived below the surface again..I could make out her form in
the water swimming away from me at speed...I followed as best
I could..I was no match for her...I surfaced again...deep
breath...under again and followed blindly....something white
passed me on my left about 6 feet away... I couldn't see
what....then I glimpsed the long black hair ahead...I
redoubled my efforts..and was rewarded with a vision of a pair
of shapely calves being hoisted to the surface on the rock in
front of me about 20 feet! I surfaced!! We were in a little
sandy gully between two outcrops of rock, sheer cliff above
us...the outcrops on either side about 20 ft high....the gully
was of a sandy bottom, the warm water about a foot deep!! A
vision stood in front of me!!!....Petra stood a few feet in
front of me!! NAKED!!! She was totally naked! She laughed at
my discomfort!! In my flustered state, my arousal was
evident!! I drank in her beautiful form...she had the most
wonderful darkly nippled breasts, beautifully proportioned
hips, a glossy, flat stomach, and small thatch of dark hair at
the junction of her thighs! Her skin was coffee coloured, with
no sign of lighter areas, she must live without clothes I
remember thinking!....She smiled coyly at me....raised her
arms to shoulder height, palms outwards, and slowly walked
towards me!! I was rooted to the spot!!! My manhood was
painfully engorged! She smiled with a look that said she had
noticed! She dropped to her hands and knees at my feet, and
began to unbutton my undergarments, as they dropped to the
sand....she cupped me in her hands....and still holding me,
stood...and ever so softly, ever so gently, placed her lips on
mine! I gasped an inward breath...she breathed out into my
mouth a sweet breath....her tongue slid across my upper, then
lower lips...then our tongues met once more!!!!!....We softly
explored with our lips and tongues...I softly caressed her
body with my hands, as my tongue traced the inside of her
mouth! She was not idle either....she suddenly broke off the
kiss and trailing her lips down my body, sank to her
knees....I was suddenly engulfed in a hot warm wetness!!! OH
MY GOD!!!!!! .....
I was totally breathless!!!! As her mouth moved on me...I had
to think of other things to stop the approaching avalanche!!!
I thought of Lofty Mann, cut down by the
worked...I regained my equilibrium!! The sensations were
coursing throught my body like a forest fire, sensations so
intense, sensations I had not enjoyed before! I was a virgin
in this arena!....suddenly, her mouth left me, the cooling of
my skin gave another sensation, one of great loss!! She stood
and kissed me softly on the mouth, ran her tongue across my
lips again, I opened my mouth, and her tongue languidly
entered to explore again....her taste was so sweet!! .....she
broke off the kiss...took my hand...and led me out of the
water, onto the sand, and around a small ridged rock to where
she had, previous to our encounter obviously, laid out a
calico piece of sheeting....I was like a schoolboy, being led
by an older, more experienced peer .....she lay down on the
rough material, drew me down and kissed me, after a minute or
two, she gasped a breath, holding me by my hair, she began to
put pressure on my head in a downward motion....I got the idea
right away ....and trailed my tongue down her neck and
throat, slowly arriving at her engorged nipple...I licked and
suckled at each in turn, causing her to arch her back,
thrusting her pelvis into the air...eager for my departure to
that region!! I made her wait, I slowly carressed and licked,
bit lightly and trailed my lips across her body, her breasts,
her belly, her hips....eventually I arrived at her womanhood,
I began to play her body like a musical instrument, each
stroke of my tongue elicited another sound of
love....sometimes a gasp...sometimes a shudder....sometimes a
cry mingling with the crying of the gulls circling
overhead!....She was now totally abandoned, her body open to
it's widest reaches to enable me better access....after an
age, I could sense the approaching climax, and stopped my
ministrations, only to start again the second I thought the
time was again ripe to give her more pleasure....I dipped,
delved, deeply lapped at her willing body...until...hastily
she pulled away, urging me to enter her!!!....At her bidding,
with great care, I towered over her...she guided me to her, I,
ever so gently...with infinite small movements, first made the
contact, then slowly, ever so slowly, began to enter...I
withdrew a little, to return again, a little deeper...she
arched continuously, trying to speed my actions!...I held
steadfast, teasing my way slowly into her......continuous
mewing cries came from her throat, small gasps...sudden
intakes of breath...her head had been turned to her right
side, with my weight taken on my right elbow..I put my fingers
to her face, turned her lips to her mouth opened,
her lips softly open against mine...I drove forward and
entered her fully!!....she breathed a gasping cry into my
mouth...lifted her legs, locking them around my hips...I
began, slowly, the rhythm of love, known from time
immemorial....I could feel the climax approaching in
stopped..took her right hand in mine and led her fingers to
where our bodies joined....letting her know I wished to
prolong her pleasure! She understood immediately, and began
her own rhythm.... I was willing to wait until she was fully
sated...but needed to slow things down....We approached the
summit numerous times....I waited until I knew from her
responses, that she wished for the culmination!!....I cupped
her face, kissed her gently on the lips, and said " You are so
beautiful my darling Petra! Let me know when!" Her eyes shone!
Her lips were feverish against mine...her actions speeded
up....I lifted my rhythm to match...desperately trying to
judge her approach, her nails dug into my shoulders, it would
bleed, but no matter!!!...I looked into her eyes, my climax on
the very edge....holding...holding...she murmered
"Bellissima!" into my mouth....her eyes locked onto
mine....she shook!...I felt her muscles clutch me....she
stared into my eyes and nodded!!!....she tensed!!! I shuddered
to a climax....emptying a molten deluge into her...her eyes
flew wide....she cried out loudly...then shuddered and
screamed her way through her orgasm!!! It lasted almost 10
seconds I estimated...gadually our breathing and motions
subsided....we lay panting hips still slowly
moving...until she coaxed me to stop....." Ah! ....Mia amore!"
" Mia Lootenan'!" "You are Bootifool too!".......We lay
entwined for an the warm sun....I began
my ministrations once again! I wanted to give pleasure to her
for eternity!!! .
We lay together with the warm Mediterranean water lapping
around us....I spent the hours giving and receiving pleasure!!
After my second bout of lovemaking, this with Petra taking
control above me.....I felt, after my second orgasm, that
there was nothing left to contribute from my rapidly
diminishing libido ....I was wrong!! After I had taken a
break, to bring her to her 4th climax of the afternoon with my
fingers and tongue....she suddenly turned me on my back and
once again started her oral magic upon me!! I thought I would
not be able to respond again!! wrong could I be?
....within minutes I was proudly erect, fully expecting her to
initiate another bout of lovemaking...instead, she took her
mouth away, slid up my body, kissed me softly on the lips, and
whispered "Mia amore....thees is for you for remember!"
....her attempts at the English language, made her even more
endearing to me! I loved the way she talked, the way she
walked...and yes! The way she made love!....she kissed me
again, returning by the same path, trailing kisses down the
track of hair to my navel, then engulfing me with her hot, wet
mouth! I knew not what to do as she proceeded to bring me yet
again to the brink ...judging from my contracting muscles,
she knew when the moment approached....only to stop.....then
slowly start again!! ..This continued for 5 times, she took
me to the brink, then smiling, took her mouth away, to replace
it with her fingers....then her mouth returned once more!! I
didn't know if she would allow me to reach orgasm? If so,
how? I slowly reached the pinnacle again, this time she
didn't stop!!! ....I was torn between pushing her head away,
for fear she might not realise how near I was to climaxing
.....then relaxed!! She knew!.... In a frantic split second
of indecision, I looked to her head, her eyes told me what I
wanted to know .....and I rushed headlong into an
earthshattering climax, spasm after spasm racked my body...the
ecstacy lasted for several long seconds before I was
spent....she continued to use her mouth on me for several more
minutes....then with total abandon, slid up my body to kiss me
on the lips!! Stunned!!!...I had never experienced the sort
of lovemaking this girl was freely giving me! ...I felt so
alive!!!....She kissed me again on the mouth, I shared the
wetness with her!....God!! she was so
beautiful!!...."Lootenan'....I sweem now! Make clean
yes?"..."Yes" I replied .....She rose and walked naked into
the water...the evening sun was golden on her back!....She was
utterly stunning!! She dove into the blue water, and proceeded
to swim a few yards to seawards! I would join her!!....I ran
to the water, and dove head first into the breakers....I swam
underwater towards her for about 50 yards, surfaced, she was
nowhere in sight!!! ....I tread water lightly, looking all
round me! Nothing!!!....I waited for several minutes, before
reaching the conclusion that she was gone!!!! I was
devastated!!! WHERE????....I swam to the rocks, climbed out
and stood searching!...Nothing!!!! ...She had gone as quickly
as she came!...Did I dream it all?...I knew I hadn't, but
could not reason where she had gone.....Unhappily, I turned
for the beach, I swam a slow breast stroke in case I missed
sighting her!! Just before I reached the beach, I spied a
garment floating in the water!!!....Whatever was it?....It was
a pair of female underclothes, white with pale blue laced
edging!!! I suddenly realised, what had passed me in the
water before! Walking out of the surf...I thought...I only
have this little piece of her now, I will keep it!....Sadly I
walked around the rocks to the place where I had clothes were warm from the sun!.....I dressed,
almost unwillingly...looked around for the last time, and
started the walk back to the township!....An unforgettable
day!...I thought of "DG" doing my duty back on "Talkalot"...If
only he knew!! ...But my lips would never divulge what had
happened that afternoon, golden memories, to be kept forever
between the lovely Petra and me!!.....I reached the promenade
area, carrying my "memory" under my arm! I ought to dry the
article of clothing somewhere! I would have to secrete it
somewhere too!!! ....Where????....I looked seawards! A tall
ship was entering the Bay....her canvas looked worse for wear,
I thought bleakly......Perhaps a long voyage?....I sat on the
quay wall awaiting a return Dhaiso, the ship came
I wondered what sort of illness there was aboard the
merchantman that had entered the bay?....she was flying the
Portugese Ensign!...a merchantman from the African area by the
looks of the green verdigris colours on some of her
hull, she was copper sheathed...wealthy owners!!!....My eye
caught something running up the mast at the signal tower on
the headland!...I couldn't read what was implied...but could
plainly see the yellow flag of quarantine flying below 5 of which was a red square! What was the
instruction being given?....I looked back to
seaward....another string of bunting was hoisted on the
merchant ship.....I knew, and could see R and S flags amongst
the others in the string! I wondered what was happening....a
long green and yellow pennant flew up the masthead of the
signal tower, fluttered there for a few minutes, then was
crisply run down!....I knew this to be "Execute!"....orders to
the ship!!! But what I wondered?.....I eventually managed to
catch the eye of a Dhaiso boatman...he came alongside the
jetty with a flourish, I climbed down into the boat, my
precious parcel under my arm!...."Goot Dai Lootenan!"
...."Good day my man!" I replied....he smiled at my
hesitation...."To de Towkalot?" ..."Aye!" ...."Hokey!"
...and proceeded to scull me toward our ship..the merchantman
was moving away from the bay entrance...making searoom between
us and it!! "Bad sheep Lootenan? She has da seekness?" ...I
wondered if he was right, could it be Yellow Fever perhaps, or
something just as bad for a ship at sea? About half a mile
from the ship...I espied our boat leaving the
companionway!....What on earth? ...the seaboats crew gave way
together and proceeded around Talkalot's bow, and headed
towards the stranger!!! I couldn't wait to get back aboard to
find out what was going on!....I thanked the Dhaiso-man and
climbed the way to the deck...I was saluted aboard by the
Bosun's Mate...Able Seaman Gillespie (A Scot, Shanghai'd in
Peterhead!) ...."Evening Sir!"..."Evening
Gillespie!...Where's the Officer of the Deck?"....."Lieutenant
Buchanan Sir....aft!...In the Surgeon's
Quarters!"..."Thankyou!"...I turned and walked aft...careful
to keep my underarm bundle out of direct view!!....As I turned
by the Flag lockers, there was a bunting store locker, I
lifted the lid, and dropped my precious "Reminder" into the
locker....I strode through the door and along the passageway,
until I came to the Surgeon's Cabin....No sign of
Zac!!!......"What ho Sawbones?" ..."Hello Darby! Am I glad to
see somebody with sense!"...."Problems?" I asked...."We have
been instructed by the Governor's Flag send a
medical party to the Merchanman over there!" ....."I'm a bit
worried....we don't know what the problem is, except 2 crew
are dead!"..."From what?" I asked...."They don't know
themselves Darby!...No medical staff ashore at present!"
"We've been told to help if possible!"...."Who's gone?" I
asked...."Jimmy Wright and 6 seamen!"...Jimmy Wright was the
Senior medical hand on the lower decks...assistant to the
Surgeon....."We will have to wait it out for his report then I
suppose Ted!!"..."Aye, we will that!
I turned to leave the Surgeon's thoughts were
still with the lovely Petra, and our beautiful tryst this
day!! .....I meandered along the deck, making my way for'ard
to my mess, on the way retrieving the "article" from the flag
locker!!!....I could smell her scent on the garment, even
though, for a short time it had been immersed in sea water!!!
I ran the article of her clothing under my nose again....she
was so beautiful....But...Where could I hide it? I didn't want
it to be found, and have to face the ensuing hue and cry
resulting in my having to relate the day's events to all and
sundry!"!!! ....I suddenly had an idea!..I would slit my
Pallaise!...or better still, my pillow!..insert it into the
opening, and I could then breathe her scent whenever I went to
sleep!! A brilliant idea! ....when I arrived at my sleeping
station, there was no-one I performed the task
quickly...repairing the cut with needle and thread...tucked
the pillow back into my hammock....and left my hammock made up
ready for tonight! ....I then proceeded to go on
deck...mainly to see the moon coming up over the
headland.....The Coxswain was on deck, beside him the
helmsman...."Is the boat back yet Pertwee?"....."No sir!...But
the Yeoman has a signal regarding their task!"...."Very
good!!"...."YEOMAN!!!!"....the signals yeoman came to my side
at the double!...."Yes sir?"...."You had a communication from
the medical staff on the merchantman I hear!"..."Aye sir! They
will be returning at 2100!"...."Good!...Thankyou yeoman!!"
That would be 4 hours since I saw the boat leave! What could
be taking so long? ...It was ten minutes to nine now...perhaps
they ........."Boat Ahoy?" came the cry from the crow's nest
lookout....I heard the faint cry "Talkalot!!!"..."Leading
Medic Wright and 6 Sir!"...."It's the seaboat Sir!"....the
shout from the lookout was enough to bring men on deck ready
to hoist our boat inboard!....I could now plainly hear the
splashing of oars in the darkness...then ever so faintly, I
saw the bow wave of the boat off our port bow, about a cable
length!....10 minutes passed before the boat bumped alongside
our landing deck and companionway!...I stood at the Brow
waiting for the Leading Medic!....."Permission to come aboard
Sir?"..."Granted Wright!"....Thankyou Sir!".... the remaining
6 crew of the seaboat came aboard, each saluting and being
saluted in return..."I will muster the Officers for your
report Wright....meanwhile slip one of the crew of the boat to
the galley...and raise a brew for you all!"...."THANK YOU
SIR!!!" ...Obviously it was a well appreciated gesture!!...I
sent an AB to the after accommodation to raise the
Surgeon....eventually, within a quarter of an hour, all
officers were on deck (those not on watch that is!)..."Right
Leading medic Wright!..Your report if you please!!"...."Well
gentlemen!...the merchantman is called the "Arturo" out of
Lisbon!...she has been to Madagaskar with Fortified wines, and
is returning to Gibraltar, then onto Oporto!...Laden with
animal hides, spices, ivory and African wooden
least, that's what's on her manifest!!"....."What about the
sick men Wright?"..."What is the problem!" ...."Well
Sir!....I'm not sure!...It's not Yellow Jack!!! Nor is it the
Scurvy! Nor Blackwater Fever!"...."I'm a bit at a loss to know
exactly what it is!"...."Two of the crew have died in
agony!....before they died, they started to Haemorrhage out of
every orifice!"...."I have only heard rumours of a similar
disease in the tropics...related to monkeys!"....."But to be
honest Sir...My knowledge is limited!"...."That's ok Wright!"
I replied,"We can't be expected to know every malaise known to
man can we?"...."Is it dangerous do you think?...Is it
contagious?"..."Do we need to take precautions against the
illness?" ..."No Sir! I feel least not in my
opinion anyways!"...."Good!...That's that settled then!"....
We turned in early..I had the Middle watch.....the Admiral had
been called to the Governor's residence ashore, for what, we
did not know!....My guess was that we would be sailing soon, I
thought of Petra, my beautiful Petra!.....I also thought of
Rosie! ....Would I ever see her again? Could it be possible,
that we might be sailing for England soon! Or were we
condemned to sail these waters the Ancient
Mariner of lore!!....As I wrestled with these thoughts in my
"mick", I could only sleep fitfully ....all too soon it was
2355, and time to relieve Zac on the upper decks!.....I
climbed the ladder to the skylight hatch, the evening was very
calm, stars seemed to be magnified to twice their normal
proportions!....there was barely a breath of wind.....from
ashore we could hear singing, or chanting! This we assumed
was from the Orthodox Church in the town! It was to
ecclesiastical to be a rum-soaked rendition of a bawdy song or
two! .....Bawdy!!! thoughts returned to the congress of
the afternoon, my lovely Petra! ....."Good evening Zac!"
...."Anything to report?"...."Evening Darbs!....Nothing new at
present...the Admiral is still ashore!"....."Ok! Turn in! I'll
take it from here!"...."Thanks mate!....see you in the
morning!"..."Goodnight Zac!"...."Goodnight Darbs!" .....I
watched as Zac walked aft to his quarters, he messed among the
Sail crews!....It was a beautiful night!...I could hear the
faint splash of fish jumping, or perhaps dolphins at play!
...The watchkeepers at their posts were also taking in the
stillness of the night, the Bosun's mate had his clay pipe
lit, the smell of tobacco filled the air, not unpleasant, a
smell akin to toffee!...."Can you hear oars sir?" aked Miller,
the Bosun's mate.....I listened intently, maybe!.....then
....Yes! A distinctly man made splashing, very, very faintly
fell on my ears! ...."Man the side Miller! ....shake out the
side party!" the splashing became more
distinct....three seamen emerged from the after poop shadows,
to mingle near the brow! ...."Masthead there! What do you
see?!"....."Can't see anything Sir!...Shall I
challenge?"...."Yes! Do that!"......." Boat ahoy!...What
ship?" ........Very faintly the reply "Talkalot!...Admirals
barge!" came drifting across the water!....."Get some lights
on this Gangway! Miller! Chop chop!!" ....."Aye Aye
Sir!!"....Miller loped off aft to get some extra lighting,
whale-oil driven lamps, to ensure the Admiral had an accident
free return on board!....As the boat neared the Gangway, We
stood to attention, as the Admiral, resplendent in her number
one uniform, nimbly jumped onto the landing stage, and began
to climb the gangway!!! PHEEEEEUW! "Attention on the upper
decks! Face 'midships!".....As the Admiral stepped through the
Bulwark after her Flag Lieutenant, I called the watch to
attention...." Good evening Admiral Ma'am!...Lieutenant
Commander Allen has the watch!"...."Relax Darby!" she replied,
I nearly dropped on the spot ....the Admiral had never
addressed me in such a personal address before!...... "Call
out out the Officers if you please Mr Allen!...I will see
everyone in my Day cabin in 10 minutes!"...."Oh! and tell the
Navigator to bring what charts we have of the Egyptian coast
if you will!"....."Stand -to at the Gangway Miller! I shall be
but a few minutes!!"....No seaman was allowed to shake an
officer out of his/her sleep, it could be construed as an
assault, a KR and AI instruction to this effect had gone
around the Fleet only a Year ago, after an Able Seaman, whilst
shaking an Officer, was injured, when the Officer "Lashed-out"
whilst still in a half asleep state! If this incident had been
a worse one, it would have resulted in the seaman being
flogged, and that is after receiving a black eye for his
troubles also!!!....10 minutes later, the motley array of
Officers mustered in the Admiral's day cabin!...Some were
still rubbing the sleep from their eyes!...This briefing would
guarantee a restless night from here on in, I would
wager!!...."Gentlemen! I have news from the Admiralty!!"..The
Admiral's face seemed to be crestfallen!.."We are to proceed,
along with "Waterwitch" to the North African coast!"...."We
will be covert!...Ships will be darkened at twilight!...We
will carry no lights!"...."We are to avoid any contact with
other vessels!"..."Also sailing from Gibraltar, is the Fleet
of Admiral Collingwood! Fifteen ships-of-the-Line!"...."Also
to be covert!" "Spies on the Spanish mainland will soon report
their departure!"..."For the first 12 hours they will sail up
the Spanish coast at a tangental course, after 12 hours, out
of sight of land, they will reverse course, and make best
speed to join us off the North African Port of
Tangier!"...."Our goal Gentlemen is Bin Tufik Bay!...The Nile
Delta!...Where we will assist, not only in the Blockade of the
French and Spanish fleets, but in their total
destruction!!"...."We will be under the orders of Admiral
Collingwood until we reach Tangier....then we will come under
the direct command of Lord Horatio Nelson!"...."That's it
Gentlemen! ......We sail in four hours under cover of
darkness!" ...."Navigator!...stay after the rest have left
please!....Gentlemen I bid you goodnight!"....."Goodnight
Ma'am!" came the chorus in reply....we exited the day cabin at
speed, eager to come on deck and discuss the
news!......"Bloody good news eh Darby?" David G said with
enthusiasm!!....."I suppose so David!" I replied...I just wish
I felt so elated as the others!!!!.....Petra! My
lovely!!...When will we meet again???...Will I survive to meet
you again????
We sailed as ordered....Leaving Malta Grand Harbour under
cover of darkness!...but...lights were on in the camp of the
French Legionaires at the top of the hill....this was the
first night that lights had burned so late since we had
arrived in Malta!!....Hmmmm!! ..Had our sailing orders been
leaked, did they already know of our plans? We could possibly
run into a French Blockading vessel or two outside in the
vastness of the Mediterranean!!! We could only hope and
pray!...Next day dawned bright and clear, the sun climbed
quickly to the yardarm, God it was hot! I felt the soles of my
feet burning on the oaken decks!....the pitch was melting in
the seams that had been caulked ashore! I looked around for
the "Waterwitch" sign...she had sailed before us, using
our boat, as well as her own, to tow her to the fitful breeze
come offshore in the harbour!....Of her there was no
sign!...."Masthead there! What of the Waterwitch?"....."Able
Seaman Cosgrove Sir! Nothing in sight Sir!"...."Keep a good
lookout up there! There could be a Spaniard or a Frenchie
waiting for us!"....."Aye Aye Sir!!".....I walked aft to find
David G...the officer of the deck on the Forenoon watch, to
relieve him at 8 bells....No sign of him at the poop!...I
called to the Helmsman Gillespie...."Where is the Officer of
the Deck Gillespie?" ..."Gone to the Heads Sir!"...."Something
he ate perhaps?"..."Dunno Sir, but he was looking a little
green around the gills!"....."Ok Gillespie! I have the ship, I
have relieved Mr Garrard!"..."Aye Aye Sir!".....The eight
bells of the Forenoon watch sounded, amid the clamour of
watchkeepers changing over! Ding-ding, Ding-ding, Ding-ding,
Ding-ding!!...."Afternoon watch closed up Sir!..Able Seaman
Johnson on the wheel Sir! Course 215 degress South by
East!"...."Very well! Carry on!"....I wandered aft towards the
Admirals Quarters, pacing the deck anxiously.....Maybe, just
maybe, our sailing hadn't been noticed after all, we were
several miles at sea now, nothing in many miles I
didn't know, and walked up the after Portside ladder towards
where tiny Navigators cabin was situated!....Suddenly
.....out of the lower door stepped DG....."How're you feeling
now DG?..any better!"...."Vomited my breakfast!!"...."Just
made it to the Head!"...."Feeling much better now! Hot though
don't you think?" ...."It's certainly hot DG...enough to burn
the feet! Perhaps I should get a couple of ODs to wash her
down!"..."What do you think?"...."Oh! You're relieved by the
way!"....."Thanks Darbs!....Think I'll go below and lie
down!"....I acted on my idea!...sent the Bosun's mate below
decks to fetch a couple of Ordinary Seamen to wash the decks
down using a lanyard and bucket system! Drop over the
side...haul it aboard and sluice the decks, that would help
cool things below decks too!.....I felt hot around my face, I
felt I was blushing hotly!!....I suddenly thought of Petra! My
beautiful Petra!! Ahhh!! ....The Afternoon watch passed
without incident, I was relieved at 1600 by Zac Buchanan! I
told him of the imminent course change taking place at 1730
(We were coming onto the course for Tangier) and bade him good
day, then went below to my quarters....God it was stifling
below decks!...I gnawed at some bread (and weevil)...with some
salted beef and some oatmeal slurry, the hunger pangs abated,
I thought I must get on deck for some air!!...The perspiration
soaked my jacket, I raised my hand to my brow to wipe away the
drips coming from my scalp!... The ratings on the lower decks
were lucky! They had silk bandanas to wear as part of their
uniform...So!!...not to be outdone, I took a clean (ish) piece
of white calico and tore a ribbon off the edge, fashioned it
into a bandana of my own! After all, I was off watch now!...I
climbed the ladder to the decks....On the way, I was barged
aside by a young OD, whose name I didn't know, only that he
came aboard from Norwich I think....He barged me aside, leapt
through the open doorway and ran, retching, to the ship's
side! He vomited copiously over the side, before turning,
wiping his mouth, with a look of distaste, saluted me, and
apologised..."Sorry Mr Allen Sir! But I nearly didn't make
it!"..."Something you ate Son?...I'm sorry I don't know your
name!"...."Jones Sir!....Daffyd Jones from
Aberystwyth!"...."Ah Jones! And there was me thinking you were
from Norwich!"...."That's where I was "Pressed" Sir! On a vist
to my sister, We stopped at a coaching Inn to change horses,
and the *&%$£* Press Gang under the Andrew took me!"..."Me too
Jones! So you're not alone!"...."Do you think we'll ever get
back home Sir?"...."I dunno Jones...I just dunno!!"...."Maybe
after the showdown at the Nile Sir?..Maybe then we'll......!"
the next words weren't uttered, as Jones suddenly turned and
ran for the side again, retching as he went!......Navy food I
thought! Navy bloody food!!!.....God it was hot!!! Or was it
me???? I suddenly felt shivers run down my spine like a river
of coldness! I stood there on the deck, and shook from head to
toe, the shivers were so intense, I felt I could bite
them!!!..I put my hand to my felt as if it was
afire!!...Alarm bells clanged in my aching head! I was seldom
sick, never with motion sickness!....My bowels were turning to
liquid also, I had to go below to the heads, and quickly
.....I had only just eaten, had eaten nothing through the day,
and what I had eaten was standard fare!!.....As I passed the
Gunnery Officers cabin, I heard the sounds of retching from
within.....Derry too????What the.....?????
By evening it was apparent that several of the ship's company
including Officers, had been struck down with the mystery
malaise! ...I was feeling totally disorientated, I was
feverish, my bowel movements had turned to water, there was a
queue at the heads for a space....the "heads" above decks was
a plank above the stem, offset from the bowsprit, containing a
large hole! Whatever was needed to be done, was, above decks,
done via this "Commode"!....There was also a queue here for
this basic necessity! ....The wind was very fitful from the
Nor'east...a force 2/3 gusting sometimes to a force 4...barely
enough to lift the listless sail, fully set to drive us on at
speed, but at the moment, hanging in useless folds from the
yards!....Our speed was barely a knot through the
water!....the sun was making a glorious sunset pattern across
the sky...a plethora of reds, oranges and pinks, tinged with
light blues mirrored in the glassy sea!
"Bosun!"...."Sir!"...."Do a spot "rounds"!..find out how many
of our crew are affected by this thing!"..."Aye Aye
Sir!"...The Bosun doubled away aft, after sending his Bosun's
Mate to the fore-ends to do a head count there! The shivers
were getting worse, and my eyes found it painful to look into
the sunset! "What's our course Helmsman?"...." Gillespie Sir!
220 degrees...South by East Sir!"....There seemed little point
in the helmsman being at his post, the ship was hardly making
way!...Ten minutes passed, the bosun returned from
aft...."Just waiting for Peters Sir, but we have 14 ill in the
after ends!"....A few minutes later, this estimate had grown
to 23!!....Twenty three crew ill, or feeling ill!!!...How many
Officers Chief?" "5 including yourself Sir!....The Admiral is
fine so far!"...."Good! Well done Chief!...Carry on!"
"Thankyou sir!"....the bosun returned to his post, re-lashing
halyards to belaying pins in a seaman-ship manner!...."Deck
there!"...a cry from aloft made me squint painfully into the
brightness, "Able Seaman Johnson Sir!....I think I saw a large
red glow on the far horizon...about 20 miles I would wager
sir...on the bearing.....Rrredd...35!"...."Any ideas
Johnson?"...."Sure it wasn't a trick of the sunset?"..."Don't
think so Sir!" "But I can see nothing now!"...."Very
good!...Carry on! keep eyes peeled on that bearing for
anything new!!"...."Aye Aye Sir!".......I called for the
Bosun..."Chief! compliments to the Admiral...I wish to
have the ship "Closed-up" at action stations, if she
pleases!"...."Roger Sir!"....the bosun ran aft to convey my
message!....I looked aloft....Suddenly!! head went into vision blurred, nausea gripped me as I dashed for
the side, vomiting across the bitts at the bulwark in my
effort!!...I recovered after my stomach had heaved the
greenish contents into the sea three times!...Bloody
hell!!!....something had the ship in it's grip!!...THE BLOODY
QUARANTINED PORTUGESER!! Had we somehow been infected with
whatever malaise they had contracted in African waters???...I
ran to the Poop....opened the companionway hatch, and bellowed
for the Surgeon to get on deck pronto!!...."An ashen faced
Leading Medic Wright looked out of the sick-bay door!..."The
Surgeon's ill Sir!" "Can I help?"...."Get the medical journal
out of it's box Wright! Chop-chop! Let's see what we might
have here!" "This could be serious!"..."Aye Aye Sir!"....He
dug around in the lockers until he found the huge wooden bound
book, the aid to mariners of all things medical!!! "The
Thesaurus of Medicine and Medical Matters" of 1804....There
came a tap on the side of the panelling, I turned to find
Furnivall, the bosun's mate worriedly chewing his bottom
lip!.." Bosun's compliments Sir! You're needed in the
Fore-ends! Ordinary Seaman Jones has taken a turn for the
worse Sir!..He thinks you need to see this!"...."Ok! ..Come
Wright!! We have work afoot!..And bring that bloody book of
yours!"..."Aye Aye Sir!".....We partly walked, partly ran, to
the Fore-ends seamen's accommodation (where my sleeping berth
was) and entered, what could be described as a nightmarish
scenario! Here and there, lay members of the crew, some lying
in their vomit covered clothes, the place stank of
it!!.."Jones is over here Sir!" called the Bosun....I tread
carefully around the filthy pools of sickness...making it
without slipping to the hammock wherein lay Ordinary Seaman
Jones...him of the earlier barging in the corridor!!...He
looked terrible! His pain ravaged face told it's own story of
his battle against whatever this illness was, that had caught
us in its grasp!! "Hello Jonesy! You can't lie abed old son!
You're needed on deck!"...."Aye Sir!" He whispered, I was
shocked to see blood in his mouth!! I raised my eyes to the
Bosun's...He shook his head...leaned over Jones, lifted his
head from the pallaise, turning his head to the left, blood
ran in a trickle from his ear!...I looked at the Chief, nodded
my head towards the Bread locker and strolled out of
earshot!!" Christ Chiefy! What the hell is it?"..."Dunno
Sir!"..."But Cosgrove has the fact he's a little
worse, he has blood from the bowels and from nose and ears
too!"..."God!!...Where's Wright?....WRIGHT!!!...."Yes
Sir?"...."Get that bloody book of yours here NOW!!! We need to
know what we're dealing with dammit!"...."Aye Aye
Sir!"....Wright sat on the wooden locker with the book spread
on his knees!..."Surely there's an Index man!!" ..."I need to
look for the symptoms Sir!...then cross-refence from
that!"....!Oh Hell!...Ok Wrighty....take no notice of my
outburst!".."But we need the information!...and Fast!!".....I
heard a faint cry from the deck, too faint to hear clearly
what it was!...."Carry on men! keep looking!..I'm going on
deck!"....I ran for the ladder...climbed up through the hatch
onto the fore deck of the foc'sle..."What's going on
Gillespie?" ...."Johnson says "Sail-Ho Sir!!!" ...."God damn
my hide!!....Where away Johnson?"...."Red 30 Sir!...same
direction I saw that redness in the sky earlier!"....."Can you
make it out?"....."Faintly Sir!...Seems to be pulling away
since I first sighted it!"....."Well done Johnson!...Keep a
sharp lookout! Let me know if it changes course or heads our
way!...The Waterwitch should be half a day in front of us! It
might be her!"...."Aye Aye Sir!".....I told the Helmsman to
send a messenger if there were any further reports, turned and
ran to the hatchway of the fore-ends! What we didn't need was
a run -in with the enemy, with our crew depleted!!!!...I might
have to turn and run back for a few hours! At least until this
illness had passed!...I went below to the stinking quarters,
passing querulous glances, and worried faces on the way! I
tried to give a reassuring smile to all I passed, I don't
think I was very convincing though!!...."Ok Wright....what
have we got?"......."Well sir...I've isolated two things that
it might be, one is serious, that's Yellow Fever....but it
doesn't account for the bleeding from the nose, ears and
throat!!...Jonesy's also passing blood instead of urine, and
his motions are bloody and liquid!!!...And!!....his bloodshot
eyes are going black!! hope is that I'm wrong, and that
it is a passing Dysentry or somesuch, but the only information
available to me points to something much worse!!!.....SMALLPOX
Sir!"....."Christ! We'd had no warning!!...."Surely there are
Pocks in the Smallpox sickness Wright....we have no sign of
Pocks or pustules!"...."I know Sir!.....Nothing else fits!
There is no information available, the feverishness, aversion
to light, bleeding from different orifices, stomach
cramps....these symptoms are all present as the book
describes....without the pocks and pustules!"...."God!...What
to do?"...I mustn't dwell on the consequences of such a major
outbreak!!! Did we catch this infection from the Portugese
merchantman?....Was Malta to be infected too?......What of
Petra?.....My stomach did a sudden upside-down flip...and
before I could do anything, I sprayed vomit on the deck at my
feet, dizziness overcoming me!!!
The night passed in restless agonies of doubt and worry!!...I
felt so incapacitated...I had to lie down, before going to my
hammock, I took time to look at my reflection in the mirror in
the After-ends...beside the Admiral's Day Cabin....With the
dawn, came the light, showing the gaunt, drawn stranger
looking back at me!! ...GOD!! I looked terrible! Sunken
eyes, my face was of a purple hue, my eyes were bloodshot,
little veins showing where the whites should have
been!....They were painful, as though full of grit!!! I wanted
so badly to lie down! Dizzines engulfed me! I grabbed for the
hand-rail!... Christ!!!... If this was Smallpox, we were not
only doomed to die a lingering painful death, but none would
survive, and those we had contact with would also be
affected!!! PETRA!!!!!...I cried out to her in my mind!...Such
loveliness could not be so much in God's disfavour surely!!! I
called to the Bosun to tell him I was going below, before I
fell below!!! Suddenly!!...."Sail Ho!!...Deck there! Sail on
the Starboard bow at Green 40 degrees....Belay that!!!....Two
sail Sir! Green 40 and green 60 degrees!!!" ...."Pipe for
all hands Bosun!! On the double!!"...."Aye Aye
Sir!".....Pheeeuw!...."Action Stations!....All hands on
deck!!" the repeated cry rang around the ship, fore-ends to
gun-decks, Poop to Tiller flat!....Men came tumbling on deck!
Those faces showed distinct fear, not of a possible enemy, but
of a rampant disease, that we knew so little about (Later this
disease would be classified as Confluent Smallpox!...But this
was many years ahead)...The sail sighted could not be the
Waterwitch!! It could be the van of Collingwood's fleet
....but....much more likely, a Spaniard or Frenchie freelance
privateering brace, looking for easy pickings! God! They had
it in us!! ...Thirty two of our crew were now totally
incapacitated, unable to take any part in their duties, or a
fight, if that was in the offing! ....."Mr Buchannan! My
compliments to the Admiral...I request to be able to reverse
course, there may be a chance we haven't been seen!"..."Aye
Mate!...I think that's a wise thing under the circumstances!"
Zac broke into a trot towards the after accommodation ladder!
Would the Admiral agree to my request?...Would she think it
cowardly, and so, not to be countenanced?.....I soon found
out....Breathlesly Zac returned.."Admiral's compliments Darby!
She is indisposed!!...but reminds us, our orders are, to join
the Fleet off the Nile! There will be no turning back!"...His
face told it's own story!...I had expected no more really, my
thoughts were of a severely depleted crew, easy pickings for a
rogue pair to come across....and there was still time to evade
the issue, I didn't think we had been spotted as yet, both
ship's were holding course!...."Deck there!....Sail Sir! Red
10 degrees!..Hull down Sir!..but I think she's heading away
from us!" "What of the other two Johnson?"....."Holding steady
course sir! Crossing from Starboard to Port!...Fully rigged as
far as I can make out Sir!"...."Very Well!....Bosun!
Compliments to the Admiral!...I would like her on deck if she
pleases!"...."Aye Aye Sir!"....The bosun ran aft to the
Admiral's return in a few moments looking
aghast!! "Sir!! The Admiral's sick Sir! Very sick Sir!"..."I
think you should see!"....." Sorry Chiefy!...Get Wright to
take a look!...I'm needed here!"....The bosun again doubled
away aft....Though "staggered" would be a more apt
description!!..."Hands aloft...I want the ship trimmed to very
short sail!...Perhaps if we bide our time their intentions
will become clearer!"....The crew, or what pitiful remains
were able, sprang into the rigging and headed aloft to take in point in making ourselves a bigger target....maybe
they wouldn't spot us!....."DECK THERE!.....They are two
ships-of-the-line Sir! Two Frenchmen!....32 gun Frigates I
think!"...."Too poor visibility to be sure sir....but I would
stake my life they are two of Roubier's Fleet!"...."They have
the tan sail colour of his squadron!"....."Very well Johnson!!
Well done! Keep reporting!"...."Chiefy! I want everybody that
is possibly able....if only to hold a musket....on deck in 15
minutes!....We might have to fight them both!" ..."I don't
hold our chances in high regard!" ......"Me neither
Sir!"...."DECK THERE!!!!....both ships altering course
Sir!!....coming to Port Sir!!......They've seen us
Sir!!!!!....They've raised their battle ensigns! Definitely
French!".....So that was it!! Our Nemesis!....but we wouldn't
go down without a fight!!!...No Sir!!! Where was
Waterwitch??..Could she be that far ahead that she hadn't
sighted the enemy? Or was she playing possum too? Waiting to
spring to our aid at the appropriate time!!! God alone knows!
And he isn't about to let me in on the secret just
yet!!...."Break out the Battle Ensign Yeoman! If it's a fight
they want!!!!...And, just to give them something to worry
about, get the sailmaker to stitch 2 or 4 Yellow flags
together! We'll fly the biggest Quarantine flag from the
truck, that's ever been seen!!!!"....."Aye Aye Sir!" the
Yeoman smiled, and turned to alert the
Sailmaker!!!........With no Officer of the Deck to call on, I
had to give the order myself to "Prepare to Run Out!....Load
both broadsides!!....But, leave the gun ports closed! Just for
the moment!"...PETRA!!!!.....
Our huge yellow quarantine flag fluttered from the truck, our
battle ensign streamed for'ard over the decreased
sail!...."Hands aloft! Let's make 'em work for it!"...."Set
Royals, To'gallants, Flyin' Royals, stunsails....everything
you've got Bosun!"..."Aye Aye Sir!...There's no Officer of the
Deck Sir! Shall I give the order?"...."Chief!...You are now
Officer of the Deck!...You've been promoted! ...Now get that
sail set!"....."AYE AYE SIR!!!" ...We had 11 men available to
set sail, a task requiring double that number!!....Each and
every man that was fit, was running aloft along the yards, two
men doing the job of 4/5 on each yard!...gradually, with much
shouting, swearing and swinging across the gaps by rope, the
rig was set, the ship swiftly picked up speed!...."Where away
now Johnson?"...."Where's the damned Waterwitch?...Can you see
her?" ..."No Sir!...the Third ship is very much hull down!
It's impossible to tell if she's heading for us, or heading
away!"....I could see the two Frenchmen now, a white bone
between the teeth of each, heading directly for us at a
distance of about 15 miles!..."Bosun!...are all the guns run
out as far as the ports?"...."Aye Sir!..and the carronades are
loaded with "Grape"! We have four Marines only with muskets
Sir! ..The rest are sick!".....The Bosun's mate Furnivall
came running smartly to the Helm!...."Lieutenant Allen
Sir!....Jones has died sir, along with Philips, Smith and
Hodgson!..all dead Sir!" ....."Thankyou Furnivall!...could
you please do a "rounds" and find out just what the situation
is aft?"...."Aye Sir" replied the Bosun's Mate, and proceeded
to walk quickly aft, we needed to have all able bodied
personnel on deck, the dying were excused, but everyone else
would have to fight!......"BOSUN!!!!...Look lively! I need
extra powder and shot at every gun...we haven't the manpower
to fetch from the magazines all the time!"....."As soon as
we're in range we'll.......?"...."Deck there! The Frenchmen
are splitting up Sir! They're gonna take us on both sides!"
..."SIR!!!! The vessel hull down is definitely heading our
way! I can see she's running close hauled!"...."Is it the
Waterwitch Johnson?"....."Can't see sir!....SIR!!! There's
wreckage to Port, about 2 miles!"....Wreckage???? Wreckage???
Who or what???....."In range in about 5 minutes Sir!" called
the bosun, crossing himself as a Catholic
would!!!......"BODIES SIR!!!" from aloft Johnson's cry sent
even more shivers through my body!....What the hell??...."What
can you see man! Dammit!! What bodies?" ........" Dead
bodies Sir!.....I can't quite make out......(there was a
pregnant pause!)....SIR!!!! They're English bodies....wearing
our uniform Sir!" Bloody hell! English?? ENGLISH??? There
was only one English ship for miles!!! The Waterwitch!!!
...."IN RANGE NOW SIR!!!" from the Bosun, his words had hardly
been uttered, when smoke and flame issued from the leading
French ship, she had opened fire!!!...."Stand by to come
about! Starboard 20 Helmsman!" We could only give her our
smallest sillouette..."Stand by Portside Battery
Bosun!"....With an ear splitting cracking and roaring, the
shot from the Frenchman splashed alongside a cables length
away, I counted about 14/16 shot falling.....So she would be a
32 gun ship!....BOOM!!!...The second French ship also opened
fire..."Stand by Bosun!! As she Rises! Give 'em
hell!"....."FIRE!!!!" We opened fire with 16 cannon of our
own....I was delighted to see at least one shot hit home on
the transom of the Leading Frenchie!!! .....A sudden ripping
sound filled the air around us and our foc'sle disappeared in
a hail of hot metal and wood splinters! A lucky bloody shot
had taken our fore'sl away, our sprit and forward taffrail. I
could hear screams of wounded men! I must concentrate on the
first Frenchie! She would fire next!! "Deck there!....Wreckage
is from the Waterwitch Sir!"....her Copra skeined "Welcome"
mat, embroidered with her name, floated past as I watched!!
...."Belay all that Johnson! It's too late now! Get yourself a
musket, and forget about lookout duties!"..."Aye Sir!" ...The
action had made the fever dissipate somewhat, there was too
much to do!!! "Stand by to Come About!!! Port 20! Run out
Starboard Chiefy!!" .....I heard the order given below in the
gun decks, the rattle and clacking, as the Ports on the
Starboard side were lifted!...."Guns run out Sir!"....."Very
well Chief! Fire at will!...As soon as we've loosed
off...we'll come about to Starboard and give 'em our stern to
look at!"...."They tell me the French like a "Pretty Stern"!!!
Isn't that right Corbett?"....Able Seaman Corbett, from
Plymouth, smiled a knowing smile!...."But this is a female
stern Sir!" ..."Not what the French prefer I'll wager!" ....I
smiled at his joke....BOOM!!!!...I was deafened by our
broadside! The whole ship was enveloped in smoke and
flame!.....PSHOOOOOOO! Crash! We had taken another pair of
hits astern wiping out the after steering comparment and the
Navigator's hutch! Suddenly a cry from astern!!!"Sir!! Our
rudder's gone!"....I could tell right away it was true...the
ship wouldn't answer to the helm at all!...."Jury rig steerage
with large paddles from our sea boat trailed and lashed on
either side Furnival!"...."Well! Don't stand there gaping man!
do it!!!"..."Aye Aye Sir!!!" He doubled (or staggered) away to
do my bidding!...Boom!! four small explosions from aft told me
the carronades were still in action back there!....I saw a
burst on the Leading Frenchman's bow, just as her whole side
rippled in explosions, as her broadside was fired! God!! She
was quick!! With a ripping sound, ball raced overhead!....Our
manouvre in coming about had worked! The range had narrowed,
enough to throw the Frenchie's aim off!! My lovely Petra!!!
Will we survive this???....This Hell!!!!
Amid the clamour, the smoke, the booms of cannon...I heard
Johnson, aloft in the crow's nest shouting to us below....I
couldn't hear what he was saying! There would have to be a
lull for me to receive his message clearly!..I made meanings
to him that I was unable to hear him because of the noise!..He
answered me in sign language, pointing to the Port bow, making
wavy signs with his hands...I saw him mouth the word "Ship"!
Then lift 3 fingers to the sky! Christ!! Three of them!!
...We couldn't manage one, let alone three!! ..." As I
watched, two men carried make-shift stretchers aft towards the
Surgeon's sick-bay!...It would be a wasted trip...the Surgeon
was ill, along with Wright.....Damn the bloody Portugeser!!!
....If only Collingwood's Fleet was nearer, if only we were
nearer the Fleet at the Nile!..I had my suspicions that we had
been betrayed to the enemy upon our sailing from Malta! That
would account for 3 French vessels waiting for us in this
area, would it not??? Another fusilade from the Frenchman to
Port ripped overhead, two ball taking away our top mainmast
and truck, as far as the Devil's Elbow....Timber came crashing
to the deck narrowly missing me, but crushing the not so
fortunate Furnivall!!! I was lassooed with falling cordage, a
running block caught me squarely on the shoulder, sending a
bolt of lightning pain across my chest, I raised my hand to
the wound, only to find my collar-bone broken in two pieces!
The pain was intense!!!...I used my good arm to drag myself
clear, when, with a huge explosion and deck timbers lifting,
we were hit amidships!! Cannon blazed and resonated all around
us, the French were within Grappling distance soon!...Another
huge barrage took us in the Port quarter, as the Frenchman ran
down our side!! The Admiral's quarters disappeared in a vast
upthrow of timber, smoke and flame! God!!! No-one could have
lived through that carnage! Fire raged aloft through the
mizzen and higher mains'l....I ran for the foc's'le to see
what Johnson was pointing at! I was deafened! I was
disorientated! As I climbed the ladder in the break of the
foc's'le, I could see the root of our trouble! We were caught
fair and square in the jaws of a pincer movement! One
Frenchman on either side, one ahead of us!!! We were trapped!!
BUT!!!!....There would be no surrender!!!..I ran aft, my
shoulder almost making me
faint!..."BOSUN!!!!"..."Bosun!!!"...Through the nightmarish
scene of the blood soaked maindeck I ran, looking for anyone
to help me!..I reached the flag locker, and was joined by
Robertson, a Sailmaker's apprentice...."Help me bend on these
flags Robbo!" He looked shocked at my use of his nickname...I
didn't care!! "Look lively!...I want as much bunting as we can
fly, up there to let them know we will never surrender!!!"
....Another barrage from our Starboard side, screaming steel
shrapnel, pieces of cord, timber, and yes, pieces of men came
blasting through the air at me! I felt something hit me in the
lower back! the pain was unbelievable! I fell to my
knees!...As I watched through dim eyes, the flags soared
aloft! "Well done Robbo!" I shouted!!.....He smiled, then
suddenly his torso collapsed in two pieces as a huge piece of
"Grape" came scything across the deck, cutting him in two, and
taking his midriff over the side!! I retched uncontrollably!
"Fire those bloody guns somebody!!".There was no reply from
the gun decks! My eyes were misting over with pain! I reached
back to where the pain was located, and found, to my horror a
large piece of jagged timber was sticking from my left side!
The blood was staunched by the object, which I felt was the
shape of one of the Navigators desk "Fiddles" which were
raised in heavy weather to stop things falling off the
chartroom table! A piece of the damned thing had a brass
hinge...that was almost certaintly what had hit me!!! I tried
to climb to my feet, but the pain defied my efforts, and I
collapsed back onto the deck!!! "Petra! Petra!" I called
softly to myself!!..Would I ever see her, or live to see
Falmouth, or Rosie??? Rosie! What had I done to you? I loved
you! But we are parted, perhaps forever, I was a weak man! I
fell for temptation, but I would probably never see you
again!!! There was another massive explosion 'midships, the
whole deck lifted and broke around me! I was picked up like a
feather and remember turning in mid-air looking down onto the
carcass of my ship, my vision blurred, I was
falling...falling.....into darkness!!!
The blackness enveloped me next recollection was
of being under water....swallowing, choking, a world of
bubbling noises and a vision of pink tinged blues and
greens!....My shoulder hurt so much I couldn't use the arm,
the pale blue light above me, the surface, seemed
inaccessible....I kicked my feet, grasping for the light with
my good arm, my head was spinning from pain, fever and lack of
oxygen! I felt I wanted to just relax and sleep, but I knew
that meant certain death by drowning! With superhuman
strength, I kicked out with probably my last effort to reach
the surface, it was getting lighter, it was getting nearer, my
lungs were near bursting, I felt I had to breathe...and now!!!
...I shot through the surface like a broaching whale, clear
out of the water up to my waist!! ....I gasped a quick breath
of beautiful sweet air, before plunging back below the
surface, this time I came up quickly....the pain was
excruciating!!!....I rolled onto my back and floated on the
calm water!...I could see the 3 French vessels about a mile
away, their transoms facing they had done their bit,
and were leaving!!....all around me the sea was covered in
floating debris...but to my other living soul!
As the French were out of hearing range, I risked a
call...."Anyone alive out there! Anyone there!"!
...Nothing!!! ....I looked around for some means of support,
I was overcome by a sudden wave of pain, so intense, I cried
out, more like a scream escaped from my throat....something
had snagged the wooden splinter in my side....I retched and
vomited involuntarily, my vision blurred and I sank into
darkness.....I choked and became aware that I was again under must have been for only a split second, but I had
"Blacked out" again!!! I must find a floating support!! I
turned on my back, hawking and retching the remaining
saltwater I had inhaled....Once again I snagged against
something, I yelped with agony! What was it I was getting
caught in?? I turned over, and put my face below the water, it
was a billow of canvas, the bottom of which was attached to a
broken piece of yard!!....somewhere close by must be the rest
of the cordage and canvas! I mustn't get entangled, but, if I
could find the main spar, perhaps I could lash myself to
it!!...I methodically worked my way towards where I thought
there would be timber....floating on my back, head to one
side, using my only good arm!! I saw a jagged end of timber
about 10 yards away, the small swell hiding it in the peaks
and troughs....I paddled with my good arm towards it....It was
indeed a large broken yard, one end of which was wrapped in
furled sail!!...If I could reach that end, I could lash myself
to it with the Furling lines!!!...After what seemed an age,I
managed to reach the broken yard...It stood about 3 or 4 feet
out of the water, the weight of the canvas below holding it
upright in the water!...The jagged end stood like a beacon, I
gratefully grabbed hold of it and wrapped my arm around it's
girth!...It would hold my weight no problems, but how could I
lash myself to it?....any line tied around me, would hurt my
shoulder or my side!! I ducked under the water just below the
surface was a clew line, I undid it by repeatedly diving,
using my only hand to untie the line, which was already
tightening with the salt-water immersion!!! At long last I
succeeded....I then dived deeper to the next one!! Eventually
I managed to get the 2 clew ropes untied....the billow of sail
canvas was released, I strove to wrap it around me, then to
attach it to a jagged point at the top of the spar!
Repeatedly, I tried to push the spar down in the water, whilst
simutaneously trying to hitch the canvas to one of the spikes
of broken timber!!! After an age, I manged to achieve a
temporary hitch, dragged myself into the pseudo cradle, and
collapse exhausted into the man- made sling!!! A clew-line was
floating at the surface...was it enough to go around me, and
fasten me to the spar?? The pain from my side and shoulder was
making me lose consciousness again! I fought to stay away from
the abyss of blackness!!....Slowly, the dizziness returned
from the brink, and I was able to concentrate on my
fate!!..What of sharks? I didn't know if there were sharks in
the area! Would they be man-eaters?...I had no choice, I had
to stay lashed to the spar, to have any chance of rescue!
Rescue??? by whom?? My thoughts turned to the rest of the
crew....I called aloud again!..."Can anybody hear me??"..."Is
anyone out there?"....silence!...Just the slap of the wavelets
on the debris field!! What had happened....the Talkalot was
gone!...Blown apart by French cannonfire! Only small pieces of
floating timber, canvas and cordage, along with larger pieces
of bulwark and gratings, wooden boxes, partly submerged,
surrounded me!...Of the crew??....Nothing!...No-one!!...I was
alone in a sea of flotsam, all that was left of a proud
ship!....This bloody war!!! ....As daylight started to fade,
my thirst was getting bad, I wanted to leave the safety of my
sling, and try and find a water keg, or even a wine
barrel....then I realised, that they too, would have been
blown asunder! Had I survived the explosion?... survived
drowning?....only to die of thirst and hunger? This God damned
war!!! I watched as the sun dropped to the horizon, as it
became a half orange ball, I pondered on my fate....could I
survive the night, I wasn't bleeding from my wound, but I was
exhausted! But....more importantly, I needed water!!! The
feverishness had returned....and now, I could feel my lower
body becoming numb!!! What would befall me, when night
enveloped the littered seascape????
I don't remember how long it was before thirst overtook me! I
had spent, what seemed like hours, without anything to drink,
my throat was parched, my lips were swollen, it was dark, the
swell had started to pick up, and the fever had returned with
a vengeance!!!....Dare I just wet my lips with sea-water? It
was known to drive men mad!...Just a sip would quench the
thirst!! I croaked the words "Bloody fool!"...they sounded
more like "Burry pool!"....I must have something to drink! I
must have something....! The words echoed around and around in
my head! If I was in a better situation, sitting maybe, or
lying, I could have used my own urine as a quencher! Not even
that chance!! ....Slowly, inexorably, the night wore on,
minutes seemed like hours! Hours seemed like days!..I knew not
what time it was!..The swell was slopping around my chest now,
little wavelets slapping my face!...I drifted in and out of
consciousness!...I hallucinated....I was with Petra on the
beach! I was drinking wine with the Admiral in her cabin! I
was aloft in the "Nest" on lookout! (something I had rarely
done!!!)..My Mother (long dead) came to talk to me!....I was
in a conversation with the Vicar of our local church in
Falmouth, when I first noticed the streaking of the sky!!
DAWN!!! Dawn was breaking!! I had made it through the
night!!!...Over the next hour, it gradually got light!...the
day broke grey and overcast, the wind freshening, the swell
began to be a serious threat to my breathing....I used my good
hand to propel myself into a position, whereby I could have my
back to the run of the sea!...And so the forenoon dragged on!
In one bout of unconsciousness, I was back at school! My
Teacher scolding me for not being able to spell the word
alarm...I had written Alarum!.....I came to when pain
resurrected me!....The knife-like pain in my side, and my dead
shoulder was enough to send me back into oblivion every few
minutes!!....Still I clung on to the thought "I am
alive!!".....In the billow of the canvas around me, two little
fish, maybe 2" long swam in the calm oasis of water! Pretty
little things with orange scales! Were they deep water fish I
wondered?...I had never seen them before! Very pretty! In my
stupor of semi-consciousness, it took an age to register!!!
FISH!!!....I let go of the stump of the yard, with my back
supported by the clew-line, I scooped one of the fish...It
darted hither and thither, trying to avoid my cupped palm!
Eventually, after an age, I managed to trap it, raised it to
my mouth and bit it in two!...Nectar!!! Never had anything in
my life, tasted so sweet!...I swallowed hungrily...I reached
again for the other one! It too darted away, causing me great
pain in me efforts to trap it....When I did succeed, I scoffed
at the tiny morsel like a condemned man!!!...I suddenly had an
idea! In the haven of the canvas loop, I broke the fishes head
asunder, and scattered the bits.....several minutes, maybe
twenty, went by...nothing!....Then, suddenly...a small silver
fish darted among the oily, scaly remnants, snapping up the
morsels I had placed in the "Harbour"....With lightning speed
and in intense pain, I managed to swing myself in the
suspended canvas, and before it knew it I had the fish, about
4" long in my hand...It tried to wriggle free, to no avail! It
was mine!!! I ate of it voraciously!!...leaving the head parts
again as bait in the little enclosure! The feeding, not only
assuaged my hunger, but it also dampened my mouth
greedily soaked up the fishes juices, allowing me some measure
of comfort....enough to enable me to gather my
thoughts!!!....What could I do to get out of this
situation???....I suddenly slumped back into the depressing
black hole of despair, when I realise there was nothing I
could do! No chance of chance of survival!!!...As
the day wore on I drifted in and out of consciousness! I met,
and talked to, old friends....Lofty Mann came to visit me,
with only one arm! I argued with God about the Devil, the sea,
my birth.....I was delirious!!!.....Sometime during the early
evening, with the sun setting over my shoulder, I drifted into
blackness again!!...I awoke, in excrutiating pain across my
shoulders!.....In my delirium, I began to shout at the
pain!.."Leave me alone you Bastard!"....I was joined in the
chorus by shipmates from the "Talkalot"....Cossie
Cosgrove!...The two halves of Furnivall...Jonesey! with his
face hanging off in sloughed skin!!! A Norfolk accent from
someone? Who was it aboard that had a Norwich accent? I
couldn't remember! "Who are you?" I croaked..."Do I know
you?"....."Steady Jack! Steady!!"...."I don't know any Steady
Jack!!" I shouted at the darkness...darkness that was in my
mind!!...."Who the hell are you?" ..."Is it you
Robbo?"......The voice replied..."'ake inns erms!!"....What
the hell was this ghost talking about??...."Go away! Go away!
You fiends!" I shouted in my mind, but no words came from my
lips!!Iam in great fear!....Suddenly...!!!!... Fire raged
throughout my body....I screamed in agony, as something
grabbed hold of my body!!!....My first thought, in my
delirium, was "Sharks!"...."Bloody Sharks!!!"....I thrashed
....trying to lift my legs clear!...The pain in my side made
me scream in agony!!!..."Steady Jack!...You're ok
now!"....Bloody fool Robbo!!! Safe!! Me?? Safe??... what the
hell was my dead shipmate talking about??? You stupid
individual! You with your entrails clasped in your hands,
telling me I'm safe!! God give me breath!!! In a sudden moment
of clarity, I realise the Norfolk accent was not my
imagination!! Someone was talking to me in a Nofolk accent,
with it's sing-song lilt and raised inflection at the sentence
end!!! Someone was talking to me!!! Someone was with me!!! The
pain was so intense from my shoulder...I screamed in
agony!!!....I suddenly smelled the stench of my lower body
functions that I had no choice filled uniform was
coming to haunt me now!! ....."Steady my friend! You're in
safe hands now!!" .....My God!!! ...My dear God!!!....could it
be true??....Was I being helped out of the water, and into a
boat??...Was that the cause of the agonies I was suffering????
In my state of semi-consciousness, I struggled to communicate
with the East Anglian accented lilt....
struggled to get the message out!.....I tried in vain to tell
the disembodied voice about the Smallpox!...It would not come
from my lips coherently!...I gave up, my head swam with
dizziness, and, once again, I slipped into unconsciousness!! I
didn't know how long it was before I awoke, the first thing I
remember was a bright light behind my eyelids...I tried to
open my eyes...they were full of grit! They felt so sore, I
couldn't bear to open them!....I was shaking with fever from
head to bones rattled against whatever appliance I
rested on...maybe a wooden bed...or table??....voices
surrounded me...I couldn't understand what they were
saying!...Tonal variations made me think there was more than
one person present, and I tried again to make known the danger
that faced my would-be
rescuers!..."MMMallpox!"..."Mallpox!" lips were so
swollen with the lack of moisture, I couldn't pronounce the
sibilants!...I tried to say "SSSSS"...I couldn't get my lips
far enough apart to form the "S"....I was frustrated!!
...Where was I?? Was I on a ship?? a boat???...who were these
English speaking voices?? I felt cold hands on my shoulder, or
was it something more rigid? Suddenly the pain shot through my
chest, making me scream in agony!! God dammit!! What was going
on??? ....More voices....then, mercifully I slipped back into
the darkness!!....I awoke, my thirst raging!!! I tried to
speak...nothing came out!...I decided to lift my good hand and
point to my lips!!! I must have succeeded in something,
because a shadow fell over my face...I was afraid to open my
eyes...I timidly eased the lids a little way apart....the
sudden light hurt me!...But I could see! Distorted
images...but I could see!! Suddenly.....a wet cloth was placed
between my lips! Ah! what bliss! The moisture so soothing on
my parched and cracked skin! I raised my thumb, and, in the
world renowned symbol, said a thankyou....after a few more
moments, I felt the cloth being removed, and a liquid being
trickled onto my lips!!! I opened my mouth as far as I was
able, and, Praise God, I was imbibing cool, clean water....for
the first time in days!!!....And so the day wore on....bouts
of semi-consciousness!....during one of these moments of
clarity, a hand held mine for a short time....who?....I didn't
care!...I had had a drink! My throat was improving, my cracked
lips soothed by the cool liquid!....By evening I was able to
drink more of the life giving fluid, and, after a somewhat
shaky start,( I vomited at first), I was able to take a
spoonful of gruel!! As soon as I had, I felt better...I
reached my lips forward for more! Gradually, I managed to
swallow 4 or 5 spoonfulls!! I felt my strength returning
within half an hour!!!..More fluids were given me, and
gradually, over a period of several hours, I gained in
confidence, and strength!!!......Two figures stood around me,
tending my needs, I had been changed from my diahorrhea soaked
uniform, into a clean rig ...I had also been washed from
head to toe, at least by my recollection...I had memory of
being naked!! one time of lucidity...being sponged
around my nether regions!!! I tried to talk, I tried to speak voice was a whisper!!...."Where am I? I have
Smallpox!...It is dangerous!" "Do you hear me??".....A shadow
fell over my face...I opened my eyes to the limit of
pain....and saw a man's face staring down at me!....I said
"You are in danger!! I have Smallpox!" ....."Our ship had
Smallpox!" ...."I know!" came the reply in the Norfolk brogue
I had heard in my delirium!! "But, it is contagious, you will
contract it too!!"....."Ah, my friend!....We are survivors of
that accursed disease! We have come through an epidemic of our
own!"...."Rest now!...Your friends are here
too!"......WHAT???? My friends??? My crew???....."WHO? What
friends?" I asked!...."Others from your ship!" I was
told!....So some others had survived too?...."Who?" I
asked...."No names for you!" was the reply..."But one of them
is a woman!...her dress, or what was not blown off her in the
explosion, suggests she was an officer!".....The
Admiral!!!....The Admiral was alive!! ...."Who else?" I
asked....."Two seamen!" was the reply!........3 of us!!! 3 of
us survived!! Who were the other two?? "Where Am
I?"....."You're on the "LYDIA CARDELL" a barque, a trading
merchantman from Liverpool!....On passage from Greece to
England with a cargo of oil of olives, and, ceramics!".....On
passage to England! ENGLAND!!!! My heart, and my hopes
soared!!! I lifted my body to try to take in my surroundings,
and to see who my saviours were.....Pain jack-knifed through
my body! I screamed and sank into unconsciousness again!!!!
It was several days before I could raise myself from my wooden
cot!! All and sundry helped me in my efforts....but my painful
side wound kept me infirm!! I learnt from members of the
"Lydia Cardell" crew of the demise of the "Waterwitch" and our
own crew!....Keeping out of sight of the French vessels, had
been in the forefront of the mind of the ship's skipper!....He
watched as the 3 frigates blasted the Waterwitch out of the
water. had watched as the French marines had shot survivors in
the water! They recounted the story of their stealthy
approach to the wreckage as the French ships disappeared over
the horizon....the floating debris contained a myriad
collection of tangled cordage, splintered wood, crates,
gratings, cages full of dead chickens, the floating body of a
dead pig....but also bodies of the crew.....(These had been
hastily wrapped in canvas, and buried with a quick prayer!!!)
..They lowered a boat to search for survivors....nothing!!!!
They stayed for several hours searching...all to no
avail....They had heard the Cannon fire of a second sortie,
and assumed the French had surprised another victim!..I still
felt we had been betrayed in Malta!!!....After the firing had
died away, they waited, then slowly, under small sail,
approached the area from which the sounds of fighting had
come!....That's where they had happened upon me, and the
hapless survivors of the crew!....One of the first things I
wanted to do was see my shipmates, to ascertain their health
and well-being....I asked if it was possible for the survivors
of our crew to be shown to my sick bed?....The first to arrive
was Able Seaman Foggerty...."Taffy" as he was know to the
crew, was from Ffestiniog in N Wales....He had been blown
clear of the ship, as I had....had nearly drowned, had lost a
thumb and finger, and had shrapnel embedded in his thigh! This
was going to be left in-situ, until we reached England....the
other wounds being cauterised and sewn!!...He told me that, in
fact, there had been four of us rescued, but Able Seaman
Jordan had died just after being there were the
3 of us! We talked on for a couple of hours, he too thought it
highly likely that our sailing from Malta had been leaked to
the French!!!...After a while, I became to exhausted to carry
on, and asked to be left alone again to rest! ...It was as the
sun was going down that the Admiral came to see me....She
looked resplendent in her borrowed clothes...a pair of
nut-brown woolen men's breeches and a tan coloured cotton
shirt!! ...I smiled as she entered!...She looked
quizzically at me! Daring me to comment on her dress! ...I
refrained!!!....She sat upon my cot edge, and related her
experiences!...She too had been blasted clear of the ship,
when the after quarters were destroyed!...she had been able to
cling on to some woodwork (With gilt paint on it no less!!)
until her rescue! She had been indeed fortunate not to have
been spied by the French, whom she had witnessed hunting among
the debris for survivors!! To massacre no doubt!!...We talked
on for an hour....Suddenly...! She asked of me "How did you
join the Navy Allen?".....I related my story of being
press-ganged from Falmouth, how I was married there, and hoped
one day to return!....She seemed deep in thought for many
moments! Then she spoke with her voice low!..." I realise you
and Foggerty are both pressed men! And I have to report the
loss of both ships to the Admiralty at the soonest
opportunity!"....."However!....I feel that both of you have
endured enough, for the Admiralty to recognise your bravery
and your commitment!"...."I shall therefore, unless you wish
otherwise, recommend your immediate discharge on medical
grounds!"...."You have served the Country well!....your
fitness to resume your duties, would be continuously under
scrutiny!"...."So!....As I have stated...I shall recommend
your immediate discharge from HM service!...And you will both
be released to join your families upon reaching England!"....I
could have hugged her!!!...My spirits soared....FREE!!! I
could go back to Falmouth ( A somewhat wiser...but very much
less able man!!).....HOME!!!! Home to Rosie!!! HOME!!! ..The
next two weeks passed all too slowly, then we were off Ushant,
and heading into the English Channel....As we came abreast of
Falmouth, my thoughts really began to revolve around my
home-coming, my life returning to normal, my love of
Rosie!....It had been 4 and a half years since we had last
walked the beach at Gylyngavase.....How would my love react to
having me home?.....On our arrival in Portsmouth, our
paperwork was made ready, my discharge papers were drawn up by
the Admiral of the Home Fleet....I had to go to see Admiral
Rockchick one last time! She kissed me upon my cheek...and
wished me well in whatever I decided to do....If I ever wanted
a referal to sign on in the Royal Navy as a "Volunteer" then
all I had to do was ask, and she would arrange
it!!....Documentation in hand, I said my farewells, and
somewhat tearfully, climbed aboard the coach and horses for
Cornwall.....Two days later, the coach pulled up at the Custom
House in Falmouth...I alighted with my packages, I hadn't had
time or opportunity to purchase a present for Rosie!...We had
had no port of call since my rescue!....I walked the rutted
streets until I came to our row of terraced cob cottages near
the beach...I walked slowly, with bated breath, along the
footpath...seagulls wheeled above me...looking for
scraps!.....As I neared our house...I could see someone in the
garden hanging washing out to dry!.....I could tell from the
back view I had that it was my love....ROSIE!!!.....I crept up
and threw my arms around her shoulders, turning her to face
me!!! Her face was a visage of pure shock!!! I was stunned!!!
Her fearful look, her total horror at seeing me, was evident
in her eyes, her _expression one of terror!!!! I looked into
her eyes!!....What?????....then I looked to the expanded
waistline, evident below her baggy dress........!!!!!! She was
with child!!! Rosie was pregnant!!!! This could not
be!!!....It was not possible!!!!....Then the truth hit me like
a sledge-hammer! There was another!!!....I looked into her
eyes! My question remained unasked...I dropped my gaze to the
floor, then raised my head, stepped forward, gave her a peck
on the cheek.....And walked back the way I had come....I could
still get the stage back to London....The horses were still
being fed and watered!!....Admiral Ma'am........YOU HAVE A NEW
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