By Alice Hamilton
- 4106 reads
Harlot! Shameless hussy!
Hiss my sisters.
I clutch the baby to my breast.
Monster, deformed creature!
Shrieks my mother.
I gaze at the child in my arms.
Eyes blue as summer sky,
Cockle shell ears.
Lips softly pink, sea-rose petals.
Vile wretch, thankless daughter!
Yells my father.
He boils with rage, he seethes with hate.
Away from here! Away!
You bring dishonour!
I curse you and your brat! Be gone!
Golden curls, pearly skin,
Tiny body,
Two arms. And two legs: cause of shame.
An angry splash, salt spray,
Slithering tails.
They leave my rock pool. So must I.
But first I remember.
My shepherd boy.
The talking, listening, laughing.
And hiding from the storm.
In a dark cave
Sheltering together, sheer bliss.
The thunder and lightning.
Such pain, such joy.
Loving, sleeping. Waking alone.
Just rippling waves, sea breezes.
No golden boy.
No seeing my lover again.
Yet hearing him sometimes,
Tending his flock,
Playing the flute, making music.
My daughter wakes and cries.
Starfish fingers.
She waves her hands, points to the shore.
In the distance, a flute.
Now she is still.
She listens. She hears. And she smiles.
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A masterly re-telling - well
A masterly re-telling - well done
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Really enjoyed reading your
Really enjoyed reading your creative poem.
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I love the way this changes
I love the way this changes tone midway through, from the pain to the lyrical memory of love and, with the last line, a glimpse of some future happiness. Beautiful piece.
The picture is beautiful - just wondering if it needs an acknowledgement or if it's on a creative commons licence?
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This beautiful, mysterious
This beautiful, mysterious fantasy poem is our Facebook and Twitter Pick of the Day! Do share/retweet if you enjoy it too.
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Fabulous piece, powerful and
Fabulous piece, powerful and touching.
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The image of the starfish
The image of the starfish fingers I found very affecting. The whole poem a triumph.
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It was a good idea to write a poem
It was a good idea to write a poem here rather than prose and this one came out beautifully. People are like that they scorn and hate anything they don't understand and see as a threat. Making such judgements even close family exiles you. Sometimes it might even be simply jealousy.
The description of the cave and shelter from the storm and the young lovers is wonderfully romantic, as too the yearning for her lost lover. And her love for the love child so trusting and so gentle .
Good work! Keep well! Tom
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It was a good idea to write a poem
It was a good idea to write a poem here rather than prose and this one came out beautifully. People are like that they scorn and hate anything they don't understand and see as a threat. Making such judgements even close family exiles you. Sometimes it might even be simply jealousy.
The description of the cave and shelter from the storm and the young lovers is wonderfully romantic, as too the yearning for her lost lover. And her love for the love child so trusting and so gentle .
Good work! Keep well! Tom
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