The book of wonders- Chapter 1
By anandkrishnan
- 1134 reads
This is a story of two school children named Harry and Michael. It starts in St. Lord’s school, Guildford. At lunch break Harry and Michael came rushing out with the other students. Suddenly they heard a noise inside a door on the far end of the corridor. They crept towards the door and opened it slowly to peep in. What could it possibly be? Then they saw this book which had light shining over it.
“Yes!” Michael shouted and ran towards it while Harry stood with his hand clasped over his mouth saying, “Come back, Michael.”
But Michael had already seen that written on the book in big golden letters was:
Michael smiled at Harry who was breathing heavily and backing away.
“Michael, no,” he gasped. “I know what you’re thinking but I’m not ready for this sort of adventure, please spare me. Drop the idea for your own good too.”
Michael replied, “Come on, Harry. Be a sport, unless you want me to tell everyone that you’re a coward?”
Harry replied, “Yes I am and I suggest you drop this crazy idea too and go back to the canteen where we can play games with other friends .Please listen to me.”
Michael closed his eyes and whispered, “I wish to get into the book of wonders.”
The book opened and a strong breeze sucked them in. They went sliding down through the light.
“Whoa!” yelled Michael.
“Oh noooooo!” yelled Harry.
After what seemed like only a few seconds they fell on a market with people buying groceries who stopped and stared at them. They got up astonished, looking at this random market full of people.
“Wow, it really worked,” said Michael. “How brilliant, it came true.”
But Harry replied, “You’re mad. What have you done now?”
Michael laughed. Harry asked, “What’s so funny?”
Michael still laughing said, “I can’t believe we actually made it, Harry.” He walked off with Harry growling, “Great! My feelings are not really that important apparently. Some friendship, pah!”
So Harry said, “Shut up, Michael.” And they carried on their journey.
They came across wonderful small cottages and saw people with children living here. They felt blessed as they continued walking. They walked across to a house where a friendly man and woman asked them to come inside. They did with smiles.
Two kids, a boy and girl, said, “Hi!” to them.
They said, “Hi,” back.
The woman asked, “Would you two gentlemen like any drink like tea, coffee or hot chocolate?”
Michael said, “Tea for me, please,” and to wind up Harry he continued in banter, “Harry has never tried boiling hot chocolate before and he would like to try, wouldn’t you Harry?”
Michael chuckled and Harry said, “Shut up, Michael. I know you’re only doing this to wind me up. Coffee would do fine, thank you.”
Michael didn’t give up. “Boiling hot chocolate. I’m sure he’d love that.”
The man said, “Right away, sir.”
Harry said, “No wait! Don’t take his words too seriously, he always does this as banter, listen ……” but the man had already reached the kitchen and started to prepare the chocolate and once it was done gave him the cup. Once Harry held it, he couldn’t help but feel his hands burning and once he tried gulping it all down, it burnt his mouth as well. By the time he finished his drink, he couldn’t speak. Michael was still chuckling. But the couple felt sorry, so the man apologised.
“I’m sorry for making it too hot.”
Harry said, “There’s no need for you to apologise for other’s mistakes.”
Then he gave a cold glare to Michael. They waved them goodbye and thanked them for the drinks. Michael said, “I’m sorry if you didn’t like it.”
Harry said, “Save it mate.” So Michael realised he had to shut up. They continued walking to this place where they were amazed to see elves working together with their kids to building new houses and as they continued walking through, they saw a huge candy store and suddenly out of nowhere , an old wizard popped out like boom closing his eyes “boom, I appear as a flash to grant wishes like a genie. Usually, you’ll find the elves and their adorable children make my days and make me useful in my work because they want me the most which means they love me so much and I feel blessed which is why I granted them the wishes of making new houses for them to stay in ever since they moved into this town and I’ve always considered them to be my family or folk members but not you new kids so what could you people possibly want with an old magician like me that you had to interrupt my morning prayers?” Micheal said “sorry o great wizard , we just wanted to explore this new unknown strange place by ourselves since we accidentally landed in this fictitious place. I wonder if you could take us anywhere, that’s all our wish is, please, o pretty please?” He said with hands folded grinning hoping the reply would be a yes while Harry rolled his eyes thinking “unbelievable Micheal! First you interrupt his prayers and now you want to explore more of his world. I find him more sensible unlike you because we live in the real world where such things don’t exist so right you were by saying accidentally.”
The wizard sighed “you will be sorry after you interrupted me anyway, just wait and see what I do now and you have yet the audacity to ask me to grant your wishes? I can say no but as a fair man, I’m saying yes so step right in children” and he opened the gates without moving it and by closing his eyes which took Harry by surprise so they went through and fell in a big dark hole that made them slide all the way down and fall into a pool and they swam to the nearest shore they could find so Micheal went “that was awesome, don’t you think so Harry?” To which he replied “shut up Micheal! I’m fed up of this nonsense of yours. We are school students in reality and not from Hogwarts school and I’m really just Harry not Potter so we shouldn’t be here in the first place” then Micheal went “whatever mate” and they carried on their journey once they got onto the shore and as they continued walking, they approached a old witch who too closed her eyes and was standing in front of a dungeon so Micheal went “cool! A dungeon, come on Harry, let’s go check it out” to which the witch stopped him by pointing her finger in the front of his nose “halt right there young man, where do you think you’re going without my permission? In case you’ve not noticed already, I’m the witch who owns this scary dungeon just like my husband, the good old wizard owns this place and we’ve owned it for 30 years thanks to those elves who moved in many years ago and now you troublemakers have come to wreck our creative world by tearing it to pieces. I know what you mischievous kids get up to if your so called dreams gets fulfilled. Don’t you have classes to attend to? I would turn back if I were you right now. I’m saying this for your own good and safety.” Harry sighed a big relief “finally! Thank you lady for trying to talk sense into Micheal and I must say your husband is very wise as well, come on Micheal, let’s go before we invite more trouble.” Micheal said “Harry, trouble is my middle name and this lady has to deal with the fact that we’re going for adventure whether she agrees with us or not and neither do you have a say in this matter.”
Harry shook his head “why do I even bother?” The witch said “very well children, if that’s the way you want it then so be it. I considered it my duty to warn you of the dangers which you’ll further face but regardless, here you go.” She too opened the gates with closing her eyes then Micheal replied “thank you lady” and went through with Harry following him sulking “all those wise words for nothing so thanks for nothing.”
They saw how dark this dungeon was and they walked through. They kept walking till they heard a growling noise close by so they stopped wondering what made that noise and it stopped so they carried on with Harry shaking with fright so he asked Micheal “Micheal, are you sure this is safe? There’s still time to listen to that lady so let’s head back while the time is right” Micheal burst out with laughter teasing “Harry is a scary cat , nah nah nah nah nah” Harry replied “yes I am so can we please head back while we can?” Micheal said “relax mate, I’m here to accompany you in this quest.”
Harry said “that frightens me even more” then Micheal rolled his eyes then they heard the growling sound again so they paused again and realised the noise was heading closer and towards them with Harry’s heartbeat continuing to pound even more faster and suddenly out of nowhere , a werewolf pounced on them roaring with them screaming then a lady fairy popped out of the blue and made a spell on the creature and turned it into a cute fairy too and it flew away then she said “shouldn’t you kids know any better than to come to an unknown place like this where anything is possible if you’re not careful? Why are you here in the first place? This town is meant for elves anyway, shouldn’t you be studying instead?” Harry said “that’s what I’ve been trying to tell him all day but where does he listen? You’ve seen the consequences? Let’s try and find our way back” Micheal stopped him by saying “no! I refuse to accompany you. You may go if you wish to and be a spoilsport!” Harry said in an alarmed tone “are you mad? How can I leave you alone here?” Micheal ignored him and continued to walk so Harry breathed heavily and followed him then as they continued walking, they came across a huge town where elves were going shopping, cinemas, restaurants etc so they walked even more further till they came across a large tour bus that reached to the sky so excited , Micheal rushed holding Harry’s arm and sat inside then they automatically reached the top of the tour bus where it had an open sky and the bus took off like a speed plane flying in the sky and they could see from high up the town and it flew through different islands until it finally reached it’s final destination and landed so they got off the tour bus and saw this empty town with houses everywhere so they continued to walk . They saw a tiny male elf approach them asking “hey kids, what are you doing here?” Micheal said “me and Harry have come to explore this place” then he asked “why?” Micheal said “we find this place cool” then Harry frowned “speak for yourself” then the elf said “very well, follow me” so they did and he went to this desert with big camels smiling “the safari’s all yours folks, do enjoy your time, farewell and best of luck for the rest of your journey” and walked off. Micheal grabbed Harry’s arm “let’s go ride the camel” then Harry astonished replied “no way Micheal! I’m done being your sidekick on this crazy adventures of yours, if I knew any better, I would have let you go long back but unfortunately I can’t because this is an unknown place” then Micheal burst out with laughter “I guess you’ll have no choice then but to continue to be my sidekick” then Harry grunted grumpily “ha ha very funny.”
Micheal forced Harry to get onto the camel then they rode it till they reached another place going through all the humps then they got off. They reached a campus which had tents but cheeky Micheal decided to check it out grinning at Harry walking to check it out then Harry stopped him by jumping in front of him angrily “enough of this rubbish Micheal, you’ve caused enough chaos as it is , please stop inviting more trouble. Please listen to my humble request and let’s do the right thing by going back.” MIcheal pretended to understand “Harry, you’ve finally managed to open my eyes and I can see why this adventure was not meant for normal kids like us even though it was a risk worth taking , let’s head back” to which Harry gave a big satisfied sigh smiling “thank goodness you came to your senses Micheal” then Micheal burst out with laughter “you fell for my trap of words. I just wanted to see the expression on your face to see how dumb you are. As if I would listen to your advice” and walked off continuing to laugh and Harry stood there flabberghasted then Micheal went and checked through each tent and found them all to be empty with no elves so he said “Harry, check it out, no elves” then Harry came to have a look “and so there isn’t” Micheal suddenly had a great idea “Harry, I got a great idea mate, how about we make this our own campus?” Harry said “no way hoozai” Micheal said “come on, stop being a spoilsport. This is the only opportunity we’ll get to spend time together” Harry said “you can plead for all I care but that won’t make me change my mind” Micheal shrugged “suit yourself Harry and as it is , you can’t go anywhere else except spend time with me because you rightly pointed out a while ago that this is an unknown place and there’s no way you can find a way of heading back. Who asked you to join me in this quest?” Harry said sarcastically “yeah , very original , blame your best friend” then he sighed “very well, I guess I have no other alternative” Micheal became excited “yes, you know it makes sense so let’s come in the tent” so he went in with Micheal and they both lay in bed then Micheal teased him “ see , all you get to do is lay in bed and you want to go back home to mummy.”
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hogwartian, keep at it. weave
hogwartian, keep at it. weave your magic in words.
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Lots going on in this piece.
Lots going on in this piece. It reminds me of an old fashioned walk-through computer game
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