Night of the living Kai (Part One)
By heidi
- 943 reads
As the day drew to a close, darkness surrounded the house like a blanket, suffocating all light from the once sparkling stars. Outside a light wind was tip toeing its strength into an almighty gale, clearing all which lay in its path. Rain hit the windows like pellets causing them to rattle and moan.
The night was eerie, Amy sensed that something fiercer was lurking, just waiting for the opportunity to leave its mark.
'It will be tonight, I feel it Josh, it will happen and there is nothing we can do about it. This is it, I know it' Amy quietly said with her head bowed. Josh ran to his wife and drew her into his arms.
'Hey Come on, its okay. I love you. I know nothing bad will happen. I am here to protect you' soothed Josh.
What Josh and Amy didn't know was no matter how much Josh's promises to protect her were aired he will be helpless in his pursuit. Lurking deep in the midst of the storm was something unstoppable.
The wind screamed; the house shuddered in protest. Outside destruction became apparent. Wildlife, sensing the danger scampered to find a safer haven. Yet in the near safety of the house something more dangerous was waiting in the shadows to pounce upon its victims. Only Josh and Amy, no matter how much they feared, were still ignorant of what lie ahead.
Inside the house Amy was fretting and fearing for the worst, the night was becoming unpredictable. The sky was grumbling its anger and shooting sparks of lightening to any random object. Lights were flickering trying to win the battle and stay alight.
While Amy sat staring at the almost out fire, Josh ran around the home, checking all of the doors were locked and all the windows were closed. He sat himself on the end of the bed both Amy and him shared thinking about when he first met her and how happy they had been in this remote part of town.
Josh was brought back to his senses by a piercing scream, jumping up he ran down the stairs two at a time, 'It is happening' screamed Amy. 'Why now?' 'It is going to be o.k.' Josh soothed as he ran for the phone, but due to the storm the phone line was down.
Amy's screams were becoming more frequent, 'Josh please help me, get me in the car, we must go' she pleaded. 'Wait here while I start the engine' Josh replied. He fought his way out of the back door to his car, while the rain and wind were whipping at the flesh on his face. The car door opened. Inside Josh tried in haste to start the car but, nothing. He tried again, still nothing. The car would not start. He hit his fists on the steering wheel wondering what to do next, he could just about hear Amy's screams above the sound of the wind. Panicking, Josh stepped out of the car and retraced his steps to the back door.
Once inside he went straight to the living room, where he found his wife curled up in the foetal position, crying. 'Make it stop, please make it stop' Amy pleaded. Josh was in despair, there was nothing he could do but wait and see what would eventually consume their night. He knelt next to his beautiful wife and held her. Her breathing became faster, sweat poured from her brow. 'What can I do Amy, you need to tell me' Josh asked. 'Get me in the car and away from here, I need help' yelled Amy. 'I can't, the car wont start, I can run to the next house and ask for help there, wait here' but as he made to get up Amy grabbed hold of his arm. 'You can't leave me. You have to stay. Please' Amy begged.
Josh helped Amy on to the sofa. At the same time the lights in the house gave up their struggle to stay alight and eventually slept. Amy's screams started up again, competing with the wind. Josh found some candles, to bring some light into the room.
Amy could not stand the pain she was faced with, she wanted to give up but knew she couldn't, she had to fight it. To her it felt like her insides were being ripped apart, as the blood travelled down her leg, she began to fret. Josh was in shock as reality final hit him. This was it for him and Amy; he knew from this day on, nothing would ever be the same between them.
Josh knelt beside his wife and took her hand as she squeezed through the pain; he used his jumper to wipe away her sweat as it soaked her hair. Kissing her hand and soothing her, Josh had no idea what to do next. He could not stand watching his wife suffer, what had she ever done to accommodate such a punishment.
With one final scream, and the last clap of lightening, Amy's hand went limp in his; a tear slowly wove its way down his cheek, while he built up the courage to see for himself how Amy had suffered. He could hear that Amy's breathing had become more relaxed and she had a peaceful look about her as she allowed him a half smile.
Another scream suddenly broke through the air, but it wasn't Amy. Josh reached out and plucked the wailing bundle from between Amy's legs. 'I knew we would do this Amy, well done. We have a boy'. Josh gushed as he handled the sodden baby to Amy. 'What shall we call him?' Josh asked. 'Kai' Amy replied.
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