Crime and Punishment
By Bee
- 16213 reads
First off, (where I come from) a hole is dug -
just the right circumference for say,
a murderer, or maybe a harlot
or an alleged adulteress to stand in.
A man may be allowed his arms and hands
to be free, and if he is able to escape,
he may be granted pardon from further punishment.
But a female will be buried up to the neck.
Well, they had dug two holes with precision
and lined them with empty oil drums,
and while we were waiting, a tipper truck
arrived and emptied out a pyramid of broken bricks
from a nearby demolition site
so that those without sin might avail themselves
with ammunition to throw with gusto
at the hopeless sinning prisoners.
Then two small harlots, feet shackled
and arms strapped to their side were led
from a van and carefully lifted and fitted into each hole
so that just their heads were visible.
Someone read out 'Bla bla bla...'
for about half an hour and then men were urged
to pick up bricks and hurl them at the heads
which couldn't duck from danger.
After about quarter of an hour,
all went quiet. Someone stepped forward and said,
'This one's not dead, so another one stepped up
and with one final crack, the job was done.
Immorality is not allowed in this land and anyone
who comes under scrutiny and is found guilty
will be punished. Why anyone would think
of committing wrongdoing is beyond comprehension.
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That is powerful. The raw emotion tumbles out of it like the rocks out of the back of that lorry. Odd that we both should touch on the theme of hypocrisy but approach it in different ways and different genres. Conviction oozes out from this Bee. Well done.
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If you wrote such in fiction,
If you wrote such in fiction, you would be accused of exaggeration probably. To what depths humanity can sink, especially when afraid not to conform. Where did you glean this tale? Rhiannon
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It is the videoing aspect,
It is the videoing aspect, and it would seem the lack of sober trial, and the apparent pleasure and fickleness in accusing and carrying out judgement that is puzzling and shocking. Or am I wrong? Rhiannon
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Hell on Earth
I can't even bear to think of it. I feel like I'm some sort of voyeur, denying yet knowing this is going on.
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Hi Bee
Hi Bee
I too found this very hard to read. And we know that it is true - and not even all that uncommon in some countries - and some of the people in those countries feel it is not only justified, but required.
Well done for making us face reality.
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You send a powerful message,
You send a powerful message, Bee. Hard to believe that such barbarity could be perpetrated. And yet we are told that their religion is peaceful.
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Terrible Things
We must always bear in mind that religions don't stone people to death PEOPLE stone people to death.
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I agree that religion does
I agree that religion does not stone people - how could it, being an abstract concept - but it influences its followers for good or evil if its tenets are misconstrued.
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Lots Of Interest
Well Bee you have obviously written a great poem on a very contentious socio-cultural subject judging by all these fascinating comments from members! Kudos.
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I normally can't stand poetry
I normally can't stand poetry but I like the style here. Creates a very bleak atmosphere and sharply written
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Hi Bee, powerful stuff.....
I know many people won't agree with me, but I've felt for many years now, that if there's a God, then there must be a Devil and religion was given to man by the Devil, thus damning God for the deaths carried out in his name.
It runs through all religions, sure Islamic extremists, but it happened with the witch hunts during the English civil war, pretty much encouraged by the puritanic government of Cromwell and in France with Joan d'Arc ect ect.
In short religion gives people the excuse to carry out terrible atrocities without conscience. What else would do that but an evil force? .... call it a devil, Satan, Abaddon, Iblis, Shaytan or the hundreds of other name for it.
However, I doubt the existence of a Gods, Angels or Devils, except those in the light and dark sides of the human condition.
Brilliant poetry Deb.
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Ed, I tried flagging your
Ed, I tried flagging your comment a 'great feedback' but it seems that I've gone over my allowance. I think that you said what I was trying to say but you made much more sense.
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This is a fantastic piece
This is a fantastic piece that expresses your anger at the double standards so ruthlessly applied to women. No, not even women, just girls who have been raped and are therefore blameless. I think all religions are divisive because all teach their followers that theirs is the only true religion but with so many different religions all teaching the same thing then the ground is laid for future conflict. I think there is a place for humanism which although secular seems to me to offer more hope than religion. Moreover, if Jesus walked the earth he did so without the trappings of wealth. But His high priests don't need to worry where their next meal is coming from. Five loaves and two fishes wouldn't satisfy them.
You are fast becoming a very topical poet Bee. All your recent work that I have read is so very relevant.
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...that this wasn't an editor's choice. You've handled an abhorrent practice with a dry, factual narrative, a voice relating incident as so 'ordinary' as counterpoint to this horror, raising the mostrousity beyond any use of hyperbole.
best wishes.
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