Lenny Mass's Branhal School Diary - Sunday 30 November
By Char88
- 1259 reads
Sunday 30 November:
I've not been writing in this diary for the past week. We've had so much homework, that I've had to abandon my diary to get it all done before I go to bed. It's made me so tired. I've managed to find time to write a bit today, because I'm caught up with all the homework we got on Friday.
The whole school had the first end-of-week exam on Friday. I couldn't understand the way the questions were written, so I've probably failed :(
Our lessons are really boring now. No practicals. We just sit in silence, and copy from textbooks. In English, we have to sit in silence and read, no more discussions, although the homework involves writing a review of the chapter we read in class. Broomstick Training and P.E are the only two lessons that are practical. We're made to fly really fast in Broomstick Training. Mrs Yarrum seems to think we'll learn to fly better like that than the slow, safe way Mrs Murray used to do it. She doesn't tell what to do. Just watches while we all get on our brooms and take off. Then at the end of the lesson, she'll point out, quite nastily in front of everyone, who wasn't flying well, and tell them to practise at home. Poor Nettie didn't fly too high off the ground, and her broom was wobbly. Mrs Yurram laid into her about it that much, it reminded me of Snape picking on Neville in "Harry Potter", and the twins actually had to tell me not to say anything to Mrs Yurram.
As for P.E, all we do is run on the track, the new P.E teacher pushing us to run faster. No more games like magic tennis anymore. on Wednesday, all four of us were pointed out to our classmates as the slowest in the year, and we were told to improve our speed at home.
"Yeah right!" Johnny exclaimed, under his breath. "Why can't we play some magic football?"
Unfortunately, the teacher heard him. After telling him that playing silly games wouldn't build his strength like good old running, he told Johnny to see him at dinner the next day for detention for speaking without permission.
Oh yes, dinner. There's no point to it. As well as only getting muck like cold, lumpy mash, and burnt, black pizza, we only get enough time to eat one spoonful of mash before dinner is over.
On Friday, Wendy gained lines for herself by asking not only our form teacher, but also every single teacher, that if we were learning every lesson each day then where was Art, Drama, Myths And Legends, and Designing And Making? The only answer she got was: "They are fun lessons, with no impact on your lives." Then when Wendy argued that none of the lessons would have an impact on our lives, each teacher told her to write a hundred lines at home: "I must stop asking impertinant questions."
I hope the Branhals and our usual teachers come back soon, and everything can go back to normal.
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Ha ha, so nice. I think I
Ha ha, so nice. I think I might go back and start reading from Day -1. I've never read any of the Harry potter books (Can you believe that!), because by the time I thought of reading them I could see the movies instead. I would start reading your diary entires :-) it might compensate the Harry potter ;-)
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yes, it's easy to miss out on
yes, it's easy to miss out on your diary. Keep writing ever day, that's a spell you don't want to let away.
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