By cheung shun sang
- 335 reads
~~ Powers that come....
Hold my candles to light the evils in dungeon.
Am I right?
How persecuted are doing what to appease our evil and must much are driving causes that very hard and serious.
Do whatever one likes are wishes of china tyrants for totalitarianism when there are me-me-me syndromes or psychosis seriously.
Things for all are guns exceptions.
Armours engagements are chain show off.
Who misleaded our ways are china tyrants tyranny.
What oppressive our ways are china tyrants tyranny.
What oppressive composed are china with their acquired driving powers.
Acting powers all are so crud and raw.
Masked double ways and damned double lies and many JANIFORMS ways are there.
Nothing serious are dandy flower heart but china tyrants are cruel and heartless.
-------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3-----------------
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