Spirit of the Age 1
By David Kirtley
- 566 reads
Eclectic Electric,
I stay up all night, into the night,
Writing the lyrics of the Golden Age,
I put Hawkwind on YouTube, when I should have been in bed.
Their flowing music woke me up, so graceful, so powerful.
I wanted to write, it started to flow, stream of consciousness.
I am not sure whether it will be any good,
but it just keeps coming when the music is on.
I don’t need drugs,
I don’t need alcohol,
This is bigger and better.
Modern Age decay,
The parks are untended,
The flowerbeds have gone,
The government don’t really care, not enough,
Private enterprise rules all,
We are its slaves,
We work for them,
Public good is less important.
Austerity and the dumping of plastic,
It is the Spirit of the Age.
Oceans of plastic,
The melting of the icefields,
Plundering of the trees that stood so tall for so long.
When all the coal has gone, and the oil has disappeared,
What will we do?
The End of the World,
Self inflicted Armageddon,
Nature’s solution, so be it!
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