may 24th (a few days after the rapture)

By delapruch
- 1134 reads
and so another end of the world has rolled on
and for those that stopped paying their bills,
who might have quit their jobs,
who spent all their money in the last couple of
weeks before the predicted day
just what it must be like to believe in a fictional character who
never ceases to disappoint
when it comes to this blessed
to believe in a fictitious force that you are supposed to love more than
your own children,
more than your own parents,
more than your own siblings,
more than your own friends,
at the same time,
you are supposed to fear this fiction,
more than the most evil person you have ever heard of,
more than the most violent group that you have ever seen act in history,
more than the most horrible scenes that you yourself can conjure up in your
most frightening of dreams,
more than that other fictional character whom this fictional character which you already are supposed to fear created to deceive you into being something that that first
fictional character would despise you even more for being deceived by,
at the same time as you are supposed to love & fear this fictional dictator,
you are suppose to await
(with the nervous twitch of a thousand addicts stuffed in a room with no windows, no doors, and none of the drug that they are hooked on,
fix) “patiently,”
for the rapture to come---
a time when all those that didn’t believe what you believed
and who didn’t live exactly like you did
(and who just plain had more fun than you did while they were alive on this planet),
and the whole time that you wait
all your relatives that were waiting with you,
they die off,
and you are left still waiting.
and the whole time that you wait,
all your friends die off,
and they are no longer to wait with you.
and the whole time that you wait,
all those engaged in mutually absurd idiocy,
like yourself,
well, they die off too---
and they are no longer there to wait with you.
and you still assert to anyone that challenges you
that you are
about the garden & the talking snake & the flood & the burning bush & the virgin birth & the walking on water & the curing of the leper & the water to wine & the fishes & bread & the crucifixion & the resurrection & the blabbidy blabbidy blah
one who doesn’t feel the need to blame all their problems on others &
who takes responsibility for themselves,
wanting to better the world that they live in,
in any way they can---
just doesn’t have time for all your fables.
it really isn’t even amusing.
it’s just sad
that so many people waste so much of their lives wanting to get back
at others & who are so very scared of having to take responsibility for
& who will not come to terms that there is only one life & that it is the one they are
presently living,
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well written! sadly their
easy on the mayo dude!
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Oh! I could kiss ya :-)
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