On the Public Declaration of Love Between Two Individuals
By delapruch
- 414 reads
to those that hold the institution of marriage
to be something beautiful---
a way of declaring your unending love to another
human being
in front of all your friends & family,
and not just a legally binding contract
which makes you look good on tax forms
and lets you get a better deal on
health care
in the united states,
one always wonders why it is that they feel they need
such a contract to do so?
does love need to be legally defined?
regardless of your answer to that question,
what does need to be defined in the so-called
“land of the free,”
is just exactly how free we actually are---
for the denial of the right for members of the same sex to
declare their love to each other in the same fashion as those who
are of the opposite sex,
and to exist with all of the benefits given to heterosexual married couples
is an abomination of
“biblical proportions”
(this phrase is used to express BIG things like all the BIG FICTIONAL
EVENTS which occur in said work of fiction---it is often the only unit of
measurement that narrow-minded bible thumpers can comprehend).
still living in the dark ages,
we the people of the united states are forced to abide by
the horrific statements spawned in the book of
spreading a disease of homophobic bigotry throughout,
which has been responsible for centuries of
oppression & murder
bestowed upon individuals who were born
with a different sexual preference
than the supposedly heterosexual
(intercourse with camels, goats & chickens doesn’t factor into this definition)
men who were having sex with numerous young girls
whom they didn’t even allow the right to
kudos to these “holy men,”
who have sodomized civilization for this long
& are still doing so in the
this is not
rocket science---
equal rights for people living within this
means that
no one is to be excluded on the basis of their
race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, age, class, religion,
and for that matter,
absence of religion.
it is time for the government of the united states---
“leader of the free world,”
to follow suit with the likes of
argentina, belgium, canada, iceland, the
netherlands, norway, portugal, south
africa, spain &
sweden &
that means not having to call it something else---
that means not having to feel separated from your
fellow heterosexual citizens---
that means not being discriminated against---
that means no longer depriving those who desire such a beautiful day,
as the one in which they are able to express
something that is growing to be so rare---
that is,
a loving commitment to another individual,
amidst all the murder, chaos, destruction and
sadness in the world,
which we are all still forced to endure.
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