The Good Doctor I. P. Part Two
By Denzella
- 4035 reads
The Good Doctor? I.P. Part Two
“Transferred to where exactly?”
“The Sexually Transmitted Disease Clinic of course.”
“The STD Clinic…but why?”
“You said the patient had VD.”
“No, I didn’t”
“Yes you did…you said a woman with V and D was in Cubicle two.”
“Yes…Vomiting and Diarrhoea!”
“Well, I think a visit to the clinic can only be beneficial. Always better to be safe and not sorry. You’d like that wouldn’t you?” said Louise to the woman. “And while we’re at it we’ll even get you a clean cardboard hat to be sick in. Now won’t that be nice?”
The woman just managed to lift her head in agreement before she started retching again.
“Yes I thought so and they might be able to do something about this vomiting while you’re there.” Then Louise suddenly gagged as she mumbled,
“If that’s you too I think the sooner we get you moved to the Clinic the better. Staff Nurse Gold, I think there is a strong possibility that this lady is contaminating the air in here and if it gets any worse then I might be forced to close the department to any new admissions. This lady may be the patient but my sympathy is with the cleaners who have to work in these conditions.”
“But you can’t send her to…” Staff Nurse Gold tailed off as Louise had already left the cubicle.
“Now then, Staff, where’s this suspected Appendectomy?”
“This way” said the Staff Nurse as she led Louise to Cubicle One where a woman lay clutching her stomach as waves of pain hit her.
Louise was gaining confidence and really settling into her new role because with two, what she regarded as successes, under her belt she had developed something of a bedside manner and so she spoke with an air of authority to the patient who was still clutching her stomach,
“Now then, my dear, nothing to worry about I’m just going to take a look at your tummy.”
Staff Nurse Gold lifted the woman’s nightdress and Louise bent down to take a closer look.
“Yes this does look suspiciously like an Appendectomy to me too. Who is the doctor in charge?”
“You are!”
“Oh, yes I was forgetting. Not to worry.”
“Aren’t you going to examine her physically?”
“What ever for? I’ve seen all I need to see.” Then Louise turned to the woman and said, “Don’t worry yourself, my dear, we’ll soon have you up in theatre. I think they’re doing a production of Calendar Girls so should be good.”
“What are you saying?” said Staff Nurse Gold looking completely baffled.
“I don’t think you need look so confused. The patient should be taken up to theatre as soon as possible; it will help take her mind off things. Then when there’s a doctor available he or she will sort her out.”
“But you’re the doctor on duty. It’s your job to sort her out.”
“Well, I just have. I’m ruling out surgery as it is my considered opinion that a good old belly laugh might just be all that’s needed. I’m not the kind of old school doctor who needs precious little excuse to reach for the knife. No, indeed, I’m into alternative therapies in a big way.”
“I think I’m going to have to get this checked out” said the conscientious Staff Nurse.
“Yes, do that and in the meantime if there are no more patients needing my urgent attention then I think I have earned a coffee break.”
“Have you got your bleeper with you and is it switched on?”
Louise experienced a moment’s panic before reaching into one of the pockets and with a sigh of relief found a bleeper. She pulled it out to show Nurse Gold who then reached over and switched it on.
“There, now I can contact you in an emergency.”
“Yes, I’m just going to pop down to the shops and then I’ll be in the Staff Canteen. Won’t be long.”
“You can’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Go to the shops…you’re the doctor on duty.”
“Oh, well I need to get some kippers for Dad’s tea. He kicks up a merry old dance if he doesn’t get his kippers!”
“I can’t help feeling there’s something not quite right about you. When did you say you qualified?”
“I told you before, I’ve only recently qualified but I’ll soon learn the ropes. Haven’t I got an NVQ Level One with not just a Pass but a Distinction?”
“An NVQ!” spluttered Nurse Gold
“With a Distinction don’t you be forgetting?”
“What if the woman needs surgery?”
“She won’t…I’ve seen her sort before she’s got that condition...I can never remember its proper name but which I call Munch House Syndrome”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, there were quite a few of them when I was having my treatment. You mark my words she’ll be as right as a cloudburst when she’s been taken out of herself with a bit of light entertainment.”
“Well, I must say it’s been an enlightening experience working with you so far. I think I could learn a lot from your progressive ideas.”
“Yes, my Supervisor said much the same thing when I explained to her the value of steam cleaning.”
“I can see the day when you will be running this department.”
Louise smiled to herself as she thought about how much she liked this new role and status that she had acquired for herself and said,
“I think that day may already have arrived!”
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Don't know whether to laugh
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lol. Thanks, Moya. I needed
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Ah, many thanks, Moya. I've
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Funny Moya, I liked both
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