Home Read Write Forums Blogs The Garden of Eden By drkevinSat, 25 Feb 2023 223 reads I was in the garden, which was rank and stank. Shifted a rock and then a plank. Stood on a dog turd, up to my shank. Returned to the house, blankety- blank! Certificate 12PoemBiographyHumourOther FictionMiscellaneousJournalAutobiography Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments
The Garden of Eden By drkevinSat, 25 Feb 2023 223 reads I was in the garden, which was rank and stank. Shifted a rock and then a plank. Stood on a dog turd, up to my shank. Returned to the house, blankety- blank! Certificate 12PoemBiographyHumourOther FictionMiscellaneousJournalAutobiography Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments