Wagon Wheels and All
By Dublin08
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To my sister Michelle,
You asked me to keep you updated on the progress of Rachael and Christopher since you passed in 2007, so here it is. Christopher is the big FIVE now. Five and thriving. I flew back to Dublin just in time to walk him to his first day of school. Michelle, you will not believe it but you know the old saying - the more things change the more they remain the same - well Christopher joined Rachael in primary school in September. He started at Scoil Mhuire; the very same school you and I attended. Michelle you should see the photographs we took of Rachael and Christopher in their green uniforms with their clip on ties and blazers. They were like two peas in a pod. The uniforms have not changed.
At least the teachers are nicer to the kids then they were in our day. We were scared stupid to go to school – remember? Rachael and Christopher love their school and their teachers, so you don’t need to worry there. A retired nun, a former school teacher came over to the house, Sister Josephine I think her name was, to see Rachael and Christopher off to school that first day back in September. She told me she had spoken to you when you were sick in Beaumount Hospital and promised to help the kids with their homework when needed. Well, she kept true to her word. She pops over to the house regularly to help Rachael with her homework, according to Richard.
Speaking of teachers, do you remember an old classmate of yours from secondary school called Maureen? It does not really matter if you remember her or not. She remembered you. She is a teacher at Scoil Mhuire. When I went to pick Christopher up from school that first day, she pulled me aside and after the usual condolences, she told me that she would shepherd Rachael and Christopher through primary school personally.
None of your old friends come by the house anymore. Richard tells me that they find it too painful to see the kids since most of them have kids of their own around the same age. Michelle, I can’t see for the life of me why they would think that. The kids are blooming. Rachael is a beautiful vivacious six-year-old. She is inquisitive, polite and a joy to be around. I give all praise to Richard and the wonderful au pairs that have come into your home to help him cope. Rachael still loves dress-up but has moved on from playing with Barbies to more sophisticated electronic toys. However, she loved the pink diary I brought her back from the States with its musical pen. We never found any of the diaries you kept as a young girl. Speaking of diaries, Rachael can read and write now. When she’s old enough we will pass on your letter to her. Richard keeps it safe.
Christopher is still blond and I think he’s going to be as handsome as his dad. Let’s hope he’s as intelligent. He still values the big Tonka trucks and now Transformers. He idolizes his protector Rachael. Whatever she wants he wants. You know how it is. I don’t remember us ever agreeing on anything so readily.
I think you should know that Richard has met a wonderful woman. I know you would approve. She reminds me of our mum. She has the same blond hair and is quite beautiful. The way our mum looked in those old photographs from the attic. She is our age and never married. Remind you of someone? She loves the kids and the kids love her. She spends quality time with them - one on one - and knows their likes and dislikes. They don’t see her as their mom, so you can relax there. However, they love her with equal intensity.
This woman Michelle makes Richard happy and I think he deserves that after all he has been through the last couple of years. He is still the rudder that steers the ship so you can rest assured there. He has renovated your old house so you don’t have to jiggle the knob on the cooker anymore. He got a new one.
The kids are still eating healthy just as you asked with two pieces of fruit in each lunch box. Oh yeah, I introduced the kids to Wagon Wheels. You remember the chocolate biscuits with marshmallow in the middle. I apologize in advance. You know I have a sweet tooth. I don’t get home as often as I would like so when I am home I buy all the sweets and biscuits I can. I bought a six pack of Wagon Wheels and the kids saw me with them and wanted to try one. I couldn’t say no. You can’t say no to those angelic faces. I gave them a couple and then a couple more and now I fear their hooked on Wagon Wheels. It won’t last.
I wanted to discuss something with you. I want to come home. Yes you heard me right. After 25 years abroad, I want to come home. You remember what that’s like after all your years in the US. I don’t want to grow old here and besides the kids keep me young. Watching them grow up makes me happy. I see you in them all the time.
Anyway, I got to go now. Oh yeah, Rachael asked me before I left if you were still looking down from heaven. I assured her you were.
I’ll keep in touch.
Your Brother.
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Lovely, sad, humorous and so
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Really touching piece.
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