The First Libertine
By EpheLuwe
- 999 reads
I stepped out of my mortal shell
To seek a place that death can't quell
Amongst these lofty wuth'ring heights
Hidden from life's purgat'ry.
I saw a sky lark flutter by
And met his gaze in his mid fly,
I tried to match his flight and song
Though I lacked the wing or voice:
An Intermediary bird –
Pitying me he stopped a while
And lent his limbs and vocal chords:
So I matched his wayward flight
And sung a song in valleys bright.
I possessed mine own wings before
And Splendorous cherubim glow
I sung with angels yesterday
Till I sought joy in heathen things:
And then my heart turned scale embossed
My limbs turned frail then superfluous
I slithered once then slithered thence
Frivolous joy was my pretense.
But now, meek from decadence I sing
A whisp'ring of my former voice
A shadow of my prior self
With borrowed limbs and vocal chords
© Ephraim M Luwemba
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I thought this flowed really
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Some really effective
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