The Great Big Fight.
By Ewan
Tue, 03 Feb 2009
- 2163 reads
I admit it; I just don't know
how I ended up on the ropes,
when I didn't hear the bell.
Or the 'seconds out'.
What did I say? That made you don
the gloves -horseshoe inside- and
come out swinging? Did I miss
something? Were there huge
posters and Sky pay-per-view
trailers to advertise this bout?
I just can't work it out,
what's this fight about?
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Well personaly I think there
Well personaly I think there is a very interesting sub-text going on here and Ewan you scoundrel I think you know it too (-;
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A chap doesn't like to poke
Permalink Submitted by Geoff Smith on
A chap doesn't like to poke his nose into a subtext, but I think that the poem's subject matter is one most chaps and probably ladychaps too, can relate to.
Your stuff is always so precise, Ewan. It's very impressive.
Thanks for reading. I am grateful for your time.
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Ewan, we must have been on
Permalink Submitted by threeleafshamrock on
Ewan, we must have been on the same bill, lol.
I just hide the 'Uni-Flu', put in my gum-shield, make sure my protector's on straight and don't get off the stool. ;) Nice one!
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I think I must have been the
I think I must have been the man in my last relationship, beacuse I know EXACTLY how you feel, you sexist pig! ;)
J x
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