Jennifer Jane and the Tooth fairy 5/6

By Geoffrey
- 826 reads
He was quite right, of course. Jennifer Jane just managed to say "thank you for explaining it to me so clearly, I think I would like to...." before she was whisked away out of the Oldest Goblin's house and put down gently but rather out of breath, in the Clerk of the Weather's office.
"Hello, Jennifer Jane" said the Clerk of the Weather, "still asking questions, I see" and he pushed his spectacles up onto his forehead. Putting his quill pen on his desk he climbed down from his stool and shook Jennifer Jane's hand in a most grown up manner.
"You want to go and see a dragon, I suppose," he said before she could say a word. "Lieutenant Moonshine warned me you might be coming, so I delayed the next shipment of food for your local dragon until you arrived. There's one of your baby teeth in this parcel," he added.
Jennifer Jane was excited. "How do I get there?" she asked.
"Quite easily," said the Clerk of the Weather, "your snowman Frosty will take you on a high altitude express cloud and you'll be back home in time for tea."
Jennifer Jane was pleased to hear it. After all, she had promised her Mother she'd be back for tea and it sounded as if the dragon might be a long way away.
"Come along, Jennifer Jane," said a rather cross voice, "we haven't got all day, you know."
Jennifer Jane turned round. There was Frosty, her very own snowman, waiting beside a large flat looking cloud loaded with lots of parcels.
"Don't worry about his rudeness. Snowmen are always in a hurry to get up on a cloud where it's nice and cold," said the Clerk of the Weather.
"I know," laughed Jennifer Jane, "I've spoken to him before."
"Oh, do stop chattering and hurry up," said Frosty, so Jennifer Jane ran across, jumped onto the cloud and sat down on one of the parcels.
The cloud was soon moving very quickly but strangely there didn't seem to be any wind. Jennifer Jane asked Frosty why.
"Streamlined self-contained air bubble, the latest model," said Frosty rather proudly. Jennifer Jane didn't quite understand what he meant but Frosty was obviously pleased that she had asked and whatever it was, it seemed to work very well.
Jennifer Jane quite enjoyed the flight but all too soon they were dropping down to a very lonely looking part of the country with lots of mountains.
As soon as they reached the ground, Frosty and Jennifer Jane unloaded all the tins of food onto a large trolley. ‘Cat food for this dragon,’ Jennifer Jane thought to herself.
Frosty jumped back onto his cloud, "I'm off where it's nice and cold," he shouted as the cloud rose straight up in the air. "Just call when you want me!"
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Well done again. More
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