The taming of Tornak the Terrible 1/5
By Geoffrey
- 718 reads
John always looked forward to Wednesday because that was his day to be on dragon watch. He could sit in the sunshine and keep a weather eye open for the occasional dragon while his fellow woodcutters worked.
This particular Wednesday was a little different from usual, as his team was working in the woods near Lurgin's Bridge. This was the home of Lurgin the Troll and he had been known to come out to catch unwary peasants when he felt hungry. A distant spot moving in the sky caught his attention. He waited a moment to make sure that it wasn't just a bird.
"'Ware dragon," he called and ran to hide under the nearest tree. The rest of the team stood quiet and still while the dragon approached.
The great beast flew overhead, crossed the river, then turning slightly, glided towards the ground and disappeared into the trees on the other bank.
"We were lucky there boys," said John, "that was Tornak the Terrible out looking for a meal."
"Aye, you've earned your keep today John, so give us a hand to load up and we'll be on our way back to the village."
Tornak was trying to explain to his wife why he had come home empty handed.
"I don't know what things are coming to. I flew all round the village and came back by Lurgin's Bridge and couldn't spot a single peasant anywhere. I did see a knight in armour riding this way but they're more trouble than they're worth. Anyway, Lurgin will look after him, unless he's brighter than most."
"Oh, you males are all alike! If there aren't any peasants near the village, then go in the other direction and find some," said his wife. "If we don't get one soon, our fires will go out and then we won't be able to defend our treasure. You’re right about the knights though, they're far too difficult to get out of their tins and while you're out there, keep your eyes open for young Cyril. He's too young to be away for so long on his own."At that very moment, Cyril was thinking of his parents. "Please Auntie Megan, can I go back to see my Mummy and Daddy and let them know where I am?"
"There's thoughtful," said Megan, "of course you can but someone should go with you, just in case you get into trouble. I think I know just the person."
Jennifer Jane was spending a happy afternoon helping Abigail make spells in her room at the Witches’ Home. "Don't forget that seven is the magic number," said Abigail. "Stirring a spell six or eight times is not good enough and always stir widdershins."
There was a knock at the door and one of the older witches popped her head into the room. "Abigail and apprentice to the front office as soon as possible please," she said.
"I wonder why they want to see me?" said Jennifer Jane.
"There's only one way to find out," said Abigail. "Hang your apron behind the door and we'll go and see what's up."
"Megan and Cyril are here," said the witch in the front office, when they arrived. "Cyril wants to visit his parents and Megan thinks someone should look after him and make sure he gets back safely. Jennifer Jane has her protective spell now and Megan thinks she's ideal for the job."
"I'd love to go," said Jennifer Jane
"Well, she's mastered chocolate Swiss rolls and stirring," said Abigail with a smile "but I don't know if she's ready yet to cope with the other world."
"Please Abigail," said Jennifer Jane. "I do enjoy talking to dragons and it's only a little way through the woods to Tornak's cave. I promise I'll be ever so careful."
Abigail looked at the other witch, who nodded slightly. "Very well, then," she said "but if anyone stops you, say you're a witch from the Gate. That should make them think twice before trying to harm you."
"Thank you Abigail, thank you ma'am."
Jennifer Jane ran off to the lawn at the back of the Witches’ Home to find Megan and Cyril.
"Just for the afternoon, mind," said Megan "and now I must get back home. I left my treasure unguarded to come here. Silly of me really but that's part of being an Auntie I suppose."
Megan walked across the lawn, broke into a graceful trot, took off and disappeared into the magic surrounding the Witches' Home. Cyril and Jennifer Jane walked through the house and out into the courtyard. The witch on guard duty waved to them as they crossed the drawbridge.
"I see Esmerelda and Dulcibella still have their fire going," said Jennifer Jane.
"Yes. Daddy say he can't remember a time when they made a spell work properly."
Esmerelda was putting ingredients into the pot, which was just coming to the boil. Just for once, everything seemed to be going right.
"Righto Dulce, start stirrin'"
Esmerelda straightened up and stretched. "Oh drat, here comes that witch 'prentice yuman from the Gate again."
Dulcibella stopped stirring and looked round.
"Don't stop stirrin' you silly ...."
There was a tremendous bang, a thick cloud of smoke and the ground shook violently. When the smoke cleared, Jennifer Jane and Cyril could see Dulcibella and Esmerelda dabbing frantically at each other, trying to put out the smouldering patches on their clothes.
"'Ow long 'ave you bin a witch?" screeched Esmerelda. "Seven times widdershins, not six or eight and you have to go an' do four, an' now look at us."
"Er," said Dulcibella.
"Is that all you can say, just "er"? 'Ere we are, stuck in the middle of nowhere and ... oo er."
Esmerelda stopped shouting at Dulcibella and looked around. "The woods've gorn," she said.
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spells often go wrong when
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