Swimming, fully clothed, in Spain
By Hal 9000
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When I was 13, my mum and dad took me on holiday to Spain.
It was a big deal then; I’d never even stepped foot on an aeroplane
before, never mind stepping on foreign soil!
The holiday was in a resort; you see, back then I wasn’t a class snob like I am now. I was too young to look down... On myself!
After arriving, we were herded into stark empty boxes with balconies:
The view, being a combination of semi naked bodies, water and waiters.
The water part did fascinate me though!
I’d never seen such a large swimming pool; outdoor as well!
After a couple of days in this make believe world, boredom became my best friend; we knocked about together, doing... nothing!
One day we were lounging by the pool, fully clothed of course: not only have I always been a bit... different... I was also just 13, so a combination of... ME and NO CLOTHES, defiantly WOULD NOT mix!
In my resort induced state, I wondered what it would be like to jump in a swimming pool fully clothed, while surrounded by semi naked people; well think about It; if you saw someone walking down the high street...in a pair of skimpy pants, you would think it’s a bit odd, right?, so, maybe I could assimilate the same situation by being fully clothed!
What do you mean I’m weird?! Just thought it could be... interesting, that’s all!
I looked round at my Dad; his sweaty bubbling skin evoked a simple silence all of its own.
Me - ‘Dad?’
Dad – ‘What?’
Me – ‘There’s a lot of people here, arn’t there!’
Dad – ‘Yes boy, there are.’
Me –‘And everyone is, well, not wearing much; are they?’
Dad – ‘No son, they’re not.’
Me – ‘Wouldn’t it be funny if someone jumped in the pool... fully clothed!’
He was thoughtful for a moment, then turned to look at me;
A smile slowly tore across his face;
Dad –‘Go on then! You jump in there, with your clothes on, and i’ll give you a tenner!’
Now, I was smiling!
I got up, and walked slowly to the edge of the pool, standing there, staring in to the abyss;
my delay started to cause attention;
people were starting to stare!
‘It’s now or never!’, I thought...
I dived in!
I climbed to the surface, and made my way to the water’s edge, pulling myself up onto the side of the pool.
Standing up I looked at my audience; no applause; silent!
My clothes were absolutely pouring with water, completely stuck to me like glue, and as I walked back to the hotel, I glanced over at my Dad;
his huge mesmerised expression radiating pride!
‘Wow, he’s impressed!’, I thought.
I walked through the hotel reception getting many stares, and got in the lift; yes the lift: I didn’t understand much about electrics at 13!
My Dad told the story many times; I think he was so proud because it brought us together, a bit of a defining moment; it was something that we both identified with, perhaps for different reasons, but identified with all the same!
I never did walk down the high street in a pair of pants though...
Hmm... I’ll leave that for the time being I think!
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Go on - do it - it's just
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This is a little bit weird.
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