We Were Gods - 1
By itsnotnatural
- 575 reads
My name is professor Ulrich Gottfried and I am of the human subrace the Ammam. I have been told many times that I resemble the ancient god Cthulu; I don't see the similarities. Still, it's flattering to be compared to a deity. I am old, 4000 years about there, another thousand should do me.
During my lifetime, I have had countless philosophical and scientific revelations. A couple of my favorites include the realization that humans are impossibly resilient creatures. Through pure willpower and ingenuity they have managed to get this far, especially when everything has been trying to wipe them out. Another of my favorites is that math. Is. EVERYWHERE. There is quite literally an equation for every facet of life and what it is made up of. But my top favorite has to be when I found out that there is a pattern to everything; that everything occurs in cycles. Everyone has seen at least one pattern during their lifetime whether it'd be the seasons of what was Earth or certain events that seem connected as if they were the exact same thing, just in another time. In theory, even the very concept of time itself can be cyclical. I believe that this is how the universe operates; on patterns and cycles.
Why am I telling you this? Because I look up to the stars and I notice that every day, the night gets a little darker. It is coming and I plan on sticking around to watch. Everybody else has gone to other places. I wish them the best of luck. Only a couple of my colleagues remain here with me; they won't be around for much longer either.
Earth is gone. It's been gone for a long time. Swallowed by Sol when it was in the process of becoming a red giant. In fact, except for Neptune, Sedna, & Ghanima the solar system was destroyed. We live around what's left... a black hole. In the event horizon, time appears frozen, therefore I must fly out of this to observe the death and possible rebirth of the universe. I don't know what I'm looking for, I don't know what I'll find, but I will document every single moment.
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