T: Work Diary...the Last One&;#063;
By jab16
- 659 reads
Work Diary: Last one for a while?
I came in this morning and was going to write about mothers who, while
not necessarily thrilled by their sons' deaths during war, do enjoy all
the attention. Cynical, yes, but what kind of mother stands outside
with a pro-war sign while her son's in the trenches? I've seen this so
many times on the television news that I'm beginning to wonder.
Then I was going to write about people who cause automobile accidents,
and how I believe we should levy massive eco-fines against them for all
the pollution they cause by backing up traffic. I was thinking
ten-percent of their gross salaries, which could be put into a fund
for, say, public education. I mean, a lot of people tithe ten-percent
to their churches, and at least with an eco-fine, you'd know the money
was being put to good use.
Then I was thinking about expanding on an earlier diary, in which I
called the dreams of gays to become more mainstream "insipid." I'm not
sure if that was an entirely fair, considering all the work that's been
done to assure the likes of me some freedom to walk down the street.
Maybe what I really meant is that anytime something becomes more
mainstream, it loses its mystery, its fun, its je ne sais quoi. Or
maybe not.
Then I got to wondering about why people seem so much more
compassionate about animals than their fellow human beings. This idea
was prompted by a joke I heard: If your wife is screaming at the front
door, and your dog is barking at the back door, which do you let in
first? Answer: The dog; at least it'll shut up once it's inside. I
know, I know?stupid, sexist, etc. But it does ring just a bit true in
the overall scheme of things.
And what about elevator etiquette?
And this new practice of waiters who sit down at your table to take
your order?
Or the complete mystery of artificial flavoring?
Or?or what?
What I'm getting at is this: The topics are endless. I've written about
250 work diaries; in fact, I have three more complete diaries in a
folder on my computer's desktop, waiting to be posted. But I'm not
posting them. I may even delete the damn things, though maybe that's a
bit too symbolic/dramatic/plain ol' dumb.
Instead of work diaries, I'm going to start focusing on my book. A lot
of it's already posted, in very, very rough form. So, if you've read
any of it, it may get repetitive for a while as I re-post the edited
version. I've decided to use "The Dead Mother's Club" as a title.
And I hope people do read it and make comments and suggestions. One
thing I like about ABCTales is that it remains unaffected by the viral
Americanisms that turn bestsellers into movie fodder. And, no, I'm not
writing a bestseller. It's just nice to get a different viewpoint, even
if it's from halfway (or so) around the world.
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