Parcel for you - Part 53

By Jane Hyphen
- 270 reads
‘Okay Mum. I’ll sort it in a minute.’
‘And some bus fare for these two. I had to pay for them, two pounds thirty each, cobble together the change.’
‘You can use a card on the bus now you know.’
‘I’ve got my pass, I’m not used to having to pay.’
‘Well just let me know the total.’
‘And everyone on the bus stared at Cedric, agape.’ June nodded sternly, looked Vanessa in the eye and pulled a haughty face which made her unsure of how she was expected to react.
‘Oh well maybe they were just curious,’
‘There was no way our Spencer was going to leave that boy on his own. He’s a very kind man, your husband. I can’t believe what you did to him, you and Pat. He told me, you know, told me you tampered with his cogs and springs, his innards. What were you thinking? He was scared out of his mind!’
Vanessa lowered her voice, ‘It wasn’t really like that, Mum, we were just trying to help him with some technical problem and it went wrong, that’s all. He’s back now, that’s the main thing. Look I’m going to make us some tea. You make yourself at home, Cedric,’ she turned to Spencer, ‘Can he have drinks?’ she whispered.
Spencer shook his head. ‘I don’t think he should. He’s happy with his milk frother at the moment.’
‘That could be useful for when we have coffee,’
‘You’ll never get it off him,’ said June, ‘I attempted to prise it out of his hand in Curry’s and he tried to bite me! It’s lucky he doesn’t have any teeth. We made a bit of a scene in there didn’t we, Spencer.’
Vanessa lingered in the doorway for a moment, observing the occupants and wondering what on earth just happened. One minute she was working in a silent house and trying to come to terms with an absent husband and now she was overwhelmed with visitors and none of them were normal. She questioned whether she was in fact dreaming as she listened to the three of them nattering together and she felt like an outsider in her own home.
‘There you are Mum, help yourself to a biscuit. I didn’t know if you wanted tea, Spencer so I brought you a glass of water as well.’
‘My cartridge needs changing, Vanessa and I don’t know what the situation is with Cedric, down there I mean.’
Vanessa’s eyes lingered on Cedric for a few seconds. She shook her head dismissively to indicate she wasn’t going to go anywhere near there as the thought occurred to her that Spencer might be expecting her to be some sort of carer for his new mate. Especially since she now knew that Cedric was prone to biting, not the sort of dog anyone would choose to take home from the rescue centre.
‘Isn’t there somewhere he can go and get repaired or refurbished or whatever? I’m not sure he can live here with us…’
‘Vanessa! Cedric was a victim of an attack. If I hadn’t run into these boys, they’d be back on the streets and who knows what their fate would be. There’s all sorts out there, pimps and vagabonds. I could speak to Carol about taking care of Cedric, if you’re not prepared to.’
‘No. Don’t involve Carol in any of this please.’
‘I’ll look after him,’ said Spencer.
‘You’re supposed to be looking after me!’ Vanessa blurted out. June and Spencer both stared at her. ‘Sorry,’ she continued, ‘I’m just really tired, I haven’t slept much, it’s been a very stressful couple of days.’
June glanced around at her surroundings, ‘I can tell! This place looks a bit of a mess, Vanessa, it’s usually immaculate.’
‘I didn’t really know who to contact when Spencer went missing. It’s not like a regular person where you speak to the police. It’s been a nightmare actually. I told fact I need to message her now and tell her that he’s returned home.’
‘Thanks to me,’ said June, tapping her chest and punctuating her comment with a needy grunt.
‘Yes Mum, thanks to you. I’ll drop you home when you’ve finished your tea, you don’t have to catch the bus.’
Vanessa wondered whether it was safe to leave Cedric at home without supervision. He hadn’t spoken since arriving in her home. ‘Are you going to be alright, Cedric,’ she said, raising her voice, ‘if I leave you at home with Spencer for fifteen minutes?’
Cedric paused his milk frother and turned his head robotically to look at her but only one eye zoomed in on her face, the other turning inward towards his own nose. The effect was rather terrifying and Vanessa found herself wondering why it seemed to be the case that only she was frightened of him.
‘We’ll be fine,’ said Spencer, ‘I’ll show him to Annie’s room. I don’t suppose you’ve managed to tidy it after Pat stayed over.’
‘No, sorry not yet.’
Vanessa drove her mother home. She realised she was stuck now. Spencer had gone out into the world, only for a few days but he’d returned with baggage, responsibilities. And now there was nothing she could do, she owed him for disrespecting his faculties. Cedric had also been disrespected, a victim of violence and theft and now it was up to her to care for him. Justice had been served.
She was tempted to gift Cedric to Pat with some accompanying lie about how useful he would be around the house. It wouldn’t work though, Pat would simply dump him and then Spencer would never forgive her. Annie would find out and they’d all be very quick to label her a terrible person.
‘You’ve got two now,’ said June as they pulled up outside her home. ‘They’ll be like two little elves helping you around the house.’
Vanessa sighed. ‘Maybe. We’ll have to see how it goes.’
She was keen to get back home and find out some more details about Spencer’s experiences without constant interruptions from June. It was important too that she gave him a thorough checking over for damage from the elements and from sleeping rough. She hadn’t even had the chance to tell him how sorry she was or hold him close. Now there was the possibility of feeling awkward with Cedric hanging around them all the time like some vagrant cross-eyed gooseberry.
‘We’re up here!’ Spencer shouted just after Vanessa had shut the front door. She walked up the stairs slowly, holding the bannister, feeling exhausted at the thought of what was to come. ‘Just changing the sheets,’ he said, sounding excited to be back in the role of domestic god.
Cedric had put down his milk frother and was staring out of the window.
‘Is he okay?’
‘He can hear you but he doesn’t speak, except the odd word although he can speak, in full sentences apparently.’
‘How do you know?’
‘Somebody in our posse said so.’
‘Your posse?’
‘Yes, the group I was in, the gang. I was sworn in but I left on moral grounds and I took Cedric with me.’
‘Maybe you should put him on charge and just let him rest. You still have your charger don’t you?’
‘Yes. I brought it home and I’ve got an extra one for Cedric.’
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cogs and springs. That's how
cogs and springs. That's how old people think. That's how I think. hmm. Cedric is going to cause problems (or why would he be in the story?)
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One minute she was working in
One minute she was working in a silent house and trying to come to terms with an absent husband and now she was overwhelmed with visitors and none of them were normal
so funny - thank you for another part Jane. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens now Spencer has a friend (once he's been charged)
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All caught up again. Cedric
All caught up again. Cedric is the 'grenade' and the reader is now waiting for the pin to come out.
The story rattles along nicely and another piece finishes before you realise you have only just started it.
It's looking great, Jane!
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Am fascinated what the moral
Am fascinated what the moral grounds were, for Spencer needing to leave the posse!
Cedric is still a fabulous creation, the contrast of being frightening and vulnerable are so good.
am so full of awe at how brilliant this story is all through, how fun and interesting and clever, and I never know what will happen next at the same time as longing for the next part
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Spencer seems to be in better
Spencer seems to be in better control of the situation than Vanessa, even though he's been tampered with.
Can't wait to find out more about Cedric, he seems a bit eccentric, which makes the story more tense, not knowing how he might act next.
Great writing as always Jane.
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#Spence Fan
'sounding excited to be back in the role of domestic god'
You give this guy, 'AI Robot' so many shades.... In the big picture Jane... I think you know 'the deep state' of men in general really well....hmm... (not confess'n anything there, just say'n)
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#Ur comment -Thats sooo funny Jane* way-tuned-in sharp=u-r.... Ya.. uh.. deep, depths, shallow, shallows and of course all the shades, 50 or so with the AI Robot... yep stick'n with it Jane... even though I think, maybe, I got a glimps of one of my coding errors... maybe thats why I relate to Spence... no bother...
I'm All In Jane* GO4IT.... totally great stuff, a masterful series, respect*
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