Grandad's Birds.
By jay2143
- 1853 reads
There was a small letter box attached to a pole that wasn't too secure, especially on windy days. Pole and letter box were at the bottom of a flight of stone steps. At the top was a stone cottage with green shutters and a tiled roof.The cottage was almost buried in trees. Beautiful trees with heavy leafy branches that seemed there to protect it. In the cottage lived an old man whose name was Matthew Alland.
After his wife Amelia's death Matthew had felt the need to get out of their flat. He needed somewhere where he could begin to rebuild his life, where the memories that he cherished lived on in his mind and heart and not just in rooms and furniture. His sons and daughter were appalled when he announced his intention to move.
"Dad" they cried, "You are of an age where you will soon need help and looking after. At least we are not far away in case of need!"
Matthew smiled and shook his head. He let the storm of protest wash over him. His beloved Amelia would have understood and that was all that mattered.
When they had left muttering to each other and shaking their heads at the folly of it all, he sat in his chair and closed his eyes. It was not sleep he sought but to let his mind roam and his imagination run riot. He knew what he wanted but where to find it?
The phone interrupted his reverie. Probably the family back on the attack. To his surprise it was not his daughter but her son Allan.
"Grandad, it's Allan. Could we have a word?"
Allan, his youngest grandchild and known to both himself and Amelia as "the bonus baby" when he was born. Of all the grandchildren he was th least complicated, the most generous and straight forward and secretly his grandparents' favourite.
"Are you going to talk me out of my idea? I expect that your mother has told you all about it and voiced all her objections too!"
"No Grandad. I am not going to do anything of the kind. I have a few weeks before I go back to Uni and I'd like to use them to help you. Could we meet for lunch, preferably in the next town where we won't be overheard. I'll pick you up at 12 noon tomorrow".
Allan pulled up outside the block of flats promptly at 12 noon, to find his Grandad waiting for him.
"I know a pub close to the river where they do great food" he said.
On the way there they shared family news. Once settled before plates of food and pints they started to talk.
"Right Grandad, share your idea."
"Birds!" Allan stared at his Grandfather, a fork full of chips halfway to his mouth.
"Birds. The feathered sort. What on earth did you think?"
"If that's all it is I am sure we can get you some budgies in a cage or even an aviary."
Allan felt relief sweep through him. It was to be short lived.
"Not caged birds, birds of the air. I want to find somewhere to live where there are lots of trees.If there are lots of trees there will be lots of birds. I've alwys loved birds and since your Grandmother died I've been learning all about them.The flat is practical and comfortable but now I am alone it is no longer a home. I'd like to move and start over".
Allan gazed at his Grandfather with puzzled dark brown eyes, eyes so like Amelia's own.
"Right. I get the picture. You want to move to a house in the country where there are lots of trees therefore lots of birds that you can study. Presumably at a price you can afford. Grandad, it's practically mission impossible!"
"I know but that's my idea, you could even call it a dream".
Matthew looked at him fondly.
Allan pulled a battered notebook out of the back pocket of his jeans and a pen out of his shirt pocket and started writing.
"Let's have a plan of action. Small house, large house, small garden,big garden, trees in abundance with appropriate birds, buy, rent, budget?"
"You are making fun of me!"
"Grandad, I'm doing nothing of the kind. I'm starting to catch your dream, it's brilliant. I'd like to be part of it. Where do we start?"
The grey head - the dark head bent over the notebook, two conspirators linked by an old man's dream.
"Estate agents, adverts in papers, lots of car journeys to visit possible places, pub lunches or sandwiches depending on finances. We'll start early tomorrow. I'll pick you up at 8am".
"8am! All these hols you haven't been out of bed until....".
"No longer. Like you I gotta dream. See you tomorrow".
At 8am the following morning Allan unfolded his long and lanky frame from his battered car, reached over and collected a pile of newspapers from the passenger seat. He ran up the steps to his Grandfather's flat to find the front door open and the old man standing there with a bacon sandwich and a mug of tea.
"Breakfast?" he enquired.
"Thanks. I spent the evening on the internet and bought the papers this morning.From the web I've made a list of possible places to start with. Before we go let's have a look at the adverts".
Breakfast disposed of they shared the newspapers and poured over the adverts. One after another these were checked and discarded".
"Nothing suitable in these" said Matthew.
"Nor in these" replied his grandson.
He pulled out his list.
"Let's start at the furthest point and work our way back to here. We'll check estate agents as we go".
Two weeks went by with a lot of mileage, early starts and no results. They found nothing remotely suitable. They were tired and downhearted. Over a pot of tea and cream slices Matthew said gently"Forget it. You have done all that you could and more and I am deeply touched. I'll stay on here and just keep studying the birds".
Allan looked at him. The old man had always put a good face on everything and this was no exception but it hurt him that his Grandfather's dream should simply fade away.
"One last possibility. Jill comes back from her hols this afternoon. I'll ring her later and see if she has any ideas".
Jill was his girlfriend, a student like him, blest with a wicked sense of humour, a strong personality and sound common sense.
She appeared with Allan the following morning. She hugged Matthew who was delighted to see her. Her hazel eyes twinkled at him.
"Have you boys thought about Holmewood? It's a pretty village set in woodland, my Gran lives there. I go to see her often when I'm down from college. Allan has been there with me but he's obviously forgotten".
They shook their heads. They'd concentrated their searches in the opposite direction.
"Let's go and talk to Gran. She knows everyone and everything that happens in the village and she'll be pleased to see us. We'll have lunch at The Feathers, my treat".They brightened perceptably!
After an excellent lunch at The Feathers and tea and homemade cake st Gran's they felt fortified enough to put the matter to her. They related their searches and lack of success. She listened carefully and then asked a few questions as to exactly what Matthew was looking for.
"There is a small cottage to rent at the other end of the village. It belongs to Mrs Pritchard who owns The Feathers. Her cousin Giles left it to her in his will. I know that she has been trying to let it but it's set in woodland, rather small, a one person house really and I don't think she's found anyone yet. Go and ask her and let me know how you get on".
They thanked her and hastened back to The Feathers. Mrs Pritchard's eyes lit up when they asked about the cottage.
"It's very small, one big room with a kitchenette,a small bedroom and shower room. The woods come almost to the back door. It suited my cousin Giles, he loved it. If you are interested take the keys and go and have a look. It's at the end of the village about 10 minutes walk from here. You can't miss it there's a "For Rent" sign on the gate".
They walked through the village. Jill was right it was a pretty place with an old stone church, some well stocked shops and houses clustered round a large green, a small primary school and The Feathers that seemed to be a focal point for the whole village. They found the house easily. Jill and Allan followed Matthew up the short flight of stone steps. He unlocked the door and found himself in a large room with a stone fireplace. He opened the shutters and the windows and went though the kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. They followed him through a back door and found themselves on a long stone terrace that gave on to the woods behind it. It was the time of day when the birds' evening chorus was at its best. They stood quietly and listened. The look on Matthew's face told them all they needed to know. They went back to The Feathers where terms and conditions were discussed and agreed upon. They ended up having supper with Gran who was delighted at their news and promised to introduce Matthew all around the village.
By the time Jill and Allan went back to University matthew was comfortably installed in his new home. On the morning after his arrival he awoke to the dawn chorus. He smiled to himself sleepily and said softly "There you are Amelia. This is exactly what I dreamt of. I have let Jill and Allan have the flat, it will give them a home of their own when they need one".
The dawn chorus grew louder as if in complete agreement.
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a tiled roof.The cottage…
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I liked this story- as Sooz
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