An Unholy Redemption Chapter 7
By keener_45as
- 185 reads
Chapter Seven
The warmth of the sun on his face stirred Lucifer from his sleep. A smile made its way across his face as he remembered flying the night before and all the energy associated with it. Was he still an angel or had he returned to human form? He was about to open his eyes when he heard a strong heartbeat accompanied by heavy breathing. In an instant he was sitting upright, eyes wide open, looking at what had been his pillow. The creature lying next to him lifted his head, a head surrounded by a golden mane of fur. Its eyes were transfixed on Lucifer. The mouth started to open for an early morning yawn, showing all of its razor sharp carnivorous teeth. Lucifer watched as its tail occasionally flicked up and down to fan away annoying flies. As this giant creature began to stand, Lucifer started to panic with fear. In his angelic form,
he was king of beasts and would command them with one word, but as a human he knew he was defenceless. He slowly and cautiously crawled his way back from the giant cat which was now fully standing. His mane was black and golden, surrounding the very proud face of a
lion in all its glory. A metal frame fence met Lucifer’s hand as his retreat was halted. He realised he was in a lion’s cage and there was no escape. As the lion’s warm breath moved the hair on his head, he slowly met the lion’s eyes. Its pupils were encircled in a spellbinding golden and black gaze, transfixed on his every move. Lucifer felt the memory of his power from last night. He breathed this feeling from his mouth into the lion’s nose. The lion immediately accepted this breath then precipitated its own into Lucifer nose. Lucifer felt that that they had become one spiritually. The lion bowed its head in a form of respect then rubbed its neck and mane against Lucifer’s head in affection. Lucifer threw his arms around its massive neck and, before he knew what was happening, the lion threw him on the floor, playfully wrestling with him and holding him down with its giant paws while licking his face. Their hearts were now beating in unison like the rhythm of nature dancing to music and after much playfulness Lucifer collapsed on the floor exhausted. The lion lay down beside him resting its throat on his shoulder, its eyes watching alertly as if guarding a friend. “Well, my friend. I can’t stay here all day. I need to find my way home back to angelic form.” Hearing his words, the lion stood up and looked toward the sun. He stood proud like a statue, then took in a deep breath and with mouth wide open let out a wild, untamed roar towards the sun. Watching and hearing, Lucifer felt pain once again in his heart. What are you doing God? I don’t understand this pain. How can I have this pain when this sight seems so real and natural to me? The lion stopped roaring and looked at Lucifer as if deep in thought. Lucifer felt his gaze and looked deep into his eyes. The lion bowed his head to acknowledge Lucifer’s need for departure. Lucifer bowed his head in return, and then swooped down to pick up his black coat. The lion’s giant paw stamped down on his coat. “I understand.” Lucifer let go and stroked the lion’s head. “Goodbye friend.” He climbed the fence avoiding tearing his clothes and pulled himself over the top and climbed down the other side. He spotted to his right a signpost welcoming people to London zoo. The lion was now lying down, resting his head on the coat. The zoo gates were just opening as Lucifer walked towards them. A surprised security guard watched as he walked through the incoming daily visitors. Lucifer stopped walking and looked around. In the distance a roar sounded. He smiled and walked through the gates. Out on the streets of London again, making his way along the pavement, the encounter with the lion went through his mind. Why did the lion befriend him, and why did it feel so natural to be in the lion’s company? His mind went back to the previous evening and the memory of flying through the sky in angelic form. It was great to feel that powerful again, but there was still work for him to do if he wanted to fully regain his angelic status and restart his war with God.
A shiver went down his spine. He had the feeling someone was watching him and as he turned around, he noticed a man following him. Lucifer smiled when the man stopped walking and made out he was reading a bus timetable at a bus stop. Lucifer turned and carried on walking, fully aware that the man behind had continued his pursuit.
“Read all about it! Falling stars and freak storms hit all around the world last night.” Lucifer stopped at the newspaper stand to ask the boy what he was shouting about.
“It’s in the papers mate, Mysterious red lighting storms all around the world and freak shooting stars.”
“Do they say what caused it?” Lucifer enquired.
“If you want to know, why don’t you buy one? I don’t have all day to waste talking to you.”
“I don’t have any money.”
“Too bad mate, read all about it.” He was now looking and shouting over Lucifer’s shoulder.
“I’ll buy that for you.” The young man had caught up with him and joined him at the newspaper stand. “There you go.” Lucifer looked down as the young man paid for and handed him the paper. “You’re welcome,” the young man said sarcastically as Lucifer took it silently. “Strange things going on these days don’t you think?” They both looked at the front page headlines. “I think it’s a sign from God, what do you think? Oh, by the way my name is David.” Lucifer looked at the young man’s hand outstretched for a handshake. He observed he was wearing a gold ring with a figurehead of a lion with eyes of fiery ruby stones.
“Nice ring,” Lucifer remarked as he took hold of the man’s hand with a firm grip.
“Thank you, and your name?”
“Luther. Pray tell me, why were you following me?” David’s face went red with embarrassment. “Oh, you noticed that!”
“Well, let us just say you weren’t that subtle about it.”
“Do you believe things happen in people’s life for a reason? Strange things like those storms
“Maybe it is a sign from God like you said. Perhaps the Most High is showing anger at all of
you - I mean us - humans.”
“What! You think God is capable of anger? I’m one of the very few people who still believe in God.” Lucifer watched as the young man brought his hand to his lips kissing the ring.
“You like lions then,” Lucifer asked. “Oh yes, I and few others worship them. The lion is a great symbol of courage and strength as well as being regal, don’t you think?”
“Yes, it’s a very majestic animal. They say it’s king of beasts, don’t they?”
“Why didn’t the lion kill you back at the zoo?”
“Spying on me then following me?” A concerned Lucifer started to edge away from David. “You’re starting to make feel uncomfortable, young man.” David took a step back “It’s our organisation’s mission. We watch out for great omens and signs. I’ve been visiting this zoo for months waiting for a sign from the lion. You can imagine I was amazed to see you playing with that lion today. That was a great omen indeed. How did you control him?”
“There was no control, just mutual respect, something you’re not showing me just now with all your questions. Now go away.”
“I’m afraid I can’t. My friends in the organisation won’t be very happy if I let what I’ve seen today just disappear. Please. I’ve nearly made it to master and I want to really prove myself to them. Will you come home with me so we can talk more? My wife does an excellent chicken for lunch.” Lucifer stood staring at the young man for a while, his eyes were crystal blue and shone in the sunlight and his face was almost showing despair at the thought of losing this opportunity of proving himself. “Lead the way then young man. I’m hungry and intrigued to learn some more of this organisation you speak of - and I definitely won’t turn down a free meal.”
David’s face lit up with joy like that of a young boy who just had received a present at Christmas. It wasn’t long before they were both walking down a short stony path with rose bushes of all colours either side, heading towards a big blue door that had a large brass lion head as a knocker. Once they were at the front door, David stopped, smiled and looked at Lucifer and then opened the door “Please come in. Can you wipe your feet? My wife is a bit of a perfectionist, she likes everything clean and tidy.” Lucifer watched as David hurriedly walked to the kitchen, calling his wife’s name. The smell of chicken was making its way through the air, making Lucifer’s stomach rumble. “Ruth, I’d like to you to meet Luther.”
Lucifer turned to greet David’s wife who was a petite woman with brown, mousey hair and an attractive smile heavily covered in red lipstick. Looking deep into her green eyes, Lucifer immediately noticed a feeling of longing from this lonely woman. She held out her hand and as Lucifer took it into his big hand, a vision entered his mind of their two naked bodies in a lustful embrace. Ruth slowly walked away, slightly flushed in her cheeks from the intensity of his gaze. “David darling, could you show our guest into the living room?” Ruth said. “I’ll make some tea or coffee. What would you like, Luther?”
“Tea will be fine, thank you Ruth.” She smiled and turned to head back to the kitchen. Lucifer watched as she walked away, admiring her figure. An inherent animal instinct inside him almost created a growl from deep within, but Lucifer settled for a lustful sigh. The living room was very spacious and perfectly clean and tidy. The morning sun was shining through a set of patio doors, left slightly open. A breeze occasionally moved the white curtains. “Please take a seat.” Lucifer chose the armchair nearest the window where he could see the sun. The leather seat let out air as he sat down. “So where do you come from, Luther?”
“A long way from here. I’d rather not talk about me if you don’t mind. All I know is that I was hit on the head and mugged. I can’t recall much about where I came from either. Tell me more about this organisation you belong to.”
“I’ll tell you as much as I can. It’s a secret society called the Watchers.”
Lucifer’s eyes widened on hearing that name again, remembering the conversation earlier with Sister Sophie, David continued. “It’s a secret society and I’ve been a member for a long time. I have to prove myself before I can become the master and be named the man of the east. I only partially know its secrets and beliefs.”
“It’s just an excuse for grown up boys to get together and get drunk without their wives.”
They both looked around to see Ruth entering the room with a tray of tea. Lucifer noticed that
David looked slightly annoyed. “Sorry my dear,” he said, “You don’t know what you’re talking about. It’s existed for thousands of years. Many famous people in history have been members and it’s a great movement for teaching morals and initiating a brotherhood of men with a foundation stone of brotherly love, relief and truth.”
“Sugar, Luther?” Ruth totally ignored David’s speech as if she’d heard it a thousand times before. “Quite a lot of sugar, I have a rather sweet tooth,” Luther replied. Ruth handed him his cup, then reclined in her chair, gently blowing the surface of her tea. “I’ll sugar my own then,” David sarcastically remarked to his wife. “Tell me more about your organisation David,” Lucifer continued. “Do they have a religion or believe in a deity?”
“When you join you have to believe in something much bigger and powerful than man, like a deity, no matter what that deity is. Our philosophy and ritual is based on finding out who we truly are and to search for the light that is from above. This is done in several stages or levels if you like. The more you learn, the higher the level you attain until you reach the status of honourable master.” Ruth let a little laugh that she tried to disguise as a cough. “You don’t believe or agree much with this do you Ruth?” She looked up. “Well, ‘honourable master’, what’s all that about? The closest David will get to being an honourable master is a master of his own scared shadow.”
“Excuse me. I am still in the room, Ruth.” Lucifer watched with amusement at the look of anger David was now giving Ruth. “It just strikes me strange that a man would want to join a club where you have to greet each other with funny handshakes and secret words. As for that mask you have to wear, the one you keep in your case …”
“Mask, what mask?” Lucifer asked. His mind shot back to when he had been at the orphanage talking to Sister Sophie about what she saw the night that Christopher had joined his organisation. “It’s just a mask we have to wear to recognise our rank or level within the organisation. It’s symbolic more than anything sinister. Anyway forget about that, our organisation does a lot of charity work. Look at the money we raised for your brother John and his chemotherapy.” David turned to Lucifer, keen to make his point. “John is Ruth’s younger brother and he’s terminally ill with cancer. The doctors have only given him about six months. Fortunately, he has Ruth’s younger sister Mary looking after him. She’s a very kind but lonely soul. Would you excuse me? I have to make a phone call.” David stood from his chair and made his way to the hall, closing the door behind him. “So you don’t agree with your husband belonging to this organisation,” Lucifer said, turning to Ruth. “It’s not the organisation so much. It is the fact that he doesn’t spend a lot of time with me. He works during the day and most nights he’s out with his mates talking about rituals or other boring stuff. The most annoying thing is their annual dinner dance: ladies night they call it. I try to look like I am having a good time and the wine makes that easier. A woman has her needs.”
She looked deep into Lucifer’s eyes which were transfixed on her. Again her face flushed red and Lucifer knew exactly what thoughts were going through her head. She gasped as she saw Lucifer’s ancient passion flicker like a flame in his eyes. Lucifer beckoned Ruth towards him and whispered in her ear. “My little mortal soul, you couldn’t handle the power and passion I possess inside this soul. It’s seen thousands of years of death and destruction. Believe me, you will not like what’s in here.” He pointed to his heart. “I like a dangerous man.” Lucifer lifted his eyebrows in amusement and sat back in his chair to face the sun. David had closed the door and was now talking quietly on the phone. “You say he was in the lion’s cage and the lion didn’t harm him?”
“Yes he was Brother Scribe,” David replied. “I couldn’t believe my eyes. He was play fighting with the lion. They even bowed to each other in mutual respect. Do you think our secret scriptures are being revealed now? All the signs are there.”
“Calm down David. I’ll get in touch with the other masters and our elders. Keep him there till
we arrive.”
“Of course I will. Does this help me and my progress within the organisation?”
“My boy, if this is true your name will be put down in the annals of history among our brethren. If he is the one we’re waiting for, we have to prepare the way for him. It’s imperative you don’t lose sight of him.”
“I won’t Brother Scribe, see you soon.” David held the receiver to his chest and sighed. He rushed back to the living room where Lucifer was still looking out of window admiring the sun and his wife was red-facedly sipping her tea. “Hope you don’t mind Luther. I’ve taken the liberty of inviting a couple of friends over who are interested in meeting you.”
“More entertaining than just us, I guess,” Ruth sighed. “I suppose I’d better put on my apron again and finish getting lunch ready.” David turned back to Lucifer. “I was wondering if you might be interested in accompanying me to our meeting tonight. The meeting happens once a year and we get together and go through the ritual. Afterwards we prepare to meet our ladies for dinner as a way to express our appreciation of their time and patience living with us. Of course I will have to get the elders’ approval. Maybe we can get Mary to accompany you. She needs a night out as a break from looking after her brother. I am sure we could get a nurse in for one night. Would you honour me and be our guest this evening?” The thought of gaining further insight into the mysterious society fascinated Lucifer.
It might answer some of the questions he had and maybe he’d be able to use this organisation to help him get back into heaven. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
“Lunch won’t be long. I will just go and see how Ruth is getting on. Would you like to watch TV or listen to music?”
“No, I’ll just go out in your garden for a while.” A gust of wind blew against Lucifer’s face as he slid open the patio door. The sun was burning bright, occasionally blackened by a passing cloud. A cat from next door jumped onto the fence and as Lucifer slowly walked down to the bottom of the garden, the cat following him and occasionally meowing to get his attention.
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