Death of A Scorpion
By lindy
Sat, 29 Nov 2008
- 1309 reads
The Death of a Scorpion
It felt like a needle stabbing
Waking me in an instant
And I, grabbing for the light
Knelt on it too.
Pain and numbness came hand in hand,
Or rather knee and stomach.
Scuttling under my pillow
And In thirty degree heat
The chill grabbed me
How deadly is a scorpion at 2.30am on a small island?
Five minutes later,
I felt just pain and numbness.
A local said I would not die.
I felt so relieved.
But in the morning I searched
My room, for the black stinger
And there it was.
It was scared.
But so was I. And out came the flip flop.
A funny name for the giver of death.
Why did I feel so bad to see this scorpion die?
When it had stung me when I slept?
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Gosh, lindy - what an awful
Permalink Submitted by Silver Spun Sand on
Gosh, lindy - what an awful thing to happen! I am naturally more than pleased you lived to tell the tale:-)
I was bitten by a spider last year, that had crawled into my glass of wine. Being bitten on the lip is not a nice experience ... no more than is being bitten anywhere by a scorpion!!
Loved your poem by the way, but I am sorry you had to go through that harrowing experience to make its writing possible. Thank heavens for flip-flops is what I say!
Tina :-)
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I'll second that:-)
Permalink Submitted by Silver Spun Sand on
I'll second that:-)
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I liked the tone of this,
I liked the tone of this, Lindy, it made a pretty horrible event seem light and charming- and interesting.
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