By LittleRed
- 365 reads
Every man has his secret sorrows which the world know of not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad. Sadness. Such a word is covered with darkness and weeps of a cold past and present. Such cruel emotions, as painful as the strike of a sword to the chest. Why is it that the world’s cruellest feelings and thoughts are to be taboo to speak of in this world? To be left in the darkness and never uncovered to the light of the sun? When a man is full of sorrow and pain we do not praise him, we do not speak any words of love, kindness or hope. We just forget. Forget about their tortured mind and soul and speak of our own as if it is the most important jewel in this universe.
So why do we wonder why people hide behind a phony mask and bottle up their suffering until they are ready to break down? Judgement. Judgement is the reason that we would rather drink until we forget our thoughts rather than to speak the truth. Judgement is the reason we stand alone in world full of misery until we can stand here no more. Tortured humans are walking among us every day, yet we so blindly miss the darkness that is within their minds. It can be seen within the tiniest movement or an awkward smile, yet we still do not notice the out of the ordinary and if we do it is forgotten. Left in the past to become a thought no longer.
Humans can be beaten, pushed and walked all over yet will so happily stand up and walk away before another human notices their scars. Scars which can haunt us for the rest of our lives. Scars that we hide from both the people we admire and the people we despise. Humans, they are thought to be the most emotional and intelligent things on this planet, yet we will so willingly leave others at their weakest points to avoid pain for ourselves. We have the strength and ability to build a skyscraper, to destroy a forest and to wipe out an entire species yet we cannot support others in their most desperate hours or even the darkest parts in their lives. We as humans are forced to face every obstacle alone in pure isolation. Blocked away from the joy and happiness of this world to let us bathe in the pure darkness which is our minds. Our fears, our faults, our deepest desires all but constantly circle within our minds.
It said that if we can defeat those tiny voices in our mind then all is possible. But how can we defeat them if those tiny voices our also outside. Constantly judging our every movement and statement. Every breath and every mistake. Our judgements are made on our fears and faults, our losses and mistakes. Judgement, pain and sadness of which is part of life.
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Hello LittleRed, this is the
Hello LittleRed, this is the first I've read of yours. This is a very dark piece, thoughtful and well-written. Judgement is such an ineviteable part of society, but I do think acts of human kindness can surprise us sometimes. Hope you post more soon.
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This is very good writing
This is very good writing 'often times we call a man cold when he is only sad' - that made me think.
Do a persons moods create a temperature? Does sadness make a person feel cold inside, then they project the coldness towards others and then do they receive coldness back? And does the opposite happen with happiness does a cycle of warm,warm, warm spiral outwards and then good things will grow and flourish?
All the best Elsie
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