robert gets a headache
By maggie1
- 874 reads
Rosie and Robert were a pair of robins ,they always made their nest in a large flowerpot in Mr & Mrs Pearce's greenhouse, They had been nesting there for about three years now, they liked it there and the Pearce's were always nice and kind to them, leaving them breadcrumbs, cake crumbs,fruit and berries for them to eat. And Rosie always let the pearce's see her babies when they were born.
One day Rosie was in the barden with robert searching for worms, she will have to sit on the nest for longer soon, as the eggs were not far from hatching. All of a sudden, a ball came flying over the back fence and hurtled towards the greenhouse, "My Babies" screamed Rosie. She flew and flew, but robert was faster and in front of her, and he flew hard to get back to the nest, and he made it just in time, the ball came hurtling through the greenhouse window, smashing into a million pieces and landing onto of robert, who was sitting tightly on the nest. Poor robert was knocked out cold.
Mr & Mrs Pearce were in their kitchen having a cup of tea. They had seen the ball coming over the fence and came running up the garden path, when they saw the glass smash. Mr Pearce was most upset. "what are we going to do with poor robert?" he said Rosie appeared from behind a Geran ium. "is he dead", she sobbed "Please tell me he's not dead". Mrs Pearce felt for a heartbeat, she could feel one "Its ok Rosie, dear hes just unconcious" Mr Pearce lifted robert carefully off the nest, so that rosie could check the eggs for herself,Mrs pearce dissappeared for a few minutes, but she returned with a large saucer in her hand. She placed it down in front of Rosie, just as robert started to come around. "What happened?" said Robert shakily. "The ball hit you on the head,and you went to sleep for a bit" said rosie"But you have saved the eggs, my darling" robert lookedat the saucerthat Mrs Pearcehad just bought from the house "Yummy! bread and milk" said rosie and he started to tuck in. "Come on Rosie, Have some" Rosie looked down at the saucer and frowned. She was not sure what it was or whether she would like it "Try some", said Robert. She dipped down her head and, palced her tiny beak into the saucer, and took a sip. "Oh you're right, Robert. It is yummy!" and together they tucked in.
Once they had finished the bread and milk, and Mr and Mrs Pearce had gone indoors for the night, Rosie and Robert settled down too, huddled in their flowerpot, hoping that their babies may be here tomorrow.
All night the wind howled and the rain battered down on the greenhouse roof. Rosie was scared, she felt sure the greenhouse was going to come down around hers and roberts ears, and she feared for their eggs,"Robert! robert! wake uo, i'm scared" Robert sleepily woke and put a wing around Rosie, as they sat huddled in their flowerpot waiting for disaster to strike. All of a sudden, the greenhouse door opened and Mr Pearce appeared in a rain mac an wellington boots. He had with him Mrs Pearce's wicker basket and a large towel "Quick,Quick!¬ get in the basket" he picked up the flowerpot and placed them all into the basket, then quickly covered them with the towel, then he made his way down the garden path towards the house. Just as he entered the back door with Rosie , Robert and the eggs there was a loud clap of thunder and a large bolt of lightening, which came straight down and hit the greenhouse, it folded and hit the ground in pieces =. Mr Pearce passed the basket to his wife who had got a birdcage cleaned and ready for Rosie and Robert to stay in . She had found it in the shed, and was going to throw it away, as it used to belong to Gulliver, the canary, who had passed away last month. She was pleased that she had kept it. She picked up the flowerpot and placed it into the cage. Rosie and Robert looked around them. Rosie looked rather anxious. She lifter herself off the nest and to her surprise, the three little eggs she had been sitting on had hatched, she was a mummy again.
The next morning Mr Pearce went into the garden to look at his damaged greenhouse, "Its ruined", he said to his wife "Can you fix it dear?" said Mrs Pearce. "I hope so" he said, and he set to work repairing the frame. He drove to the garden centre aned bought some more glass and within three hours the greenhouse was as good as new. Mrs Pearce carried the birdcage slowly and carefully down to the greenhouse, and placed it on the table. She opened the door of the cage and Rosie and Robert flew into the garden to search for food for their babies.
Mr and Mrs Pearce decided to leave the birdcage in the green house, and make it a permenant home for Rosie and Robert, and their babies too if they wanted it. Once again, the Pearce's had watched the eggs hatch. But these three were very special, because if it hadn't been for them, they would not have survived.
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