
By markbrown
- 3762 reads
Glass partitions, laminate flooring: the Jobcentre plays at being a corporate space. A man jokes with the security guard. ‘At least the bookies serve coffee,’ he says. He winks at me, a tiny blond woman, but I know it’s sex not solidarity.
‘Why don’t they help themselves?’ I hear my dead mother say. Never worked a day in thirty years of marriage.
I imagine exploding screens, carpet burning like toast, bomb a slicing wind punching off clothes and flesh. ‘There is nothing more dangerous than a clever person deprived of purpose,’ I think; but I am lying.
I will not bomb this place. I will not bring it all crashing down any more than I told my dead mother where my Dad’s well-manicured hands went.
“Always best to defuse tensions,” my mother would say.
The man behind the desk is younger than me, forehead detailed by tiny pimples.
“We have to sanction your benefits.”
“But I was at an interview,” I say. I cannot hear for whooshing in my ears.
“You can appeal, “ she says.
“But I need money now.”
I stand, too much to hold in. He looks afraid.
Once I begin bellowing I cannot stop.
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I hope this gets the audience
I hope this gets the audience it deserves
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short story that packs a punch
Great post Mark. Thanks. You make a number of points in this piece that resonate with me, as a woman and as someone who has had to stand in a queue at a job centre. The sense of powerlessness and latent anger at having to fall into line. That uncivil servants fortunate to have a job should lord it over others less fortunate. The objectifying of women. The unfairness of it all.
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Lots in this to think about
Lots in this to think about and in so few words.
Well done.
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wow. i will be thinking about
wow. i will be thinking about this when i am signing on on friday,and filling in my little jobseekers diary during the week (21 things a week). i really liked the way this was written,certain lines leap out.
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I'm always impressed with
I'm always impressed with your 200 word stories and this is no exception.
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'There is nothing more
'There is nothing more dangerous than a clever person deprived of purpose'. Genius line.
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