By martin_t
- 1154 reads
July 16th 2002
I've been thinking about mundane and how mundane things do dominate
your life. We had a new bathroom put in, it's not quite complete as
little mundane things have to be done in order to complete it. The
shaver light didn't work, so we have to drive down to B&;Q, complain
and get a new one, and several weeks have now past since this first
became a mundane tasks that we had to do. We keep putting it off, just
like we lived with a really crappy bathroom for 5 years with a leaking
tap for about 6 months and a shower that didn't work, now we've got a
shower that does work, but we haven't done the mundane thing of putting
up the shower curtain.
I keep putting off mundane things in the hope that they will go away,
or someone who loves doing mundane things will do it for me, like that
cheeky little invoice sitting in my intray, happy enough to sit there
for weeks, until a faxed copy joins it, and I make a mundane phone call
about our finance department and how it was their delays and that I'll
see to it personally.
I think our finance department is full of mundane people, is that where
they all go ? I hate calling them as they seem to suck all life out of
you in the course of the conversation. You then begin to have violent
fantasies involving chain saws and limbless mundane people running in
terror from your maniacal smile.
I think I'll ring them now...
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