They burnt my barn and stole my horse

By mcmanaman
- 413 reads
Some people solve their problems by burning
and stealing. I solve my problems by hoping
everything will be different one day.
I’ve never been good at articulating my thoughts,
there are few better forms of communication
than setting fire to things; rucksacks, letters
and allotments. I miss spending time with you
and hearing about your incoming vegetables.
When you break up with someone who has a dog
you miss throwing tennis balls. I’ve always loved
throwing things. I have a natural arm action
that means I can effortlessly skim stones across lakes
it’s something I’ve always been proud of
and yet another thing that isn’t impressive
to any other human being.
The last time I had a haircut I had three compliments
which is my best yet. I told my doctor
I’ve been feeling down, that I wouldn’t normally see
a GP about this kind of thing, but it's showing
no signs of stopping. She said I should give her sister
a call, we’d get on well, that she’s been feeling the same,
and she’d love someone to watch her play football,
lift their arms in the air when she scores a goal, to be
someone to introduce her teammates to.
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Brilliant :0) I hope the last
Brilliant :0) I hope the last bit is true and you have fun
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