Fu And The Dragon
By mcscraic
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Fu And The Dragon
by Paul McCann
Along the banks of the yellow river there lived a storyteller by the name of Fu . Outside his front door he had cut through the land to make a narrow rivulet where a shallow stream passed into a lagoon . Around the lagoon he built an embankment with small white pebbles and across the higher ridges of the bank he erected a hut made from bamboo , This was known as the storytellers hut where he entertained visitors to the lagoon with some of the stories that had been passed down to him from his ancestors .
Many who had heard about Fu and his stories had travelled far and would sit for hours listening to mystical tales of the East .
The ancient stories had been orally translated through many generations . and Fu’s tales had become quite famous .
It was said that Fu had so many diverse and unexplained tales that their origins had come from the mouth of Dragons themselves .
Most people could relate well to the stories and families were made welcome down by the storytellers lagoon . Seating around the lagoon was simple and it was so quiet that everyone could hear Fu from were they sat.
After each performance Fu would ask for a small gift in return for the story told and most people responded to the request .
One morning after the silver moon had disappeared behind the yellow river Fu discovered some fresh strange looking dung near the entrance to his house.
He had remembered his Father once told him it was a sign of good fortune for this to happen. So Fu waited for something else to happen.
As the day went on Fu heard this loud continuous groaning cry from the distant mists of Massa Mountain.
As peaks of the mountain almost touched the sky.
As the afternoon came the groaning was getting louder and as the moon had not yet risen Fu knew it would continued through the night so he decided to go and investigate what was going on high above.
He placed a few things for the journey in a bag and headed to the foot of the mountain. Here and there the dung lay thick and heavy on the ground.
Fu hadn’t travelled that far when he discovered his first footprint.
Then more giant prints followed. They had five clawed toes and Fu knew they were the marks of an Eastern Dragon that not many people had ever seen.
Fu had no fear of Dragons; this was because his ancestors had spoken of their gentle nature. It was said they would not harm any one who had no evil intention in their heart. Fu continued his journey and the noise got louder and more intense.
It was twilight as Fu climbed up the mountain and he found shelter in a small cave. Inside the cave he rested until the first rays of the morning sun shone I through the mouth of a cave. It was only then Fu could see the scattered bones of Yeti and skulls of Yaks on the floor of the cave.
As he opened his bag Fu began to eat some of the herbs and bread he had taken with him. Suddenly out of nowhere an old man with a long white beard appeared before him.
“Hello Fu. I am Shi Hew dweller of the first cave. What do you ask of me?”
Fu was shocked but responded.
“Great wise one, I seek the reason behind the loud groaning sounds.”
“That what you hear is Dragon Ling who is suffering from a toothache.”
“Is there anything I can do to help Ling?”
Fu asked.
“One question only is permissible. But higher up the mountain are two more caves where my brothers dwell. If you find them, enter and eat there and my brothers will make themselves known to you .Ask of them one question and you will find an answer. They are keepers of secrets from distant time.
Go now Fu, be safe on your journey.”
Shi Hew disappeared like mist into the rays of the morning sun.
In the second cave Fu sat down and began to eat some of the bread and herbs.
An old man with an even longer white beard appeared and said.
“Greetings Fu. My name is Hi Shaw, dweller of this cave. What is it that you need to ask of me storyteller?”
“Tell me, which tooth hurts the dragon wise one?
Fu asked.
“Oh gentle one the tooth that needs to come out is the last one in the bottom back row on the left hand side. Go now speedily as the pain grows severe. “
Fu climbed higher up the mountain and found another cave.
He went inside and sat down to eat.
Another old man with an even longer white beard appeared and said,
“My name is Hi Ling and you may only ask one question of me.”
Fu answered,
“ How can I remove the dragons tooth?
“First you must give the dragon a drink of this Silver moon juice to put him to sleep.”
“Silver Moon juice?“’
Fu said in wonder.
Hi Ling placed a bottle in Fu’s hand and continued.
“Then build a pulley and harness to extract the loose tooth. On the roof of this cave are pictures that show how to build and use the tool. Once the tooth is removed mix up some mud from the floor of the dragons cave with yellow herbs and petals of the purple flowers you’ll find growing outside the entrance of his cave. Then smear this solution over the hole where the tooth came. This will heal and restore health in the dragon’s mouth. Go soon, the tooth is ready to come.”
Fu looked at the drawings on the roof and memorised them before climbing higher in the direction of the dragons moaning cry. Eventually he found the cave where the dragons was. Fu started to pick some of the purple flowers and the yellow herbs and ground them on a flat rock. Mixing some of the mud inside the cave with water from an internal spring he placed them inside a small tin in his bag where he kept his herbs. Inside the cave were all the things he needed to make the pulley. He collected the bamboo, some small wheels, rope, goat’s skin and a heavy iron weight. By the look of all the bits and pieces, they had been used a few times before.
It was easy enough to put together and everything fitted into place as directed on the plan. Outside over the fire the potion was now boiling and as Fu went to take the tin from the echo of the dragons voice rumbled through every wall and corner of the cave.
“Please, hurry up. I’ve put up with the pain long enough.”
Fu called out.
”Ok, I’m coming. Can you make you way to the front of the cave Ling?“
The dragon slowly dragged its huge body from deep within the cave.
Every foot stomp made the ground crumble as rocks fell around the inner chambers. Then he appeared all scaly blue with tattered like hair around its neck. Now and then fire shot out from its mouth followed by a waft of smoke.
“I knew you’re Father well. He used to pull my teeth before you came. Did he tell you all the stories I told him Fu.”
Fu was very surprised as the dragon lay down and held his mouth wide open.
“Sorry, but I’m going ask you to drink this.”
Fu took the bottle that as given to him by the old man.
As soon as the Dragon swallowed the liquid he fell into a deep sleep.
Fu prised a few lengths of bamboo between the dragon’s jaws just in case his mouth closed. Then carefully he carried the pulley inside the dragon’s mouth where he anchored it between the upper and lower front teeth sections.
Then he placed the harness behind the loose tooth that rocked back and forth each time he put the heavy rope around it. With the wheels in place and the ropes hooked up, Fu tied the heavy iron plate around the end of the drop rope that was thrown from the dragon’s mouth into an empty cavern that dropped far below. At once the pulley was in motion everything went like clockwork. Wheels spun and ropes pulled until acting almost like a catapult the loose tooth shot out of the dragons mouth and fell into the cavern below.
Immediately Fu applied the substance around the gums and into the gap where the tooth had once set.
Finally he removed the lengths of bamboo and the dragon’s mouth slammed shut. Fu was really exhausted after all that and fell asleep on the ground beside the dragon.
Unsure of how long he was asleep Fu awoke and found he lying on a soft blanket of white Yeti fur. There was food laid out for him in a bowl.
The dragon softly spoke.
“Thank you Fu, my good friend. You have the same touch as your Father.”
“How long have you been living up here Ling?”
Fu asked and the dragon replied.
“My time is not the same as yours but I suppose it could be a thousand years or more. Tell me, do they like my stories down there. ”
Fu replied,
“So it is true. The stories originally came from you.”
”Why yes of course. They were my gift for all those who have visited me and helped me over the centuries.”
“Can you give me a story to bring back down the mountain.”?
Fu asked.
“For you Fu, my gift is much better than that. I am going to give you the gift of writing.”
Fu looked intrigued and asked.
“Writing. What is that Ling?”
The Dragon replied,
“Fu, now you will be able to write words that make sentences that make up the entire picture of all the stories that have been passed on to you. From this day on the world shall have writing because of you.”
“I don’t understand Ling.”
Fu said.
Suddenly the dragon reached up its front foot and open a secret panel in the wall of the cave. From this hidden compartment came a bolt of lightening that struck Fu directly on the temple of hid head.
As images and thoughts flooded through Fu’s imagination, the Dragon placed a quill and goatskin before him.
Fu picked up the quill and instantly began to write down words.
He had been found his gift and writing became knowledge that he was able to pluck out from the sky.
After a long period Fu returned down from the mountain.
As he descended back down the three wise old men outside their caves met him. They told Fu that they were the keepers of the wisdom and spiritual guides of the chosen ones.
They congratulated him for the great job he had done on the dragons tooth and remained with him until he was back inside his house, not far from the lagoon near Yellow River where he began to write down every story that he had ever been told.
The End
By Paul McCann
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new mcscraig well written as
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