Magja’s Day Of Reckoning
By mcscraic
- 1314 reads
After Corporate take over , the world changed . People were divided into three groups . The bosses governed while the police and security controlled the streets and work camps The workers were kept as prisoners in camps and on streets where they had to tend to the needs of the corporate rulers .
There weren’t many free people left since all the factories had shut down . The Corporation Police had rounded up thousands of ex-workers and placed them inside the Prison Work Camp in a mindless zone beyond the city .
Magja was once a leader of equal opportunities . His work covered
Bringing about new improved work ethics , loyalty and personal sacrifice .
He tried to explain to the corporate world that people were not machines .
The largest remaining factory had been replaced by squatters who looked to Magja for answers . There were no answers only acceptance .
There was nothing left to do but try to make a change when the time to do so was right .
Before the introduction of forced labour Madja , was involved with an organization called Save Face that brought justice into the work environment . and protected workers from the injustices of greedy employers who manipulated their employees and refused to pay wages that were owed .
When workers holiday pay was withheld an anxious wave of revolt began to creep into the work place . Employers has been instructed to keep making empty promises fuelled with more disappointment and frustration for the working class population .
Magja and his organization were rounded up and thrown into a new complex known as The Long Stay Work Camp .
After this it became clear to hundreds of thousands that something serious was happening . Because of his popularity Magja stirred an eruption of violence that resulted in street riots and looting .
A new organization had been formed called The Corporations Police Strike Force . They went in hard and swept the streets clean . Those who had began the uprising were either killed or put into more work camps where they were chained to industrial machines and forced into twelve hours labour each day manufacturing products for the Corporations .
The take over was a carefully planned manoeuvre that made slaves out of the normal people in society.
Those who were not imprisoned in the work camps had to serve the bosses of this new regime . This part of the labour population were deemed as free men and women . They had to work just as hard as those who were locked up behind the cages of the work camps . The free men and women were too frightened to refuse to follow the inhuman orders of their employers .
Tradesmen were a thing of the past . Loyalty and work ethics had been replaced with chains and there was total loss to have any right to life unless you were one of the rulers in this new regime .
Outside the work camps lived the guards , police and bosses , side by side in streets that were lined with large stately homes with fruit trees growing in the exotic gardens that were daily tended to by their slaves .
Few of these free workers ever dared to raise their heads to make eye contact with the corporate sector in case they would give them some cause to say something nasty to them . The corporate rulers lived in their mansions and often had sport with their slaves . They would throw scraps of food from their table and treat them like dogs . They were egotistical monsters . Too cruelly ambitious for their own good and much too greedy .
Their demands had to be met by all . They feared nothing .
There was no compassion for anyone or anything in their world .
Inside the work camps slaves worked the machines for the corporate empire manufacturing goods that were expected to be perfect in everyway .
From Monday to Saturday the workers in this new and strange world slaved beside these machines .
At the end of each working day the workers were given slop to eat while the guards who kept them in line ate the best food available .
There was no apology for the wrong doing . There was no blame or guilt attatched . It was all acceptable .
The corporation police were the iron fist of society . They often made their presence felt in the work camps as did the police on the streets outside .
Often the free men and women outside the camps were arrested by the police and dragged into work zones , hand-cuffing to machines and issued set tasks to complete . Every day the guards patrolled the work floors , crashing and bashing heads was a thing they enjoyed . Every one lived in fear of becoming another victim and tried to keep up the quota for the day .
Inside the work camp were special cages for high ranked prisoners .
These men and women where the Corporations guinea pigs . They were zonked out of their heads on heavy medication and almost zombie like creatures . One of these prisoners was Magja who used to be the leader of the Save Face Organization .
Magja had been selected for harsh treatment and was one of the heaviest medicated prisoners in the camp . Magja was completely mindless and never moved or spoke in all the time he was held inside his cell . Each day the guards pushed tablets into his throat and hosed water into his mouth .
Magja seemed sedated and calm all the time and twice a week they washed his cell with disinfectant to prevent disease and prevent any increase of the foul smell of his bodily fluids and odours . Magja looked like an animal .
The guards made fun of him and all the time Magja played the fool .
He actually had been stashing all the medications inside a concealed spot in the wall of cell . He had everyone fooled . He had made them believe he was some kind of zombie with no brains .All this time Magja was planning a revolution . He had faith that things were going to work out all right in the end .
That’s how he was able to take the daily abuse and insults .
Now the day was coming soon when his plan would spring into action .
He sat in his cell waiting and for the right moment to present itself and then
One evening it happened . The guard on duty was patrolling the cell block where Magja was locked up . The guard was drinking some brew out of a
large bottle . Suddenly one of the prisoners opposite Magja went out of control and the guard put down the bottle of drink in front of Magja’s cell . Then he took the bunch of keys that were hanging on his belt and proceded to open the cell door of the crazed prisoner who was chained to the floor .
Magja quickly pulled back the loose bricks in the wall and grabbed some of the stash of medications that were there . He ground a number of the red
Ones and slipped the powder into the guards drink without being seen .
Meanwhile the guard was sedating the prisoner with the same kind of medication that rendered the prisoner unconscious with a few moments .
Unaware what was going on the guard locked the door of the cell and lifted the bottle to his mouth and drained the contents . Magja rolled over to face the guard and said .
“Sleep well .“
The guard was shocked and answered .
“Did you speak ?”
Magja rolled over and stuck out his tongue .
Stunned but spurred into an automatic reaction the guard opened Magjs cell .
“You are a mindless Zombie and I’m going to send you back to hell .“
And as he was ready to inject Magja with a large dose of acid Magja
Got to his knees and said ,
“Free the people .“
At the same time the guard fell to his knees and just before the guard fell
Unconscious Magja said ,
“It’s time to make a stand for the rights of man .“
He took the bunch of keys from the guard and the blacked out .
Within moments Magja was changing into the guards clothes .
He placed the face helmet on and all the protective pads . He collected the entire stash of medications put them away in his pockets . Then he locked up the guard inside the cell and made his way to the kitchen were dinner was being made for the entire complex .
He stepped inside the kitchen as the cooks went for a break before serving up
dinner . On the large steel trolleys were lots of trays ready to be loaded with what looked like sloppy looking mashed up whatever it was .
In the main ovens were the staff dinners being heated . They had what looked like soup for starters and roast beef with baked potatoes for the main event . Then in the fridge were butterscotch puddings with fresh cream for dessert .
Magja added some of his special ingredients into the staff dinner . He ground up all of the medications in his pocket and spiked the staffs dinners and sweets . He left the prisoners food alone .
Then he waited .
One by one as the drugs kicked in the guards all slumped over their food .
Magja set to the cells unlocking as many as he could .
He encouraged other prisoners to join him in setting free all the inmates and locking up the guards into the cells .
A large group of armed men now were on the streets . The city had a new kind of force to reckon with . The workers revolt had now begun . One by one houses were commandeered . For too long had injustice been left unanswered . This was the beginning of a new era .
Guards now became the new slaves .
Bosses were now the prisoners .
Free men and women took over the homes of what once belonged to the corporate rulers .
Magja was elected leader again of a new system to govern the people .
His first task was to bring those guilty of manipulation and cruelty to workers into courts to answer for their crimes to humanity .
The old rulers of corporate society were restrained by the same shackles that they once used on their slaves .
Free man and women gave evidence and the old rulers were convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment inside the very work camps they had created.
It was time to get serious and ensure that this kind of thing would never happen again to mankind .
A new elected was installed and standards of work practice were introduced .
New policies and procedures were also implemented for industry again with a wage fixing system equally spread over the land . Life began again and people won back their respect and dignity .
The power of the people was now in control .
The End
By Paul Mc Cann
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