A Nurses Shift
By mcscraic
- 1379 reads
Scene - A dementai specific nursing home
Props - Some tables and chairs – two wheelchairs, a suitcase,
Table lamps , magazines and newspapers .
Books , telephone and vase of flowers
Actors - Characters
Mrs Green – Resident
Amy – Resident .
Daisy- Resident
Les – Van Driver
RN – Sister on Duty
AIN – Nursing Assistant
Fr. Mike – Priest
Dr Campbell
Two relief nurses
Setting .
It is morning inside a nursing home . The front reception of the home resembles a kind of sunroom . A large area where people come and go .
There are some half dozen empty chairs, a few wheel chairs . A small coffee table with magazines on in . Flowers in a vase placed in on another table .
A nurses station is adjacent to the front reception area . At the nurses ststion there is a telephone and some books and daily records and report journals .
A few pictures on the wall are displayed and some cups and saucers are left on other small tables . The stage is set in silence as two old ladies sit in their wheelchairs staring into space . The silence is broken by the sound of a car pulling up outside can be heard . The opening and closing of two car doors can be heard in the background . On stage enter two people - Mrs Green and Les , the driver of the Van who brought her . Les is carrying a large suitcase .
Dialogue Begins
Les – “Well here we are Mrs Green . Your new home . I’ll just see if the RN is about . So can you wait right here until I get back . “
Mrs Green – “ Why of course . “
Les exits and Mrs Green stands there in the corridor looking around her new surroundings . She walks over to the two ladies in their wheelchairs .
“Hello . What’s your name ?”
She said to one of the old ladies .
“I can’t hear a word you said .“
Came the reply .
Mrs Green took a step to one side and lifted her baggage . Almost checking out if she was able to carry it . She soon put it back down .
She went over to the other old lady and said ,
“I am a retired music teacher .“
The very well dressed lady smiled and said .
“I used to be dressmaker. But look at me now , I’m 77 and what can I do ?”
She raised both her hands up in the air .
Mrs Green – “ My name is Mrs Green . What is your name ?”
A soft and friendly reply came back .
“Amy “
Mrs Green –“ Come on Amy . Don’t be sad . You can still do lots of things ?”
Amy - “What can I call you ?”
Mrs Green –“ My Mother called me little dot . So you can call me Dot .“
Amy –“ Oh Dot sure , do you know what . I used to be so smart and now look at me . I can’t even remember how to drop a stitch .“
Mrs Green laughed and so did Amy . The other resident in the wheelchair started to call out .
“Nurse . Nurse “
(No one came ).
“Nurse . Nurse “
(Still no one came .)
Mrs Green went over to her and said .
“It doesn’t seem fair . “
“What ?”
Came the reply .
Mrs Green –“ “ Is there anything I can do to help ? “
The old lady tried to get to her feet to stand up but did not have the ability to do so . Mobility was beyond her and she almost lost her balance . Suddenly
a nurse came rushing to her assistance and firmly said ,
AIN-“That was a silly thing to do Daisy . How many times have I told you . You’re not to walk by yourself . You must ask for help . That’s why we are here .“
Daisy – “ I can’t find my hearing aids . Can you get them for me ?”
Mrs Green - “Daisy . So that’s her name then . “
AIN- “Yes and you must be Mrs Green ?”
Mrs Green – “Why Yes .‘
The RN and Les the driver make an intervention and said ,
RN- “ All right nurse . You’ve things to do . No time for talking . Can you bring Daisy up to the dining room . It’s almost afternoon tea time Then if you can get back and bring Amy up as well . After l sign Mrs Green in she can join the others in the dining room for some afternoon tea .“
AIN- “ Right away . I’ll be back shortly .“
She takes Daisy away in her wheelchair .
Les- “Oh Mrs Green and I had a lovely drive here today . Didn’t we ?”
Mrs Green –“I beg your pardon ?”
Les –“ I thought the drive across the bridge was beautiful . Didn’t you say how lovely it was ?”
Mrs Green-“ “That’s right driver . Now come on . I don’t want to be late for afternoon tea . So where is the guest book . Where do I have to to sign in .”
Amy – “I used to speak seven languages you know .”
Les-“I could use you in my job . Driving taxi cabs I often get different kinds of people . Sometimes I can’t understand a word they are saying .”
Amy- “I used to be so clever . Now look at me . I can’t even tell you what room number I am in .”
RN –“ “Mrs Green your room is number 7 . I’m sure you’re going to be very happy here .“
Amy-“ You’re very welcome Dot . Please stay .“
Mrs Green –“ Oh I’m not staying Amy . I’m just here for a little holiday .“
The AIN returns for Amy .
AIN – “Its afternoon tea time Amy . Let’s go to the dining room .“
Amy-“ “I used to play tennis but look at me now . I need people to wheel me around the place . See how clumsy I am .“
The AIN takes Amy away in a wheelchair .
Les - Mrs Green it was nice to have met you . I have another job . Another person and another new room .
Mrs Green – “How much do I owe you .”
Les-“Its free today Mrs Green .”
Mrs Green –“Are you sure ?”
RN- “Its all part of the service Mrs Green .“
The local Doctor enters for his daily visits in the home .
Les – “Hello Dr Fergus .“
Dr Fergus –“Well hello again Les . Could you do me a favour . On your way to collect Mr Whyte from Oldthorns Nursing home could you pick up the monthly magazines from the newsagent . The driver who delivers papers is sick today and some of the residents are missing their magazine .“
Les-“ I’ll do that . Is that the newsagents beside Simple Craft Supplies ?”
Dr Fergus –“That’s the one Les . I would appreciate it >”
Les-“Not a problem . I’m on my way .“
Dr Fergus-“Oh Les . While you’re on the road . Do me a favour pick me up a bottle of Whisky for Mr Mackin . He’s almost run out again . Here’s some money for your trouble . Next time you’re passing by leave the bottle here with the RN ”
The Doctor hands over some money .
Les-“I’ll do that Doctor .”
Les makes his exit .
RN- Well Doctor I’ll pay you for that bottle from Mr Mackins cash float .“
Doctor Fergus –“ Don’t trouble yourself . I saw his wife yesterday and she gave me the money for it .“
RN- This is Mrs Green Doctor . She’s moving in with us for a while .”
Doctor Fergus –“ Mrs Green . Hello . I remember you . Didn’t you play the organ at St Patricks ?“
Mrs Green-“I did but that was a long time ago before I got frustrated with life and lost the desire to laugh and sing during the day .“
RN- ‘Well lets see . Maybe we can help you find that desire again while you’re here with us Mrs Green .“
Mrs Green –“My Mother called me her little Dot: .”
RN –‘Right then . Dot it is then .“
The AIN returned to bring Mrs Green to the dining room . They both make an exit leaving the RN and the Doctor going through notes and reports .The lights are dimmed and almost turned off in the house . Depicting the arrival of dusk and night . As night approached there is a sudden and dramatic change to some of the residents behaviour.Mrs Green for instance began to talk to herself and look busy. Observed by the RN and the AIN she continued to look more confused . The RN and AIN made notes and tried to manage this new condition.
RN –What about a tour Mrs Green . I’d like to show you around . Lets visit the kitchen and meet some of the people in your new home. “
After removing some of her distress the RN takes Mrs Green away from the reception area .Les walks in with a brown bag and hands it to the AIN who is at the nurses station .
Les -“ This is a bottle for Mr Mackin ., Doctors orders . “
AIN – ‘I’ll put it away until I see the RN . Thank you Les .“
Les-‘What time are you going to ?”
AIN-”When even I get things done . So I’m here until the relief gets in at ten .“
Les- That’s a long day .“
AIN-”It’s just a normal shift for me . What about you . Are you still on duty ?”
Les –“Yes . This is my bust time now . Pubs , clubs , tips and slips . See you “
He makes his exit .
As the AIN stood there at the work station a few regular wanderings went past Some people with walking frames and others in their wheelchairs .Mrs Green and the RN soon returned .
RN- Would you take Dot and get her into bed nurse ?”
AIN- ”Right . Is there anything I should know ?”
RN-“She would like a glass of milk and place her radio near her bedhead , Dot likes soft music in the background as she goes to sleep . I’m going to write a report and a new care plan for her .“
Mrs Green –“Thank you so much . I think I like it here .“
RN-“We’ll look after you Dot .“
(The AIN and Mrs Green walk away . The RN begins to write notes as steady flow of old people traffic makes its way past the nurses station . Some are restless and confused . The AIN returns to the nurses station . Both nurses stand at the nurses station looking through notes and reports .)
AIN- “I’ve just been a little concerned about Daisy the last hour .“
RN-“What’s the problem ?”
AIN-“After dinner she went on a wheelchair warpath outside the kitchen .“
RN-“ Oh didn’t she like the dinner ?”
AIN-“I’m afraid so and that was only part of it .“
RN- And there’s mpre ?”
AIN-“Daisy was convinced that Mrs Green the new resident was trying to get a banana from the kitchen and took up a spot right outside the kitchen .
In doing so the other residents were unable to get past her in the corridor .“
RN- “ So where is she now ?”
AIN-“ I sat her in the library where she is watching something on TV . Its not like her .”
RN-“I’ll just go and make an assessment .”
AIN –“Some of the kitchen staff have made an incident reports about Daisy’s behaviour after dinner .”
RN-”Obviously something is not right . I’ll see what’s going on .“
On stage enter Fr Mike. The local Parish Priest who approaches the nurses station .
Fr Mike –“ Hello my name is Father Mike . I’m the parish priest at St Patricks . I had a phone call about an hour ago . I’ve been asked to perform the last rights to one of your residents Mrs Green . If you could show me to her room I believe it is room 7 .“
AIN – “The last rights . “ (She tries not to laugh )
Fr Mike –“ Is there a problem with that ?”
AIN-“ Only the fact that she’s not dying .“
Fr Mike –“ Oh I am sorry . I should have checked . The caller said she was the nurse on duty . Maybe I should have checked before coming .“
AIN -“ The RN’s just gone to observe one of our residents who is having some behaviour problems . She shouldn’t be long .”
Fr Mike – “Its just I know Mrs Green had neen our organist at St Patricks for many years and when I heard she was dying I just rushed straight out the door . “
AIN-“Mrs Green has just arrived today and sometimes new residents panic a little . We have had some even escape for a few hours before the police had brought them back to the facility .“
The RN returned wheeling Daisy . She noted something was wrong and went over to Father Mike .
RN-“ Is something wrong Father ?”
Fr Mike –“ Just answering in response to a call about Mrs Green last rights .“
RN- “I wasn’t aware of that Fr . I’m sorry that you have been caught up in her sundowning behavior . I recognized it right away . “
Fr Mike – “Sundowning ?”
Rn-“Oh yes Father . It’s a dementia-related symptom . There is no known cure yet . “
Fr Mike –“ Can I help ?”
RN –“ Can you provide us with a miracle Father because we’re out of answers with this new disease of the mind .“
Fr Mike – “Well I certainly will pray for that .“
AIN- “ Did you make any sense of why Daisy was so upset ?”
RN-“ Well it would seem that she saw Mrs Green break into the kitchen and she witnessed her steal a bunch of bananas .”
AIN –“ What do we do about that ?”
Fr Mike – “I could hear her confession if that would help ?”
RN- “It’s a little different in here Father . Most of our residents who have dementia problems have no idea of what they are doing .“
Fr Mike –“My God that’s very disturbing .”
AIN-“ Is Mrs Green ok ?”
RN- “She has decided to take a walk outside . I decided it was ok . At the moment she is in the Rose Garden looking quite happy . So I’m thinking to leave her there for a little while . She can’t go anywhere . It is a safe area .
The worst scenario would be to bring an interruption to her present situation
Which might cause her to panic and who knows it might take weeks to settle her back into residency .“
Fr Mike – “ Let me try and talk to her . After all I do know her .“
RN-“ All right Father see what you can do . We do need to get her back to her bedroom as soon as possible .“
Fr Mike – “ God is available at all times . Leave it with me .“
Fr Mike makes an exit .
RN- Could you bring Daisy back to her oom now . She seems a lot better now and maybe you could get her out that old photo album she likes .“
AIN –“ There is a note in the dairy that some of her family and friends are calling tomorrow .”
RN-“That’s right it’s your birthday tomorrow . Isn’t it Daisy ?
Daisy –“I never heard a word you said .“
RN-“ You’ll be ninety eight tomorrow . “
Daisy –“What ?”
RN- “Tomorrow is a special day isn’t it ?”
Daisy –“ I need my hearing aids . Do you know where they are ?”
The RN writes on a piece of paper . You’ll be 98 tomorrow and procedes to hold it in front of her .
Daisy –“I can’t see a thing . Where are my glasses ? Do you know where my glasses are ?”
RN- “Here . This will help you .“
She takes a sweet from her pocket and gives it to her . Daisy takes the sweet and kisse her hand .
“Daisy –“ Thank you .”
The nurse wheels Daisy away and the RN checks her watch before counting out some medication packs . Meanwhile in walks Fr Mike with Mrs Green .
Fr Mike –“The walk outdoors seemed to do the trick . Is there a bed around here where she can have a lie down ?”
RN-“At the end of the corridor is the dining room . Turn left and you’ll see an areas marked with a white arrow . The beds are in that section of the facility .
If you just take her there I’ll be in shortly with her medication and we will make sure to address her other specific needs .“
Fr Mike –“Do we need to report the incident that happened tonight ?”
RN- “ Well yes we do Father . It is part of the policy here . We need to ensure that the other staff members are aware all behavior problems ?”
Fr Mike –“ Oh of course ?”
Mrs. Green –“ I’m sure you will convey my best wishes to the parishioners and tell them I hope to be there on Sunday .“
Fr Mike – “I’ll do that .”
Mrs Green – “ Is there still a problems with the old hymnals ?”
Fr Mike –“ Oh no . That has all been sorted out .”
Mrs Green – “It is always wise that we have the ability to iron these things out with one another . Don’t you agree Father ?”
Fr Mike – “Indeed .”
Fr Mike and Mrs Green make an exit as the AIN returns .
AIN -” I hope I have enough strength left to finish my shift .“
RN - “I know how you feel .“
AIN – “what have we still to do ?”
RN-“ “We need make some notes and check the rooms “
The AIN and RN make their way out of stage . Amy wheels out in her chair wearing a nightdress . She laughs softly .
Amy –“ My . My . I can still remember when I was out on the town , dancing and dining . But look at me now . I can’t even stand on my own two feet . “
Fr Mike returns on stage and – (Laughs)
Fr Mike – Sure enough what a beautiful young lady . Can I have this dance ?”
Fr Mike wheels Amy around in a wide sweep and back again the other way .
Amy –“ Oh you are a naughty boy Fr Mike . But its the best offer I’ve had for weeks . (She laughs )
Fr Mike – That could be infectious you know .“
Amy –”What are you talking about ?
Fr Mike – Laughter . It might be catching .”
Amy – “Oh I do hope so Father .”
Fr Mike – “I’ll be back on Sunday to see you Amy .”
Amy-“ Don’t forget me now .”
Fr Mike –“ Would the sun forget to shine ?
Amy – “ I don’t know . l spend all day locked up inside .”
Fr Mike – “ Would a Mother forget her own children ?”
Amy – “That depends on what kind of kids she had .“
Fr Mike –“ Would time forget to pass .“
Amy “- I wish it would Father .“
(Fr Mike stops wheeling the chair and places his hand into hers).
Fr Mike – “ I promise I’ll never forget you Amy . See you on Sunday .”
(Enter Mrs Green dressed in her nightdress and slippers )
Mrs Green- “I’ll be playing the organ on Sunday .”
Enter the AIN
AIN-” Mrs Green . As soon as I turn my back for a second .You perform a disappearing act “
Mrs Green – “ I’m not at all tired you know .“
As the AIN brings Mrs Green back to her room the RN enters on stage .
RN_ So you’re still here Fr Mike .“
Fr Mike – “Well I really must be on my way .”
RN- “So you’ll be here for service on Sunday then ?”
Fr Mike –“I will and could you do me a favour ?”
RN-“ Sure Father what can I do ?”
Fr Mike – “Could you bring in the old pipe organ for the service . I think it might just help Mrs Green settle in .”
RN –“I will do that Father .”
Fr Mike makes his exit and the RN takes Amy away to bed . The AIN returns and switches on a few of the table lamps . She checks around straightening up the papers and magazines before the RN returns to the nurses station .
Suddenly the doctor walks in .
Dr Campbell – “ Is everything all right . I had a call about Mrs Green .“
RN- “Everythings fine . Why what’s the problem ?”
Dr Campbell – “It seems she was having a heart attack or something ?”
RN- “Are you aware of anything nirse ?”
AIN-“ No . I’ve just put Mrs Green into bed and she’s very relaxed . ”
RN-” Who was it that called you Doctor ?”
Dr Campbell – “Well actually my secretary took the call . She said it was the sister on duty and that I had to come immediately .“
RN- “Well I’m terribly sorry but it seems you may be the victim of somebodys practical joke . I will make an incident report about this Doctor and I can assure you tomorrow I will contact the community health team to inform them about a management plan for Mrs Greens situation . Sorry for your trouble Doctor . “
As the Doctor walks off another two relief nurses walk in . The RN and AIN shift is now at an end . Suddenly Mrs Green comes walking down the corridor . She is assisted to a chair by the RN
RN – “ This is Mrs Green . She has just moved in here today . Read the dairy I’ve made some notes and have a good night .”
Relief nurses –“ Go on then leave it all with us.
AIN – “That sounds great . Good night .‘
RN- “Good night .“
Again the nursing home is quiet for a while . Another night has come .
Another shift and another dawn on its way .
Curtain close
The End
By Paul McCann
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