Antonio Solar: Origins of an Empire
By Miguel De La Cruz
- 761 reads
Antonio Solar: Origins of an Empire
Chapter Six
I had always anticipated my enemy bursting through my metal gates.
A beautiful sound to these ears of mine. My men had orders to never step on the concrete, since I mined the shit out of them.
All of my most loyal soldiers wore SWAT armor, and the rest wore bullet-proof vests. Armed to the teeth with Assault rifles, automatic pistols, and grenades. If that wasn't enough, I bought turrets!
Overkill, I know... but now no one will ever dare to make a frontal assault. Once Reyes' men had taken massive casualties, leaving nothing but dents in my walls... Helicopters started to show up.
Don't know if you've ever seen helicopters explode, but by golly if that isn't purty. It was like watching an action film, but I could smell the smoke and fear. We counted over sixty corpses, no one escaped that night.
Sure, there was enough fire power in my arsenal to reclaim Nueva Barcelona. However, I didn't have enough people to wage a second war. Neither could Reyes, after that ass whooping hahaha!!!
I needed to expand my territory, which wasn't much. Three big cities and a little bit of texas... Sounds like a lot, but not with low man power. My men are fierce, but not elastic...
That week Toro and Pedro set out to a rival city. They spent over five thousand dollars on useless shit, just to make people envious. It was all out of pocket, but of course they're very well paid.
We got more highschool drop outs, wanna-be gangsters, and students. All with little to no family, just like I wanted. My army now had forty three men, so it was time to promote.
It's not a rule... But I needed Capo's to help me run this shit. That night we threw a party at a local park, but set up gilly snipers for protection.
Celebrating his new post, pedro and victor drank like crazy. There was all that you ever wanted in one place. Booze, bitches, and drugs. There was also music, food, and games for the younger ones.
"Para los dos mas chingones de mi gente! Pedro Gutierres y Victor Bautista! Felizidades, hijos de puta!!! Capos de hacero, cabrones! La unica salida es la muerte, por eso... Que siga la parranda!!!"
[T: "To the two most badass motherfuckers of my men! Pedro Gutierres and Victor Bautista! Congratulations, you sons of bitches!!! Capos of steel, motherfuckers! Only way out is death, that's why... Let's keep on partying!!!"
I'm not great at speeches, and to be honest.... I was drunk. Who cares if it's stupid to announce their full name. We struck fear in the hearts of men, women, and children.
Then my security brought Armand and his entourage before me. He gave a snide smile and snapped his fingers.
"I brought you a gift. He's all wrapped up nice and bloody for your convenience."
His men then pushed a man to the ground, his face and clothes drenched in blood. Pedro cocked his pistol, and ran towards him. As Reyes tried to get off the floor, Pedro kneed him in the face.
"Tu gente mato a mi hermano, hijo de puta! Hoy vengo su muerte!"
[T: ("Your people killed my brother, son of a bitch! Today, I avenge his death!")]
Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam! Bam!
Pedro squeezed the trigger of his .350 magnum until he could no more. Tears ran down his cheeks, washing Reyes' blood away. All that anger and bitterness only hardened the exterior...
"I kept up my end of the bargain, you see... Now... I'd like to ask a favor..."
"Spill it, party crasher."
Wasn't really in a good mood to share my new territory...
"I'd like half of your new-"
As soon as he uttered those words, I shot him in the face. Again. His men tried to shoot, but my snipers took care of them. All of the northern border, and half of the eastern coast were mine.
The only problem was that the cartels in the south worked together... It was obvious they wanted to kill Reyes, Armand, and moi. La Patria still had hold of Nueva Barcelona, and with the Spanish army at their disposal....
Madrid Negra arose from the ashes and smoke. They took over Villermosa, Tabasco. Mexico was loosing the war, badly... Spain had been selling technology to the U.S. and China.
The pressure was on ME to keep this land united. If not... All the work I've done and everything I've accomplished... It was in that moment where I just didn't give a fuck anymore. There was no time for pleasantries, it was time to burn my way through.
You think I was brutal before... After killing Reyes and Armand, dealing with the underbosses was easy. I bribed an intelligence officer from the DEA for the location of the underbosses. Within weeks I launched assaults on their compounds, and erased them off the face of the earth.
I rolled up on a bulletproof Hummer with a mounted turret, while my men prepared the mortars. I had eight soldiers with Molotov cocktails setting fire to the exits. Anyone dumb enough to pop up got shot by the turret, which toro fired mercilessly.
All that was left of the compounds was blood, smoke, and rubble. I didn't care if his family was there or if they had children. They chose to open the doors of hell, and I happily welcomed them. The life of carnage seldom shows mercy.
I set fire to an entire rival city, burned everything down. Gunned down people that dared raise their hands, destroyed buildings, and homes. Then Toro punched me in the face, once he heard of my deathsquad.
"Que putas pendejadas has cometido?!"
[T: ("What fucking stupid shit have you done?!")]
I punched him in the nuts, tripped him, and stomped his stomach. Then mounted and punched him repeatedly in the face.
"This is a business of TERROR! Not some fucking tea party!"
Toro's bloody face had resentment and disdain, as if I had crossed the line.
"Tony... what you did was fucked up... We're not terrorists..."
The army showed with tanks and helicopters, but my men were armed with RPGs. Explosions and cries of agony filled Sinaloa, but I didn't flinch once.
"You're wrong. We strike fear into people and kill them if they don't do as we say. We need them to understand that we aren't afraid to massacre everyone, because what I have planned needs no distractions."
Victor showed up with his men in a black Escalade and ushered us inside the car fast. I had completely pissed off all the cartels, and they were coming for us.
Very cowardly in my opinion, waiting till your enemy's ammunition is nearly depleted. Toro was squeezing the the seats cushion, trying to ignore the pain of a broken nose.
"What exactly is your plan? Kill everyone so we have no one to sell drugs to?"
"No... What I have planned will change Mexico and the world."
"By becoming it's dictator."
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